
  • 网络chip;single chip;QSC;singlechip
  1. 基于ARM的单芯片嵌入式网关设计

    A Design of Single Chip Gateway Based on ARM

  2. 以MEMS技术实现射频单芯片

    RF MEMS is from System to Single Chip

  3. 高级信号处理系统单芯片实现中的IP复用技术

    Realization of Advanced Signal Processing System with IP Reuse Technology

  4. 单芯片的讲话,拨号和振铃功能的电话IC。

    One-chip telephone IC with speech , dialler and ringer functions .

  5. 该封装结构无论是应用于单芯片还是多芯片阵列封装,都可以满足LED的散热要求。

    The packaging both for single-chip and multi-chips could meet the heat-release requirement for high-power LEDs .

  6. 本文介绍了一台先进的基于DSP的单芯片、全数字控制的在线式UPS。

    This paper presents an on-line UPS controlled by one DSP controller .

  7. OFDM超宽带射频收发器设计关键问题及单芯片实现

    Research and Design of OFDM UWB Transceiver with Full Chip Implementation

  8. 证明了单芯片FPGA实现交流电机控制系统的可行性。

    The feasibility is proved that we can single-chip FPGA realize AC motor control system .

  9. 单芯片多处理器中Cache一致性的分析

    Analysis of Cache Coherence in Chip Multi-Processor

  10. 聚芯SoC,计算机控制单芯片化

    Single Chip Solutions of Computer Control Based on Soc 1000

  11. 基于蓝牙单芯片的嵌入式蓝牙系统实现嵌入式GPRS通信模块开发研究

    Development of Embedded Bluetooth System The Research of the Embedded GPRS Module

  12. 单芯片CMOS图像传感器数字系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of the Digital System of a System-on-a-Chip CMOS Image Sensor

  13. 本论文设计了RFID单芯片阅读器中的频率综合器。

    This paper is about the design of the UHF RFID reader frequency synthesizer part .

  14. 随着RFID技术的不断发展,低成本,单芯片集成的RFID读写器成为发展趋势。

    With the development of RFID technique , low cost and single-chip integrated RFID reader is tendency .

  15. 提出了一种采用SOC单芯片设计字符发生器的方法;

    With SOC , a new design of symbol generator is put forward in this paper .

  16. 最理想的情况是,这些产品能够提供给设计工程师一个单芯片方案,包含所有的建立智能LED驱动所需的模块。

    Optimally , these products provide design engineers with all the building blocks required to build intelligent LED Drivers in a single monolithic thermally enhanced package .

  17. 介绍了MEMS封装技术,包括单芯片和多芯片封装技术。

    This paper describes the developments in MEMS packaging technologies , including single chip and multi chip packaging solutions .

  18. 设计了在激光测高系统中基于单芯片现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的高精度时间间隔测量模块。

    A high-resolution flight time measurement system based on a single field programmable gate array ( FPGA ) in laser altimeter is designed .

  19. 对一种先进的双悬臂梁高量程MEMS加速度计的单芯片封装工艺进行了失效机理分析。

    Failure analysis is conducted for the single chip packaging process of an advanced high-range MEMS accelerometer with double cantilever beams .

  20. 8086单芯片计算机VGA控制器的研究与设计

    Research and Design of a VGA Controller for 8086 CPU Based Computer-on-a-Chip

  21. 阐述了MEMS的主要封装工艺和技术,包括圆片级封装、单芯片封装、多芯片组件和3D堆叠式封装等。

    Moreover , some major processes package of MEMS , including wafer-level packaging , single-chip packaging , multi-chip packaging and stacked 3D packaging , etc were discussed .

  22. 该IP芯核相当于硬件ASIC,为飞行器提供了具有高可靠性和具有可扩展能力的单芯片控制器。

    IP core is equivalent to hardware ASIC , which serves in aircraft as the single chip controller with high reliability and expansion capacity .

  23. 然后本文着重研究了基于单芯片设计的网络交换机的QoS功能的设计及其实现,并提出了基于QoS技术的网络安全设计。

    Then we focuses on the QoS design and implementation of network switches , and proposed a network security design which is based on QoS technology .

  24. 视频信号处理、无线通信等应用领域中,DSP技术的快速发展使得对单芯片ADC的要求越来越高。

    The rapid development of DSP techniques in application areas such as video signal processing and wireless communication keep demanding high performance of monolithic ADC .

  25. 这是一款完整的单芯片ADC,内置片内高性能、低噪声采样保持放大器和可编程基准电压源。

    It is a complete , monolithic ADC with an on-chip , high performance , low noise sample-and-hold amplifier and programmable voltage reference .

  26. 目前,高端单芯片GPU的单精度浮点处理能力达到了1Tflops/s已超过主流CPU的十倍以上。

    At present , the high-end single chip GPU single-precision floating-point processing capacity reached1tflops / s has more than ten times the main CPU .

  27. 本文的主要工作有:(1)对UHFRFID协议进行了分析,明确了运用在UHFRFID单芯片读写器模拟基带滤波器的带宽指标。

    UHF RFID protocols are analysed , and the bandwidth of analog baseband filters used on UHF RFID single-chip reader is identified . 2 .

  28. 对此,Android之父安迪•鲁宾在博客中写道:“我们没有,而且也永远不会尝试在单芯片架构上将平台标准化。”

    Writes Rubin : " there are not , and never have been , any efforts to standardize the platform on any single chipset architecture . "

  29. CMOS图像传感器可在单芯片内集成时序和控制电路、A/D转换、信号处理等功能。

    The CMOS APS technology allows the integration of timing and control electronics , imaging detector arrays , signal chains and analog-to-digital conversion on a single integrated circuit .

  30. 新型的ISFET微传感器读出电路单芯片集成研究

    Monolithic Integration of a Novel ISFET Microsensor Readout Circuit