
lián hé ɡuó dà huì
  • United Nations General Assembly;General Assembly of the United Nations
  1. 答案是:在4月2日的联合国大会上,由154个国家参与并以压倒性优势通过了反对全球武器贸易条约(ATT)的决定。

    The answer : all are opposed to the global Arms Trade Treaty ( ATT ) which was overwhelmingly approved by 154 countries on April 2nd by the General Assembly of the United Nations .

  2. 联合国大会文件的分类及利用

    Classification and Use about the Documentation of the General Assembly of the United Nations

  3. 联合国大会对5个新成员国的加入表示了欢迎。

    The General Assembly welcomed five new members to its ranks .

  4. 1973年,联合国大会将中文列为工作语言之一,1974年,联合国安理会也将中文列为工作语言之一。

    In 1973 , the General Assembly included Chinese as a working language , which was followed by the Security Council in 1974 .

  5. 不过,据分析人士称,野田佳彦或许只能在联合国大会(ungeneralassembly)的间隙期间与奥巴马聊上一会。

    Instead , he will probably have to settle for a chat on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly , analysts say .

  6. 布什总统在联合国大会讲话结束后将会见伊拉克总理n.。

    President Bush meets with Iraqi Prime Minister n.following his general assembly speech .

  7. 据巴勒斯坦官员所描述的B计画则是要求联合国大会将巴勒斯坦的身分由观察员提升至非会员国。

    Plan B , as outlined by Palestinian officials , is to ask the General Assembly to upgrade Palestine to a non-member state from its current status as an observer .

  8. 扎尔达里对中国的访问是上任后首次正式双边访问,但之前他曾在伦敦非正式逗留,并在纽约出席了联合国大会(UnitedNationsGeneralAssembly)。

    His trip to Beijing is his first official bilateral visit but follows an unofficial sojourn in London and attendance at the United Nations General Assembly in New York .

  9. 不过在近几周,阿巴斯数次指出,他将寻求联合国大会(UnitedNationsGeneralAssembly)就承认巴勒斯坦为独立国家一事进行表决。

    In recent weeks , however , Mr. Abbas has said he would seek a vote at the United Nations General Assembly that would recognize Palestine as an independent state .

  10. 巴基斯坦总理谢里夫上个月在联合国大会(UnitedNationsGeneralAssembly)上发表讲话时要求允许巴基斯坦加入核供应国集团。

    As part of his speech to the United Nations General Assembly last month , Prime Minister Sharif called for Pakistan to be allowed to join the Nuclear Suppliers Group .

  11. 是的,这件事不容易,奥巴马在联合国大会(UnitedNationsGeneralAssembly)的会议厅说,但毋庸置疑,美国正在承担起责任。

    Yes , this is hard , Mr. Obama said to the United Nations General Assembly chamber , but there should be no question that the United States of America is stepping up to the plate .

  12. 联合国大会(unitednationsgeneralassembly)昨日被告知,全球领袖应尽快关注就创建新的全球储备货币体系达成共识,该体系将取代美元作为主要国际货币的地位。

    World leaders should give urgent attention to reaching consensus on creating a global reserve system that would replace the US dollar as the main international currency , the United Nations General Assembly was told yesterday .

  13. 社会公益峰会(TheSocialGoodSummit)是有关方面在联合国大会间隙在纽约市举行的会议,沙阿将与各领域的许多领导人和名人共同出席会议。

    The Social Good Summit is an event taking place on the sidelines of the UNGA session in New York City , and Shah will be among many leaders and celebrities from a wide variety of fields taking part .

  14. 相反,这只是刚刚开始,联合国大会(UNGeneralAssembly)下属的一个政府专家小组,上周就有必要对该问题加强国际对话达成了共识。

    On the contrary , it has only just begun , with a government experts group under the UN General Assembly agreeing last week on the need to step up the international dialogue on the issue .

  15. 就目前而言,巴勒斯坦人似乎更感兴趣的是,让法塔赫和哈马斯(hamas)实现和解,并寻求让今年9月份召开的联合国大会(ungeneralassembly)承认巴勒斯坦国。

    For the moment , the Palestinians seem much more interested in trying to reconcile Fatah and Hamas and in pursuing the possibility of recognition of a Palestinian state at the UN General Assembly in September .

  16. 这真是令人遗憾,因为最初的想法是,G8太小、代表性太低,联合国大会过于笨拙,而这种想法至今仍然成立。

    This is a pity as the original idea that the G8 was too small and unrepresentative and the UN general assembly was too unwieldy remains valid .

  17. 未来更艰巨的挑战是让联合国大会(UNGeneralAssembly)的190个成员国接受如下观点:发展目标的核心在于良好治理和提高透明度。目前有太多的国家往往会违反这些观念。

    Ahead lies the even greater challenge of getting the 190 members of the UN General Assembly to embrace the idea of development goals focused on good governance and transparency , notions that in too many countries are too often honoured in the breach .

  18. 日本首相菅直人(NaotoKan)周五在出席联合国大会(UNGeneralAssembly)期间,以一种更加和缓的语气表示,日中两国是重要邻邦,必须相互合作。

    Naoto Kan , the Japanese prime minister , offered a more conciliatory tone , saying on Friday on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly that the two countries were important neighbours and must co-operate with one another .

  19. 联合国大会的主席在周五陪伴总统Zelaya去洪都拉斯的旅行流产返回值后告诉记者上述消息。

    The UN General Assembly president spoke to reporters Friday , days after returning from accompanying president Zelaya on an aborted trip to Honduras .

  20. 将于9月份召开的联合国大会(unga)很可能通过承认巴勒斯坦国的决议。

    The UN General Assembly is in September likely to pass a resolution recognising a Palestinian state .

  21. 联合国大会的主席说他认为在接下来的几天里对于被驱逐的洪都拉斯总统ManuelZelaya职位的回复已经很临近了。

    The president of the UN General Assembly says he believes the deal is near to restore the ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya to office in the coming days .

  22. 到1968年,作为国际核不扩散机制基石的《不扩散核武器条约》(NPT)在联合国大会通过,1970年正式生效。

    As the headstone of the international regime of nuclear nonproliferation , NPT was got across in 1968 and began to take effect in 1970 . Besides , the world has also subscribed another series of treaties .

  23. 但是他对于代表Zelaya非常积极,还介绍Zelaya于六月底去联合国大会在成员国面前陈述自己的处境。

    But he has been very active on behalf of Mr Zelaya , inviting him to the UN General Assembly at the end of June to state his case before member states .

  24. 政府官员称,他们不确定Jalili的言论预示着伊朗政策的改变,还是阻止国际社会支持在联合国大会前对其进行制裁的托辞。

    Administration officials say they are unsure whether the Jalili remarks a policy change by Iran or are merely a to try to international support for new sanctions the U.N. meeting .

  25. 目的了解并检验联合国大会艾滋病特别会议(UNGASS)指标在我国高校学生艾滋病知晓率评估中的有效性和可信性,以及目前预防艾滋病健康教育的效果。

    Objective To identify and test the validity and creditability that the UNGASS indicators used in universities for the national AIDS health education , and to assess the impact of the present HIV / AIDS education .

  26. 联合国大会通过了一项决议对这些处决提出谴责。

    The UN General Assembly passed a resolution condemning the executions .

  27. 联合国大会发言记录,1968年12月10日

    UN General Assembly 23rd Session Official Records 10 Dec. , 1968

  28. 第75届联合国大会开幕。

    The 75th session of the UN General Assembly has opened .

  29. 和安理会的议案不同,联合国大会决议不能被否决。

    Unlike Security Council measures , General Assembly resolutions cannot be vetoed .

  30. 联合国大会艾滋病特别会议制定的5项核心指标全部回答正确率为13.1%,高中生高于初中生,男生高于女生。

    1.1 % students answered all the UNGASS indicators correctly .