
  • 网络animal society;animalsociety
  1. 警报叫声是非人灵长类动物社会交往中的一种重要的通讯行为。

    Alarm - calling behavior is important in the social communication of nonhuman primates .

  2. 在国际上,对动物社会识别行为的研究已成为揭示动物学习和记忆的神经生物学机制的一个起点。

    International studies for animal social recognition behavior have made it a start elucidating animal learn and memory neurobiology mechanisms .

  3. 人类社会中分工的特征不仅在于比动物社会复杂,而且在于分工由简单到复杂的演进过程。

    Division of labor in human society is not only more complex in its character but also in its evolution process from simple to complicated .

  4. 动物的社会性团体,乃至整个社会本身都最终依赖于这些受体。

    Social groups , and society itself , rely ultimately on these receptors .

  5. 激发学生对动物乃至社会的责任感。

    Help students have a sense of responsibility for pets and the society .

  6. 威尔逊通过社会生物学的研究,指出动物的社会行为有其生物学的基础。

    Edward Osborne Wilson pointed out that the social behavior of animals has the foundation of biology by Sociobiological studying .

  7. 论述节尾狐猴在半圈养条件下群体的组成及群体成员之间的社会交往和活动,以反映该动物的社会行为关系,为饲养管理以及种群调整优化作进一步的探讨。

    This paper reported the composition of the social group and social behavior of the ring-tailed lemur in a semi-natural environment .

  8. 对不同地区、不同季节同一物种集群特征的研究,有助于了解动物的社会行为和集群机制,集群特征研究在动物生态学研究中占据重要地位。

    The research on the group characteristics of a certain species in different areas and different seasons would help to understand the social behavior and aggregation mechanism .

  9. 《动物园的故事》的套盒结构揭示了现代人地狱般的生存状态:人即是动物,社会即是动物园。

    The frame structure in 《 The Zoo Story 》 reveals the infernal existence of modern man : man is an animal and society is a zoo .

  10. 看不见东西会感觉怎样?北美许多残疾人士依靠动物帮助社会,你怎么看待导盲犬?

    How would it feel to be blind ? Many disable people in North America depend on animals to function society , what do you think of seeing-eye dogs ?

  11. 粒子群优化的搜索是基于对自然界中鱼群和鸟群等动物的社会行为的模拟,种群中的个体以一种相互协作的方式寻找食物。

    PSO is based on simulations of social behaviors such as animals herding , fish schooling , and birds flocking where the swarms search for food in a collaborative manner .

  12. 但显而易见,人性是动物性与社会性的统一体。

    But clearly , humanity is made of animalism and sociality .

  13. 俄汉动物形象的社会文化色彩

    The Social Culture Color of Animal Image Between Russian and Chinese

  14. 英语动物词的社会文化内涵

    The Formation of English Animal Words and Their Cultural Connotations

  15. 媒介控制喷洒、人和动物监测以及社会动员活动仍在继续进行。

    Vector control spraying , human and animal surveillance and social mobilization activities are continuing .

  16. 由于人类生命本身就是动物性和社会性的精神杂糅,因而人格分裂现象随着人类社会的诞生而不可避免地诞生了。

    As man is the spiritual mixture of animal nature and social nature , split personality came in being alongside with the birth of human society .

  17. 分工现象在动物和人类社会中无处不在,正是分工使得合作有意义。

    The phenomena of division of work is ubiquitous in animals as well as human societies . It is division of work that makes cooperation meaningful .

  18. 这是因为人同时又是一种社会动物,种种社会力量都可能决定个人的命运,包括他的生与死。

    This is because man is also a social animal , all sorts of social forces could decide the fate of individuals , including his life and death .

  19. 动物性是社会中诸多问题的源头,如贪婪,自私等,金斯莱强调社会属性是克服动物性缺点的一剂良药。

    Animal instinct is the source of all the problems in the society , such as selfishness and greediness . Kingsley emphasizes the good social property , which is , to him , the cure to the evil animal instinct .

  20. 人是天生的政治动物侧重于社会政治的角度,在人类历史上第一次较为素朴地揭示了人的社会属性,是人的自我认识史上一次重大的飞跃。

    " Man is inborn a political animal " puts emphasis on social politics , simply revealing man 's social attribute for the first time in human history , which is a significant leap in the human history of self cognition .

  21. 克服不好的动物性,使得社会良好发展。

    Overcoming the bad animal instincts makes the society better .

  22. 动物保护工作和社会变化的相关性为何?

    How is animal protection movement related to social change ?

  23. 集群生活是动物的一种社会行为。

    Group living is a social behavior of animals .

  24. 老天只会造无趣的动物;我们的社会多亏有这些笨的人。

    Nature makes only dull animals ; we owe the fool to society .

  25. 人是社会的人,社会性是人与动物本质区别的社会性维度,人的本质只有从其所处的社会关系的总和去寻找。

    Human essence can only be found in the social relationship that He is in .

  26. 它们起到了把野生动物狩猎融入农业社会的作用。

    They function as a means of incorporating wild animal hunting into an agricultural society .

  27. 所以尽管我们自认为是社会动物,以享受社会接触自居,但仍然尽可能避免与陌生人谈话。

    So despite being social animals and enjoying social engagement , we avoid chatting with strangers .

  28. 道德起源于动物的本性和社会本能,动物作为自然界的成员,享有与人类一样的自然道德权利。

    As the member of nature , animals should enjoy the same natural moral rights as humans .

  29. 中国森林、湿地和野生动物自然保护区社会林业工程评价指标体系及其可持续发展模式的研究

    The evaluation index system and sustainable development model of China forest , wetland and wildlife nature reserve by social forestry engineering

  30. 社会识别是动物表现一系列社会行为的先决条件,动物通过它来确认和识别同种个体。

    Social behavior which animals identity and recognize other individual con-specifics , is a prerequisite for the occurrence of life in a group .