
  • 网络monads;monadism;Monadology;Monadologie
  1. 后现代主义以颠覆传统形而上学为己任,单子论与二元论是其两块基石。

    Postmodernism takes it as its mission to upset the traditional metaphysics , whose foundations are Monadology and dualism .

  2. 怀特海的过程哲学以关系实在论、事件本体论和内在价值论建构起来,这正是对单子论和二元论的有力批判。

    Whitehead 's process philosophy , which is constructed with Realism in Relation , event ontology and axiology intrinsic value , serves as a vigorous criticism of Monadology and dualism .

  3. 莱布尼茨作为德国理性主义美学的奠基者,其美学思想是以单子论的哲学体系为基础的。

    Leibniz is the founder of rational esthetics in Germany . His esthetic thought is based on his philosophy of monads .

  4. 为了避免此种唯我论的困境,胡塞尔提出超验单子论的自我如何将其它自我作为主体间的平等伙伴建构出来。

    In order to avoid the result of egoism , Husserl put forward how the transcendental monad constructed the other ego als intersubjective equal fellow .

  5. 从莱布尼茨的《人类理智新论》和《单子论》中梳理其认识论思想,尤其是他对认识主体的看法。

    Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz 's epistemological thought , especially his view on the subject in his epistemology has been combed from his New Essays on the Human Understanding and Monadology .