
dān shù
  • singular;odd number
单数 [dān shù]
  • (1) [odd number]

  • (2) 大于零的奇数

  • (3) [singular] 某些语言中由词本身形式表示的单一的数量

单数[dān shù]
  1. 候选人总数为单数。

    There 's an odd number of candidates .

  2. 合议庭的成员人数,必须是单数。适用简易程序审理的民事案件,由审判员一人独任审理。

    The collegial panel must have an odd number of members . Civil cases in which summary procedure is followed shall be tried by a single judge alone .

  3. 这个动词应当用单数形式。

    The verb should be in the singular .

  4. Inuit(依努依特人)的单数形式是Inuk。

    The singular of Inuit is Inuk .

  5. 单词you可以是单数也可以是复数。

    The word ' you ' can be singular or plural .

  6. 在英语中,一个从句在句子中用作主语时作单数看待。

    In english , a clause acting as the subject of a sentence counts as singular .

  7. 可数名词有单数和复数之分。

    Countable nouns have singular and plural forms .

  8. 我们用one(单数)和ones(复数)避免不必要的重复。

    We use one ( singular ) and ones ( plural ) to avoid unnecessary repetition .

  9. 本句的意思是“公海内捕获大量的鱼。”当quantities+可数或不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,只是在quantityof+不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。

    Great quantities of fish are caught on high seas .

  10. “mice”的单数形是“mouse”。

    The singular of " mice " is " mouse " .

  11. 六比五大。数字six后接单数动词。

    Six is greater than five .

  12. 名词“action”是单数,他是“actions”的单数形式。

    The noun " action " is singular ; it is the singular form of " actions " .

  13. 名词mouse是单数,它是mice的单数形式。

    The noun " mouse " is singular ; it is the singular form of " mice " .

  14. departments和employees元素的名称可能选择得不太好,单数或许要比复数更好些。

    The departments and employees elements are perhaps unfortunately named ; singular rather than plural might have been better .

  15. 另一个稍微古怪的方面是,Rails为不同的内容使用单数和复数的名称。

    Another little oddity exists with the Rails'use of singular and plural names for various things .

  16. (syntax应为sintax罪孽税;或sinmoney赎罪金)trousers(裤子)是个不寻常的单词,因为它的上半截是单数的,而下半截是复数的。

    The word " trousers " is an uncommon noun because it is singular at the top and plural at the bottom .

  17. trousers没有单数形式。

    " Trousers " has no singular .

  18. 单数的测试将会调用一个hub,它负责将每个请求分配到正确的浏览器。

    Singular tests will invoke a hub , which is in charge of dispatching each request to the right browser .

  19. 如果大于1,则会将一个新的title变量设置为files;否则,title将被设置为单数形式的file。

    If so , it sets a new variable , called title , to files ; otherwise , the title is set to the singular form file .

  20. 注:您可能已经注意到该表被称为posts(复数),而模型名称为post(单数)。

    NOTE : You may have noticed that the table is called posts ( plural ), while the model name is post ( singular ) .

  21. 一个“serie”或者“serum”,就像“sheep”的单数应该是“shoop”。

    one " serie , " or " serum , " just like the singular of " sheep " should be " shoop . "

  22. 一方面,need可用作实义动词,此时它的用法跟其他动词一样:第三人称单数作主语时加s,疑问句和否定句用do来构成。

    On the one hand , it can be used as an ordinary verb and has the same forms as an ordinary verb . The third person singular ends with an s , and questions and negatives are formed with do .

  23. 甘思德:汉语“中国”一词常常被错误地翻译成“MiddleKingdom”。其实更准确的译法应该是“centralstates”(注:中部列国),“states”为复数,而不是单数。

    The Chinese word for China , zhongguo , is often mis-translated as ' Middle Kingdom . ' In fact , a more accurate rendering is ' central states , ' plural , not singular .

  24. 除了现在时第三人称单数后面那个讨厌的s以外(sheruns),不管你谈到谁,动词形式保持不变。

    Apart from a pesky s at the end of the present tense third person singular ( she runs ), verbs remain unchanged no matter who you are talking about .

  25. 关于母亲节的英文符号,多数国家采用单数名词“Mother'sDay”,“s”前的单引号想要表达的是,每个家庭感恩自己的母亲,而非全天下的母亲。

    A punctuation point about the day is that most countries choose the singular possessive " Mother 's Day , " with the apostrophe before the ' s " to show that each family honours their mother , rather than all of the world 's mothers .

  26. 方法任选60例中风急性期患者(全部经CT或MR确诊),将住院号为双数者列为观察组,住院号为单数者列为对照组,每组30例。

    Methods 60 cases with acute heart stroke , all affirmatively diagnosed by CT or MR , were randomly divided into groups according to their registration numbers : 30 with odd number as observational group and the other 30 with even number as control group .

  27. “大厦”是单数名词,不过在这里面居住和工作的大部分人都说这有五个街区,从A到E,它的电梯仅仅连接着昏暗和幽闭集市的前两层。

    The " Mansions " is a singular noun , but most people who live and work there speak of its five blocks , A to E , their lifts connecting only at the dim and claustrophobic bazaar on the first two floors .

  28. 方法将起病到就诊时间为120d内的病人按入院次序随机分成两组(单数为第1组,双数为第2组),每组150例,共300例。

    Methods 300 patients adopted within 120 days from onset to admission were randomly divided into 2 groups , 150 in each .

  29. 如果算作两个,那么我们是否也要把它的变型也单独计算(例如:复数名词dogs,第三人称单数现在时dogs)?Dog-tired(筋疲力尽)算一个单词还是两个连在一起的单词?

    If we count it as two , then do we count inflections separately too ( e.g. dogs = plural noun , dogs = present tense of the verb ) . Is dog-tired a word , or just two other words joined together ?

  30. 梅里亚姆-韦伯斯特在线词典表示,直到18世纪,这个词才被用来表示“一个人的成就或受欢迎程度达到顶峰的时期”。通常情况下,我们用单数形式的“heyday”。

    Meriam-Webster online dictionary says it was not until the 18th century that the word was used to mean " the period when one 's achievement or popularity has reached its zenith . " Usually , we use heyday in the singular form .