
  • 网络shared activity;common activity;joint activity
  1. 这些模式有三个主要的共同活动:分析、战略开发和评估。

    All the models have three common activities that are analysis , strategy development and assessment .

  2. 在教学过程中,教师与学生处于共同活动的双边,是互为主体又互为客体的辩证关系,也即“教师为主体,学生为主体”。

    In the teaching process , teachers and students are participants in the common activities . They are subjects as well as objects .

  3. 组织是任何有目的的共同活动不可缺少的人的集合。

    Organization is the essential assembly of people of any purposeful collective activity .

  4. 合作是共同活动的基本条件,是协作成功的关键。

    Cooperation is a basic term in common activity and key to collaboration success .

  5. 跨种族的室友在一起的时间很少,而且他们很少像白人室友一样参加共同活动。

    The interracial roommates spent less time together , and had fewer joint activities than the white pairs .

  6. 在另一方面,两个过程有一些共同活动,比如开发解决方案或验证构建。

    On the other hand , both processes share some activities , such as Develop Solution or Validate Build .

  7. 托幼机构是儿童、工作人员(包括教师)和儿童家长共同活动的场所。

    A day care center is a place shared by children , staff ( including teachers ) and parents .

  8. 教学过程是教师和学生共同活动的过程,是教师引导下的学生学习的过程。

    Teaching is a process , involving both teachers and students . It 's a students ' learning process instructed by a teacher .

  9. 合作学习就是在教学上运用小组,使学生共同活动,以最大程度地促进他们自己以及他人的学习。

    Cooperative learning is the instructional use of small groups so that students work together to maximize their own and each other 's learning .

  10. 从规划和建设角度来看,开放式结构小区拥有开放的公共空间和私密的居住空间,前者是居民共同活动和交流的场所,后者是保持安全与安静的居住场所。

    Seeing from the programming angle , it has open public spaces which support public communication and private living spaces which keep safe living environment .

  11. 有许多特色的人感觉在共同活动的范围以内,他们自己的禀性、脾气无法得到正常的、健康的表达。

    There are many exceptional individuals who find within the limits of the communal activity no normal and healthful expression of their individual aptitudes and temperaments .

  12. 为了促进组员应用沟通技巧以及促进亲子沟通,增进亲子关系。家长组和子女组共同活动。

    This is in order to facilitate the application of communication skills , as well as improve communication between parents and children and enhance their relationships .

  13. 生活在这个特定时空中的人们在长期的集体生活和共同活动中形成了关于本群体的地方文化和社会规则。

    Living in this particular time and space , people creat their own local culture and social rules in the collective life of them for an enough term .

  14. 阐述了集体性教学方法的含义、前提条件和功能,介绍了共同活动的概念、功能以及共同活动的社会心理基础。

    Analyzes the factors which affects human relationship and analyzes the function of collective teaching method and introduces concept , characteristic , function and social psychological foundation of co-activities .

  15. 整个实验过程,贯穿着一系列的师生之间和学生之间的共同活动以及具体的写作课案例。

    The experiment is composed of a whole series of shared activities on the part of both teachers and students , and some specific cases of writing classroom instruction .

  16. 英语教学方法在教学实践活动中的应用,应该是多角度的和综合性的,是师生为完成一定教学任务在共同活动中所采用的方法。

    The application of English pedagogy in the practical teaching activities should be multimodal . It should be some method applied in the common activities in which teachers and students are finishing teaching tasks .

  17. 不管是住厂女工还是住家女工,社会交往场域是她们共同活动的空间,也是逃避工厂规训体系的一个重要活动空间。

    I found that whether living factory workers or home workers , social interaction field is not only the space of their common activities but also an important space to escape the system of factory discipline .

  18. 主要内容有按摩舞、盲行、心灵手巧等;第六节,回顾过去,展望未来。为了促使组员在回顾前几次学习的沟通技巧的同时展望未来。家长组和子女组共同活动。

    The parents and children joint activities & " massage dance "," blind line "," handyman ", etc. Section VI is " review and prospect " which aims to review the communication skills and looking the future .

  19. 同伴关系是指年龄相仿的个体之间或心理发展水平相当的个体之间产生的共同活动并相互协作的人际关系,它是在与同伴的社会交往过程中形成和发展起来的。

    Peer relationship is a kind of interpersonal relationship that obtain common activity and cooperation relationships between children of the same age or similar psychological development level , which establishes and develops during the process of communication between peers .

  20. 人脑由大约140万亿神经细胞组成,是人体内结构最复杂的器官之一,脑电信号是许多神经元共同活动的结果,反映出脑神经的电生理运动。

    The human brain consisting of about 140 trillion nerve cells is one of the most complicated organs in human body . EEG is the result of many neurons ' joint activities , which reflects electrophysiological movements of brain nerves .

  21. 现代物流活动不是单个部门或企业的事,而是以供应链为纽带,包括从原材料到消费者的一系列的共同活动。

    Modem logistics activity is not the matters of a single department or a single corporation but a series of common activities that include the facts from the raw and processed material to consumer with the providing chain to be a ligament .

  22. 结果发现:(1)6&15岁儿童对友谊特性的认知结构由5个维度组成,即:个人交流和冲突解决,榜样和竞争,互相欣赏,共同活动和互相帮助,亲密交往。

    The results showed : ( 1 ) The children 's cognitive structure for friendship qualities consisted of five dimensions which are personal communication and conflict resolution , exempting and competition , liking and appreciating each other , common activities and helping each other , intimate personal intercourse ;

  23. 取而代之的情境,共同基础活动,是电视内容带动的对话

    Instead , the context , the common ground activities , are the content on television that 's driving the conversations .

  24. 本指针旨在指导落实《宣言》框架下可能开展的共同合作活动、措施和项目。

    These Guidelines are to guide the implementation of possible joint cooperative activities , measures and projects as provided for in the DOC .

  25. 从中找到它们之间共同的活动特征以及不同之处,这对于本地区地震分析能够起到一定作用。

    The analysis shows the differences and common features between them , which are of helpful application to the seismic analysis in this region .

  26. 通过对本案中具体犯罪行为人在共同犯罪活动中的具体犯罪行为的分析,结合法学理论得出研究结论。

    Specific case by the perpetrator in the crime activity in the analysis of specific criminal acts , combining legal theory come to conclusions .

  27. 知识产权对价论的理论框架&知识产权法为人类共同知识活动激励机制提供激励条件

    On The Theoretical Framework of Consideration in Intellectual Property Rights-The intellectual property law provides condition for the drive mechanism of the human common knowledge activity

  28. 男人的友谊建立在共同的活动上&参加一场球赛,玩扑克,做办公室里的同一项目。

    Men 's friendships are often built around shared activities & attending a ball game , playing cards , working on a project at the office .

  29. 梁教授希望搭桥香港大学跟广卅高校联系的平台,将来共同搞活动、互访和科研。

    Professor Leung also expressed his wish for increasing the contact between universities in Guangzhou and Hong Kong University , including cooperation on scientific researches and exchange visits .

  30. 汉兴,与边郡相接之地带以州相称的旨趣,就在公认赤县神州为共同的活动疆域。

    The implied meaning of calling Hanxin and its adjacent county-shire as Chixian , Shenzhou , was that it was the recognized territory in which people could live by .