
  • 网络Cairo conference;Cario Conference
  1. 1943年,蒋介石总统参加开罗会议,与美国罗斯福总统及英国首相邱吉尔达成协议,将台湾及澎湖在战后归还中华民国。

    She spoke for her husband , President Chiang , at the Cairo Conference of1943 , where he agreed with President Franklin D.

  2. 太平洋战争前期的美国对华政策&从珍珠港事件到开罗会议前

    American Diplomatic Policy to China During the Earlier Period of the Pacific War & From " the Incident of Pearl Harbor " to the Period Before Cairo Conference

  3. 因此,所有有关苏联代表团参加开罗会议的问题,都被否定了。

    All question of Soviet representatives coming to Cairo was thus negatived .

  4. 开罗会议还将让记者有机会学习“他们不熟悉的世界”如何从事科学研究。

    The Cairo conference will also give journalists the opportunity to learn about how science is conducted in " a part of the world that they are not used to " .

  5. 计划在开罗的会议有可能达成长期休战协议。

    Negociations are set to take place in Cairo in the coming days to work on hammering out a longer term deal .

  6. 但是El-Awady说,可以期待在开罗举行的会议有更多的成就。

    But El-Awady said that even more can be expected from Cairo .

  7. 开罗之系列会议中,罗斯福为战后之亚洲勾勒愿景。

    At the series of meetings in Cairo , Roosevelt outlined his vision for postwar Asia .