
  1. 下次你在湖边乘凉时,请尽量忘记以下事实——n多毛茸茸的单细胞微生物正在你周围进行一些非常奇异的繁殖活动。

    Next time you cool off in a lake , try not to think about the fact that you might be surrounded by furry single-celled microbes engaging in some truly peculiar reproductive behavior .

  2. 变形虫和细菌是单细胞微生物。

    Amoebae and bacteria are single-celled organisms .

  3. 单细胞微生物基因组学研究

    Genomics research of the single cell microbes

  4. 它们已经存在数十亿年了,它们是单细胞微生物。

    They 've been here for billions of years , and what they are are single-celled microscopic organisms .

  5. 真核单细胞微生物,与多细胞动植物不同;原生动物、粘液菌类和真核海藻。

    Eukaryotic one-celled living organisms distinct from multicellular plants and animals : protozoa , slime molds , and eukaryotic algae .

  6. 太……这个星球上的一切生物经过数千万年……从单细胞微生物进化而成而你说太简单?

    Too ... The process of every living thing on this planet evolving over millions of years from singlecelled organisms , too easy ?

  7. 这一招是有效的:事实表明,很多蚊子能够击退引起疟疾的单细胞微生物&疟原虫。

    It 's effective , as evinced by the fact that many mosquitoes are able to fight off Plasmodium , the single-celled microbe that causes malaria .

  8. 一个人体需要由万亿个细胞组成,很明显,我们的肉体远胜过由相同数量的单细胞微生物简单地放在一起所形成一堆物质。

    A human body is made of trillions of cells , and it is far better than a mere aggregation of some single-celled microorganisms of the same count .

  9. 啤酒酵母是一种单细胞微生物,胞内含有丰富的蛋白质、核酸、碳水化合物、矿物质等营养成分,是一种重要的蛋白质源和核酸源。

    Beer yeast , a kind of single cell microorganism , which contains abundant proteins , nucleic acids , carbohydrates and minerals , is an important protein and nucleic acid source .

  10. 唐:是的。远古时候,地球上存在着大量的细菌和其它单细胞的微生物,但在过去的5亿4000万年内,地球经历了5次大灭绝,灭绝的大多是海洋植物和海洋动物,但也有一些陆地生物。

    Don : Yep , many were prehistoric bacteria and other single-cell microorganisms , but in the past 540 million years or so , there 've been about 5 mass extinctions . Many are marine plants and animals but also off-land organisms .