
dān yīn jié
  • monosyllable
  1. 从V的音节特点看,可以是单音节,也可以是双音节。

    From the view of the characteristic of verb 's syllables , the verb may be monosyllable , it also bisyllable .

  2. 单音节语气副词的语法化机制研究

    On the Grammaticalization Mechanism of the Monosyllable Modal Adverbs

  3. 他们给了4组看起来很模糊类似的单词,同时告诉一些捏造的名字,比如毫无意义的汉语单音节名字——song。

    They took four similar shades of green and blue and gave them made-up names - meaningless Mandarin monosyllables like s ò ng .

  4. 文章探讨惠州话形容词的重叠式,认为惠州话单音节形容词的重叠有三种格式:A→AA,A→AA(?)

    The reduplicative patterns of the monosyllabic adjectives in Huizhou dialect have three forms , A-AA , A-AA (?)

  5. 基于基音元的汉字单音节LPC合成方法

    A Method of LPC Speech Synthesis of Chinese Syllables Based on Pitch Unit

  6. Screeched(screech:尖叫)是最长的单音节单词。

    Screeched is the longest one-syllable word in the English language .

  7. 这一部分首先从单音节出发,阐述了V单+于结构逐步词汇化的成因,主要从内因和外因出发进行阐释。

    This part starts from monosyllabic , expounds " V single + in " the cause of lexicalization structure step by step , mainly from internal and external set out on interpretation .

  8. 《西游记》单音节动词重叠式VV与V-V的差异

    Study for the differences of overlapping forms of mono-syllable verbs ( vv and v-v ) in the novel Pilgrimage to the West

  9. 此类结构中的V主要是单音节动词,而VP的形式则灵活多样,V和VP只有肯定形式,没有否定形式,V和VP之间是一种假设的逻辑关系。

    V is mainly monosyllabic verb , but the VP has flexible and diverse forms , V jiu VP only has certain forms , there is no negative form , there is a logical relationship that is assumptions between V and VP .

  10. 另外还有两个单音节泛义动词:治、挒等。

    There are two more single-morpheme general verbs zhi and lie .

  11. 古汉语同义词的确定及辨析问题&兼论《荀子》单音节形容词同义词的形成原因

    On Confirmation and Comparison of Synonyms in Ancient Chinese Language

  12. 《盐铁论》单音节动词的语义角色

    The Semantic Role of One-syllabic Verbs in Discussions about Salt and Iron

  13. 《荀子》单音节动词同义词显示的格式。

    Display forms of synonymic monosyllabic verbs in Xun Zi .

  14. 浅议现代汉语单音节副词的重叠形式

    Some Ideas about the Reduplicated Form of Monosyllabic Adverbs in Modern Chinese

  15. 普通话儿童词汇相邻性单音节词表的编制语音学理论在普通话单音节小词表编录中的应用

    Application of Phonetic Theories in Compilation of Short Mandarin Monosyllabic Word List

  16. 单音节、双音节、三音节及多音节词。

    Words with one , two , three y or more syllables .

  17. 汉语借词中,单音节外来词只占一小部分。

    Monosyllabic loanwords constitute only a small proportion of the Chinese loanwords .

  18. 缅因州是美国唯一单音节的州名。

    Maine is the only state whose name is just one syllable .

  19. 单音节形容词修饰名词的结构方式及其原则

    The Modes of Monosyllabic Adjective Used as Modifier of Noun and Its Principle

  20. 单音节形容词和名词组合的选择性机制

    Selective Mechanism of Combination of Monosyllable Adjectives and Nouns

  21. 汉语单音节词汇产生中的激活反馈

    The Feedback from Phonological Encoding to Lemma Selection in Chinese Monosyllabic Word Production

  22. 王维在以一种单音节的方式跳舞。

    Wang Wei is dancing in a monosyllabic way .

  23. 基于单音节的汉语文语转换系统及其应用

    Chinese Text - to - Speech System and Application

  24. 现代汉语单音节副词可以重叠。

    Monosyllabic adverbs in modern Chinese can be reduplicated .

  25. 全文分四个部分:一、单音节被动标记;

    The full text divide fourparts : 1 . passive marking of monosyllabic ;

  26. 现代汉语单音节副词的兼类考察及认知解释

    A Cognitive Approach to Part of Speech Conversion of Monosyllabic Adverbs in Modern Chinese

  27. 现代汉语单音节兼类词研究&基于《现代汉语词典》的定量统计分析

    Words in the Contemporary Chinese & A Quantitative survey of the Contemporary Chinese Dictionary

  28. 现代汉语单音节反义词音义象似性考察

    A Study on Iconicity between Sounds and Meanings of Monosyllabic Acronyms in Modern Chinese

  29. 单音节重叠副词可分为三类。

    Such reduplicated adverbs fall into three types .

  30. 单音节反义形容词不对称现象研究

    Versa Righteousness in Monosyllabic Adjective Dissymmetry Phenomenon Research