
yuán lèi
  • the ape family;ape
  1. 亚洲猿类特别是恒河猴是SV40的天然宿主。

    The natural hosts for SV40 are species of Asian macaque monkeys , especially the rhesus ( Maccaca mulatta ) .

  2. 该工程的指挥PeterSinger是普林斯顿的伦理学家,PaolaCavalieri意大利哲学家,他们都将猿类看作是和人类平等的社区的一员。

    The project 's directors , Peter Singer , the Princeton ethicist , and Paola Cavalieri , an Italian philosopher , regard apes as part of a " community of equals " with humans .

  3. 纳勒迪(naledi)和否定(denial)这两个词,字母相同,排序有异,这是一个诡异的巧合。我们花了太大的力气来否认自己是经过改变的猿类。

    It is an odd coincidence that " naledi " is an anagram of " denial . " We are trying way too hard to deny that we are modified apes .

  4. 但人类、猿类和猴类有着共同的祖先,所以在进化的过程中,IRGM基因一定在哪里复活了。

    But humans , apes , and monkeys share a common ancestor , so IRGM must have been resurrected somewhere along the line .

  5. 但在2千5百万年前,人类和猿类的祖先又因为三件偶然的事件,体内的IRGM基因复活了。

    But25 million years later , in the lineage that led to humans and great apes , three random events turned the gene back on .

  6. 科巴反对凯撒,同样,克拉克饰演的角色马尔科姆(Malcolm)也觉得自己和奥德曼饰演的德里弗斯(Dreyfus)意见愈来愈不一致,德里弗斯认为猿类是致命的威胁,要用极度的残忍手段来对付它们。

    As Koba opposes Caesar , so does Malcolm ( Mr. Clarke 's character ) find himself increasingly at odds with Dreyfus ( Mr. Oldman ) , who sees the apes as a mortal threat to be confronted with maximum brutality .

  7. 比如,我们知道猿类可以提前做计划。

    We know , for example , that apes plan ahead .

  8. 中国新第三纪中-小型猿类化石及其意义巫山龙骨坡似人下颌属于猿类

    Middle small bodied apes from Neogene in China and their significanc

  9. 有些人仍不相信人类是由猿类演化而来。

    Some people still doubt that human beings evolved from apes .

  10. 此外,这种大度不仅仅体现在猿类身上。

    Such generosity , moreover , may not be restricted to apes .

  11. 适用于猿类的法则,一定也适用于人类。

    And what applies to apes , must definitely apply to humans .

  12. 不像上面提到的猿类,狒狒有自己的特点。

    Unlike the apes mentioned here , baboons have tales .

  13. 猴子、猿类和人类是近亲。

    Monkeys , apes and humans are all anthropoids .

  14. 下面哪些动物不是猿类。

    Which of these animals is not an ape .

  15. 大猩猩是猿类中最大的一种。

    The gorilla is the largest of the apes .

  16. 全球现存193种猴子和猿类。

    There are193 living species of monkeys and apes .

  17. 我们人类从猿类开始进化用了几百万年的时间。

    It has taken us several million years to evolve from the apes .

  18. 留存的问题:可能是一种还是多种神秘猿类存在?

    The question remains : is there only one mystery ape or possibly more ?

  19. 我开始构思一种神秘猿类,作为年代问题的可能解决办法。

    I began to imagine a mystery ape as a possible solution to the problem .

  20. 通过观察在东亚地区发现的确定的直立人发现材料,神秘猿类的概念可获支持。

    The mystery ape concept is bolstered by looking at definitive H.erectus finds in east Asia .

  21. 这就是地球如何被猿类占据,或者至少

    And so this is how earth got taken over by the apes , or at least

  22. 当我们尝试去确认聪明的猿类与人类儿童相比有多聪明时,这一点就更是关系重大。

    This is especially relevant when we try to establish how smart apes are relative to children .

  23. 所以,大象通过思考进行合作的快速学习能力可以与猿类相媲美。

    Elephants are thus on par with apes for fast learning of deliberate cooperation with a partner .

  24. 猿类被屈打得顺从,被迫模仿对于它们来说是莫名其妙,难以理解的人类行为举止。

    Apes are routinely beaten into submission and forced to pantomime human behaviors that are foreign and confusing .

  25. 而不是猿类,猴子们在新德里街头作恶多端。

    And it 's monkeys , not apes that are running wild in the streets of New Delhi .

  26. 人类与猿类花在行进上的能量不同,也许可以用演化情境的差异来解释。

    Differences in the settings in which humans and apes evolved may help explain the variation in costs of movement .

  27. 他闯进一个落后、原始的星球。猿类主宰万物,人类则被视为动物和奴隶饱受凌辱。

    He crashes on a backward , primal planet where apes rule and humans are reviled as animals and slaves .

  28. 看上去,在更新世的东南亚地区有同今天的非洲那样多样化的猿类。

    It seems that there was as much diversity of apes in the southeast Asian Pleistocene as in Africa today .

  29. 这批最早的猿类与现生猿最大的差异,在体态与活动的方式。

    The biggest difference between those first apes and extant ones lay in their posture and means of getting around .

  30. 只要想想雄性大狒狒愁眉不展的面孔上的红色条纹就很容易理解吧,它们可是非洲最大的猿类动物。

    Just think of the red stripes on the scowling face of the male Mandrill , Africa 's largest monkey species .