
  • 网络share;shareable;sharable
  1. 最终利用XML技术,实现了数据的一致性,共享性和可维护性。

    A case is given and the XML technology is used to make the data consistent , well sharing and easy preserving in CIMS .

  2. Web2.0的出现,终于使得互联网回归到了Internet的本质,即:去中心化、开放性、共享性。

    The presence of Web 2.0 finally made the Internet returning to its essences , namely decentralization , opening and sharing .

  3. 作为团队的一员工作,确保大家工作的协同性和共享性。

    Work as part of a team and make sure everyone works together and shares the work .

  4. Blog(博客)技术的开放性、个性和共享性等特点为问题的解决提供了新的方案。

    Blog provides new solutions for the problems with its open , individual and sharing characteristics .

  5. 研究如何应用公共对象请求代理体系结构(CORBA)技术在现有交通系统基础上提高其信息共享性、可扩展性等,来满足未来智能交通系统(ITS)的发展。

    Research how to improve info-share and expansibility of traffic system with CORBA technology to meet development of future ITS .

  6. 地理信息服务目前已经成为跨平台GIS应用系统的主流技术,并越来越普及到社会各领域,大大增强了地理信息的共享性和开放性。

    Geographic Information Services has become the mainstream technology of GIS cross-platform applications . It increasingly spreads to most areas of society and greatly enhances the sharing of geographic information .

  7. 本文提出了用数据库对C函数进行管理的思想,有效地解决了C函数开发过程中的一致性、共享性、移植性等问题。

    In this paper , the idea for C function management with database is pro-posed , which solves effectively problems , such as consistency , share and transplant etc. , inthe development of C function .

  8. 但传统的CAD系统多以单独系统设计为主要形式,具有产品设计开发周期长、资源共享性低、管理维护困难、开放性差等固有局限性。

    But most conventional CAD systems are in single form , and they have much inherent limitation such as long period of product-design , bad resource sharing , hard management and low openness .

  9. 随着Web技术的日趋成熟和应用的广泛推广,在线考试系统以其数据处理的高效性、便捷性和共享性给我们的给我们工作学习带来了很大的方便,已广泛应用到教育培训当中。

    With the maturity and wide application of Web technology , its efficiency in data processing in on-line test system brings us more convenience in obtaining and sharing information . As a result , Web technology has found wide application in training programs .

  10. 本研究针对当前畜禽产业信息管理中产业信息不全面、信息时效性与共享性差的问题,以地理信息技术为基础,研究开发了基于GIS的畜禽产业信息管理系统。

    The study was about some unbalanced information , worse information effectiveness and sharing problems in current poultry industry information management which took the geography information technology as the foundation and has developed poultry industry information management system on the basis of GIS .

  11. 最后,设计实现了系统原型,并将规范化后的课件应用于符合IMSCELTS规范的第三方学习管理系统(LMS)之中,验证其可重用性与可共享性。

    Finally , a system prototype has been contrived and the standardized courseware has also been applied to the third party Learning Management System to attest that it could be reused and shared .

  12. 应用中立性应该是接口的首要目标,因为这个特性正好能够实现可共享性(shareability)(一条基本的SOA原则)。

    Application neutrality should be the principal goal of an interface , because it is precisely this characteristic that enables shareability ( a fundamental SOA principle ) .

  13. 为了提高DICOM的共享性,作者在SPIE2005上提出了将XML引入DICOM的设想,以增加DICOM文件的可读性和扩展性。

    In order to improve the sharing of DICOM , a proposal is offered to introduce XML into DICOM on the SPIE 2005 and in this way , better readability and expansibility of DICOM files have been achieved .

  14. NET技术完成对动态数据库的访问,实现了专家系统的网络化,扩展了专家系统应用的空间范围,增强了蔬菜栽培知识的共享性,并为进一步的深入研究打下了基础。

    NET are introduced to access the dynamic database , the expert system network has been realized , the expert system application space has been expanded , the sharing of vegetable planting knowledge has been built up , and the foundation for further researching has been built in this paper .

  15. 传统VLSICAD系统以单一设计者为开发中心,设计者之间数据交换困难,信息共享性差,信息流动阻塞,产品设计周期长,修改频繁,已不能适应网络时代产品的创新和开发。

    Traditional VLSI CAD system is focus on single designer , designers using such system have trouble in sharing design data with other designers and need much more modification , product design cycle is long . Such system can not adapt to network times in product innovation and development .

  16. 而后基于RBV理论分析框架,论证了共享性资源所具备的获取李嘉图租金的各种特质,进而提出集群企业竞争优势的共享性资源观。

    Based on the theory of RBV , the paper discusses the idiosyncrasy of shared resources which is regarded as the root of Richard rents and put forward the shared resource-based view ( SRBV ) of the competitive advantage of firms in cluster .

  17. RTEMS现有的数据处理方式是文件方式,文件方式在数据共享性、统计能力和移植性等方面存在不足。而嵌入式数据库可以很好地解决现有数据处理方式的不足。

    RTEMS adopts file as the method of data processing . For file data processing , there are some defects in data sharing , statistical capacity and portability , while embedded database can be a good solution for the shortage of the existing data processing method .

  18. 网格具有虚拟性、共享性、集成性和协商性等优势。

    Grid has virtual , shared , integrated and negotiated advantages .

  19. 集群企业竞争优势的共享性资源观

    Shared resource-based view of the competitive advantage of firms in cluster competition

  20. 具体而言,共享性资源是影响旅游产业集群形成的基础。

    Specifically , shared resource is the foundation of forming industrial clusters .

  21. 土地信息具有综合性、共享性、动态性等特点。

    Land information bears the characteristics of comprehensive , sharable and dynamic .

  22. 合作联盟知识产权专有性与知识共享性的冲突研究

    Study on Conflict Between Proprietary Intellectual Property and Knowledge Sharing in Cooperation Alliances

  23. 关于城市滨水景观共享性设计的思考

    Thinking of shared design of the urban waterfront landscape

  24. 教学资源平台的共享性研究

    Study on the Share About Educational Resource Platform

  25. 在保障数据库中的数据具有共享性的情况下,如何确保数据库安全的任务摆在了每一个从事信息技术人员的面前。

    How to guarantee sharing data and its safety in database is our task .

  26. 网络教学具有开放性、共享性、自主性与交互性等特点与优势。

    Network teaching has such advantage as openness , communion , autonomy and interaction .

  27. 新的多边体系必须对全球发展与国际金融给予同等重视。在我们成功实现更具有共享性的全球化之前,不管资金援助力度有多大,全世界仍将处于不稳定状态。

    The New Multilateralism must put global development on a par with international finance .

  28. 和某个和你共享性和谐的人。

    With whom you share a sexual rapport .

  29. 挂号原始信息共享性;

    The share of the primary registration information ;

  30. 旅游产业集群企业共享性资源及其动态演化机制分析

    Analysis of Shared Resources of Tourism Industry Cluster Enterprises and the Dynamic Evolutionary Mechanism