
dònɡ wù xué jiā
  • zoologist
  1. 动物学家尤金·莫顿提出了一个有关动物发声的概括性理论。

    Zoologist Eugene Morton has propounded a general theory of the vocal sounds that animals make .

  2. 这位动物学家与猴子一起生活了很长时间。

    The zoologist had spent a long time living with monkeys .

  3. 它现在也是化学家和动物学家愈感兴趣的一个所在。

    It is now a source of growing interest for chemists and zoologists as well .

  4. 动物学家把螺蛳归入甲壳类。

    Zoologists refer barnacles to Crustanceans .

  5. 蕾切尔·卡逊(RachelCarson)是美国的海洋生物学家、动物学家和作家。

    Rachel Carson is a marine biologist , zoologist and writer of America .

  6. 在英国央行(BoE),安迪•霍尔丹(AndyHaldane)等经济学家曾与罗伯特•梅(RobertMay)等动物学家合作,共同研究金融稳定性问题。

    At the Bank of England , economists such as Andy Haldane have collaborated with zoologists such as Robert May to study financial stability .

  7. 获得过诺贝尔奖的动物学家康拉德·Z·洛伦茨(KonradZ.Lorenz)曾表示,人类也受制于同样的驯化机制。

    The Nobel Prize-winning zoologist Konrad Z. Lorenz once suggested that humans were subject to the same dynamics of domestication .

  8. 几个月前,金和其他英国央行官员开始与罗伯特梅勋爵(LordRobertMay)展开头脑风暴。梅勋爵是著名的动物学家、曾任英国皇家学会(RoyalSociety)主席以及英国政府首席科学顾问。

    A few months ago Mr King and other Bank officials started brainstorming with Lord Robert May , the prominent zoologist and former head of the Royal Society ( and ex-chief scientific adviser to the UK government ) .

  9. 韦斯·拉尔森的官方身份是一名熊类动物学家,私下里则是一名拥有81000名粉丝的Instagram红人,粉丝们每天都迫不急待地看他上传的照片。

    Officially Wes Larson is a bear scientist , unofficially he is an Instagram star with 81000 followers who can 't get enough of his uploads .

  10. 灵长类动物学家IrisDr·scher和PeterKappeler将注意力集中在七对结为夫妇的白足运动型狐猴身上。这些狐猴生活在马达加斯加岛南部的一个自然保护区中。

    Primatologists Iris Dr · scher and Peter Kappeler concentrated on seven sets of pair-bonded members of a species called white-footed sportive lemurs , at a nature reserve in southern Madagascar .

  11. 1976年,英国牛津大学著名动物学家和行为生态学家RichardDawkins在他出版的畅销书《自私的基因》中提出模因论的基本思想。

    The theory of memetics is first proposed by Richard Dawkins , a British ethologist and evolutionary biologist in Oxford University , in his best seller book The Selfish Gene in 1976 .

  12. 血液中心的VilabII项目负责人艾尔弗雷德·M·普林斯(AlfredMPrince)于2005年12月在《美国灵长目动物学家协会通报》(AmericanSocietyofPrimatologistsBulletin)发表文章,寻找基金会来接管照料黑猩猩的工作。

    Alfred M. Prince , director of the Vilab II project for the blood center , wrote an article in the American Society of Primatologists Bulletin in December 2005 , seeking a foundation to take over care of the chimps .

  13. 这是Imo真实的故事!1952年在Koshima小伤伤,一个灵长类动物学家把一些红薯放在岸边让猴子吃。

    That 's the true story of Imo the macaque monkey ! In 1952 on the island of Koshima , a primatologist was leaving sweet potatoes on the shore for the monkeys to eat .

  14. 模因是英国著名动物学家RichardDawkins(1976)在其出版的《自私的基因》中模仿基因一词而得出。

    The word " meme " is the imitation of the term " gene "; it is first mentioned by the famous English zoologist Richard Dawkins ( 1976 ) in his publication of " The Selfish Gene " .

  15. 非洲之友已经准备好与ISZS和其他动物学家和动物研究组织合作以拯救我们濒于灭绝的野生动物。

    Friends of Africa is ready to work with ISZS and other zoologists and zoological organizations in pursuit of saving our endangered wildlife .

  16. Macintosh团队里有音乐家,有诗人、艺术家、动物学家、历史学家这些人也懂计算机,所以Macintosh才这么出色

    and I think part of what made the Macintosh great was that people working on it were musicians , and poets and artists , and zoologists and historians , who also happened to be the best computer scientists in the world .

  17. 杜克大学灵长类动物学家ElwynSimons在电话采访中说:“我们很惊讶它的大脑竟然如此之小。”由他负责的本次研究被刊登在美国国家科学院报中。

    " What was astonishing is how small this brain is ," Duke University primatologist Elwyn Simons , who led the study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , said in a telephone interview .

  18. 一个法国动物学家Brouardel教授,获得了初步的证据,证实某些深海海洋动物在漆黑的、没有任何可辨识的光合作用行为(的环境)下茁壮成长。

    A French zoologist , Professor Brouardel , has preliminary evidence that some marine animals of the abyss thrive in the blackness without any discernible action of photosynthesis .

  19. 动物学家DamienFarine说:鸟类体内储存脂肪为了免于在寒冷的冬夜里挨饿受冻,但吃饱了身子不够灵活就会飞得慢,所以,更有可能被猎食动物吃掉。

    Zoologist Damien Farine said : Birds have to store body fat to avoid starving during the cold winter nights , but this can make them slower and less manoeuvrable so they are more likely to be caught by predators .

  20. 动物学家DamienFarine说:“鸟类体内储存脂肪为了免于在寒冷的冬夜里挨饿受冻,但吃饱了身子不够灵活就会飞得慢,所以,更有可能被猎食动物吃掉。”

    Zoologist Damien Farine said : ' Birds have to store body fat to avoid starving during the cold winter nights , but this can make them slower and less manoeuvrable so they are more likely to be caught by predators .

  21. BirutéGaldikas对该项目很赞赏,她是一位著名的灵长目动物学家,她从1971年以来就开始研究丹戎普丁国家公园的猩猩,在公园的中心由300多只猩猩在她的照料下可以安全地放回野生群体中。

    Birut é Galdikas , a renowned primatologist who has been studying orang-utans in Tanjung Puting since 1971 , is " thrilled " by the idea . Rescued orang-utans , of whom more than 300 are in her care centre in the park , could be freed without danger to the wild population .

  22. 一名动物学家向导和几名印第安人向导服务费。

    Services of a zoologist guide , and several Indian guides .

  23. 欧洲许多动物学家认为她的想法荒诞可笑。

    Many zoologists in Europe regarded her ideas as being ridiculous .

  24. 一个当地的动物学家认为它是乘游艇来的。

    A local zoologist suggested it had arrived on a cruise ship .

  25. 一些动物学家认为长颈鹿身上的花纹是用来伪装自己的。

    Some zoologists think that the giraffe 's pattern is for camouflage .

  26. 动物学家发现了软体动物的新品种得对它进行再分类。

    The zoologists had to reclassify the mollusks after they found new species .

  27. 在动物自然栖息地研究它们的行为的动物学家。

    A zoologist who studies the behavior of animals in their natural habitats .

  28. 这一猜测遭到动物学家的质疑。

    This guess was questioned by zoologists as follows .

  29. 灵长类动物学家意识到他观察到的正是新方法在猴群社会中的传播方式!

    The primatologist realized he was watching the way new ideas spread in society !

  30. 动物学家研究动物生活的发展。

    Zoologists study the development of animal life .