
gòng zhèn
  • resonate;resonance;sympathy;resounding
共振 [gòng zhèn]
  • (1) [resonance]∶两个振动频率相同的物体,当一个发生振动时,引起另一个物体振动

  • (2) [sympathy]∶能借媒介交互传达振动的几个物体之间的关系

共振[gòng zhèn]
  1. 结果就是因2种基因无法和谐共振而产生的部分核裂变或说对DNA和分子结构的部分焚烧。

    The result was partial fission or a burning up of the DNA and molecular structure wherever the two genetics failed to resonate .

  2. CNET帮助商人开发与他们的目标顾客一起共振的发送消息的策略和广告计划。

    CNET helps marketers develop messaging strategies and advertising programs that resonate with their target customers .

  3. 耳朵里有一组细丝能和进入的声波产生共振。

    The ear has a set of filaments to vibrate in resonance with incoming sound-waves .

  4. 电荷分离的共振结构对丁二烯没有很大的贡献。

    Charge-separated resonance structures do not contribute very much to the resonance hybrid of butadiene .

  5. 在2011年的一项研究中,斯坦伯格和他的同事们转而使用功能性磁共振来研究同龄人的存在如何影响青少年的大脑活动。

    In a 2011 study , Steinberg and his colleagues turned to functional MRI to investigate how the presence of peers affects the activity in the adolescent brain .

  6. 用三维磁共振成像(MRI)研究脑结构。

    Brain structure was studied using 3D magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) .

  7. 自1994年以来,贝尔和他的团队已经用核磁共振成像对近800人进行了测试,绘制出显示人们储存脂肪的"脂肪图"。

    Since 1994 , Bell and his team have tested nearly 800 people with MRI to create " fat maps " showing where people store fat .

  8. 由于CT和核磁共振检查有可能查出癌症,“检查焦虑症”是正常的。

    Because CT and MRI scans are associated with the diagnosis2 of cancer , scanxiety is a normal feeling .

  9. “检查焦虑症”是指体检以后等待结果时的焦虑,特别是做核磁共振和CT扫描以后。

    Scanxiety is the mental distress1 felt while awaiting the results of a medical test , particularly an MRI or CT scan .

  10. 杨利伟解释道,10赫兹以下的低频振动会引起人的内脏共振,甚至会危及一个人的生命。

    Vibrations in the spacecraft below 10 Hz can damage the internal organs , and even threaten a person 's life , Yang explained .

  11. 每个孩子接受核磁共振成像扫描时,面前的电脑屏幕会播放演员做出的“恐惧”和“中立”表情。

    Each child lay in an MRI machine and watched a computer screen on which were displayed different images of actors making " fearful " and " neutral " faces .

  12. 烷基苯的~(13)C核磁共振研究

    Study of Alkylbenzene ~ ( 13 ) C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra

  13. 不同b值磁共振扩散加权成像鉴别诊断胰腺癌与慢性肿块型胰腺炎

    Different b values on DWI in differential diagnosis of pancreatic carcinoma and chronic mass-forming pancreatitis

  14. 离子囚禁技术与射频共振吸收检测囚禁N2~+离子

    Ions trapping and detection of radio frequency resonance absorption

  15. 平阳霉素与Fe~(2+)反应产生·OH的自旋共振研究

    ESR Study on the Production of Hydroxyl Radical by Pingyangmycin and Ferrous Iron

  16. 目的验证低场强磁共振成像(MRI)诊断半月板撕裂的准确性。

    Objective To specify the diagnostic accuracy of low-field MRI on meniscal tears .

  17. 平行极板间等离子体RF共振特性研究

    Study on Characteristics of RF Resonance of Plasma in Parallel Plate Electrode

  18. 22个土槿乙酸衍生物均是未见CA报道的新化合物,所有衍生物经红外、氢核磁共振和质谱等确定。

    22 derivatives of Pseudolarix acid B are new derivatives identified by IR 、 ~ 1H-NMR and MS.

  19. 磁共振成像(MRI)检查6例有骨质破坏,椎体破坏及异常信号灶。

    Examination of MRI in 6 case showed destruction of bone and corpus vertebra and abnormal signal focus .

  20. 紫(外)激光作用下Si(CH3)4的MPI与Si原子的共振电离

    Violet ( ultraviolet ) laser MPI of tetramethylsilane and resonant ionization of silicon atom

  21. 用共振多光子电离法研究Gd原子的高激发态

    Measurements of high-lying levels of atom Gd by resonant multiphoton ionization

  22. J/ψ共振参数的测定

    Measurement of J / ψ Resonance Parameters

  23. 目的:采用磁共振技术(MRI)分析抑郁症患者的脑结构改变。

    Objective : To analyze the features of brain structure in patients with depression by magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) .

  24. 报导了用天然煤制备用于电子顺磁共振(EPR)研究的强度标准样品。

    An EPR intensity standard based on natural coal was reported .

  25. 小波域Wiener滤波方法及其在功能磁共振成像中的应用

    Application of Wiener filter based wavelet domain in functional magnetic resonance imaging

  26. 尿路梗阻磁共振水成像技术与IVU及CT检查对照研究

    Correlative study on MR urography , CT and IVU in the diagnosis of urinary tract obstruction

  27. 环状AMP和GMP环状溶液构象核磁共振研究

    NMR studies on the conformation of cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP in solution

  28. 磁共振成像导引活检和介入性治疗,属于介入放射学领域,磁共振导引介入技术是一种安全、有效的方法。MRI导引介入技术应用进展

    MRI guided biopsy and interventional therapy are within the field of interventional radiology . Magnetic Resonance Imaging Guided Interventional Procedure : Advance in clinical Application

  29. 提出了一种K-最近邻改进算法,该算法用模糊自适应共振理论(FuzzyART)对K-最近邻的训练样本集进行浓缩,以改善K-最近邻的计算速度。

    This paper implemented an improved K-Nearest Neighbor ( Fuzzy KNN ) algorithm in which Fuzzy Adaptive Resonance Theory ( ART ) is applied in K-NN classification to make a new algorithm .

  30. 目的:介绍磁共振成像(MagneticResonanceimaging,MRI)引导下的立体定向基底节区血肿纵向抽吸引流术的优越性和体会。

    Objective To report the superiority and experience of magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) - guided stereotactic longitudinal aspiration and drainage of hematomas of basal ganglia region .