
  • 网络emperor
  1. 屋大维成为了一个新时代的开国皇帝。

    Octavian became the first emperor of a new era .

  2. 刘盈是西汉开国皇帝刘邦的皇子。

    Liu Yin was the son of the Emperor Liu Bang who had founded the state of West Han .

  3. 朱元璋,132s年1o月21日生于濠州,卒于1398年6月24日,年号洪武,谥号高帝,庙号太祖,中国明朝的开国皇帝。

    Zhu Yuanzhang ( born Oct. 21 , 1328 , Hao-chou , died June 24 , 1389 ) , reign name Hongwu , posthumous name Gaodi , temple name Taizu , was the founder of China 's Ming Dynasty .

  4. 秦始皇,姓赢名政,是秦朝的开国皇帝。

    Chin Shihhuang , also named Yingzheng , is the founder of the Qin dynasty .

  5. 凤阳是明朝开国皇帝朱元璋的出生地,在明朝有着特殊的地位。

    Fengyang Prefecture was the birthplace of Zhu Yuanzhang , where had a special status in the Ming Dynasty .

  6. 在角逐统治中国的权力的时候,项羽是汉朝开国皇帝刘邦的主要竞争对手。

    He was the principal contestant for control of China with Liu Bang , the founder of the Han Dynasty .

  7. 每个朝代的开国皇帝得了天下后,都要传檄天下。

    The founding emperor of every dynasty would send out a war proclamation after seizing the ruling power of a country .

  8. 南阳画像石的艺术成因:A、南阳作为东汉开国皇帝刘秀的故乡,皇亲遍布、权贵云集。

    Nanyang was the hometown of emperor Liu Xiu , the first ruler of the East Han Dynasty and his relatives .

  9. 明孝陵是明朝开国皇帝朱元璋的陵寝,现今已经成为世界文化遗产之一。

    Xiaoling Tomb of the Ming Dynasty is the mausoleum of the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty , and the world cultural heritage as well .

  10. 明朝开国皇帝朱元璋,经历元末乱政,对官吏的贪墨尤其痛恨。

    Zhu Yuanzhang , the first emperor of Ming Dynasty who had experienced the cruel governance of Yuan Dynasty , hatred the corruption of officials very much .

  11. 汉高祖刘邦是西汉(公元前206年至公元24年)的开国皇帝。

    Emperor Gaozu , also known under the name Liu Bang , was the first emperor of the Western Han Dynasty ( 206 B.C. ---- 24 A.D. ) .

  12. 作为吴国的开国皇帝,孙权受到高度的赞誉:千古江山,英雄无觅孙仲谋处。

    As the founder of Wu Kingdom , Sun Quan is highly praised : For thousands of years ,( we ) can 't find a hero like him .

  13. 南宋是北宋灭亡后,由宋皇族在江南建立起来的、以汉族为主体的封建王朝,建都临安(今浙江杭州),开国皇帝为宋高宗赵构。

    The Southern Song was a Han regime founded by Zhao Gou ( known as Emperor Gaozong ) , with its capital in Lin'an ( present-day Hangzhou , Zhejiang ) .

  14. 明朝开国皇帝朱元璋,鉴于当时的政治形势和巩固皇权的需要,即制定并实施封王建藩制度。

    The founding emperor Zhu Yuan Zhang , in view of the political situation at that time and the need to consolidate imperial power that make and implement feudal system .

  15. 西夏是中国历史上以党项族为主体建立的王朝,建都兴庆府(今宁夏银川),开国皇帝为夏景宗李元昊。

    Founded by Li Yuanhao , known as Emperor Jingzong , the Western Xia was a dynasty of the Dangxiang people , with its capital in the Xingqing Prefecture ( now Yinchuan in Ningxia ) .

  16. 王士立和闻有红撰著的《隋文帝杨坚》一书,是一部全面系统述评隋朝开国皇帝隋文帝扬坚生平事迹的大型传记。

    The Book Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty , written by Wang Shi-Li and Wen You-Hong , is a great biography on the life story of the first emperor of Sui Dynasty , Yang Jian .

  17. 元朝允许这些人建立农民军以镇压叛乱,但由朱元璋领导的第二轮反抗更加成功,他与1368年成为了明朝的开国皇帝。

    The Yuan allowed these people to raise peasant armies to quell rebellion but a second round of revolt that proved more successful was led by Zhu Yuanzhang , who in 1368 was to become the first Ming emperor .

  18. 西晋王朝是中国历史承上启下的转折之一,晋武帝是西晋王朝的开国皇帝,西晋和晋武帝对中国历史的重要性不言而喻。

    Western Jin Dynasty was the turning point in Chinese history nexus , one of Emperor Wu is the founding emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty , the Western Jin Dynasty and Emperor Wu of the Chinese history , the importance of self-evident .

  19. 高祖(庙号)刘邦,又名刘季,溢号高皇帝,生于公元前256年,卒于公元前195年,汉朝(公元前206至公元220年)开国皇帝。

    Gao Zu ( temple name ) , personalname Liu Pang , or Liu Chi , post-humous name Kao Huang-ti ( born 256 B. C. , China , died 195 B. C. , China ) was the founder and first emperor of the Han Dynasty ( 206 B. C. - A. D. 220 )