
lián bānɡ dé ɡuó
  • Federal Germany;West Germany
  1. 联邦德国与欧洲共同体

    Federal Germany and EEC

  2. 本文期望通过对战后联邦德国不同时期政治教育思想理论的研究,发现其变迁的规律和特征,为联邦德国政治教育思想理论的发展梳理出一条清晰的线索。

    The political education theories emerged in different stages of Federal Germany reflected the knowledge of the parliament , government and academia of Federal Germany on the one hand .

  3. 联邦德国为了降低矿物燃料的消耗并减少CO2的排放量,在发展和利用再生能源方面作出了巨大的努力。

    Considerable efforts have been made in the Federal Republic of Germany to develop renewable energy in order to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and CO 2 emissions .

  4. 但联邦德国却主动宣布继续遵守NPT,放弃发展核武器的权利。

    However Germany announced that it remain comply with NPT , renounced the rights to develop nuclear weapons .

  5. 联邦德国的BMW公司开发了一种万向节传动轴与半轴的扭转试验台,专供四轮驱动型桥车试验用。

    BMW Corporation of West Germany has developed a torsion rig for universal joint propeller shaft and axle shaft for the use of testing four-wheel-drive cars .

  6. 引进原联邦德国VDO公司的汽车仪表制造技术

    Manufacturing Technology for Auto Instrument Imported from VDO Company of Germany

  7. 通过研究发现,联邦德国对NPT的遵守经历了一个从强制遵约到自主遵约的演变过程。

    After the research we find , Germany comply with the NPT has experienced a process which evolved from enforcement compliance to self-compliance .

  8. 联邦德国海尔伯隆(Heilbronn)市立剧场的舞台机械

    The Stage Machinery of the Heilbronn municipality theatre in Federal Republic of Germany

  9. 介绍了联邦德国Bosch公司生产的VE型分配式喷油泵的工作原理、维护和故障排除方法。

    This paper describes the working principles , maintenance and trouble shooting of the VE distributor type fuel pumps produced by BOSCH Corporation in Federal Republic of Germany .

  10. 用模拟的废TBP溶剂和联邦德国WAK后处理厂的真实废TBP溶剂制备了固化样品,测定了它们的抗浸出性能、耐辐照性、热稳定性和贮存耐久性。

    The resistance to leach , and to radiation , thermostability and durability of storage for products made from simulated and real TBP-solvents were measured .

  11. 在联邦德国汉堡举行的第22届IASPEI/第18届IUGG大会概况

    An Overview of the 22nd General Assembly of IASPEI at Hamburg , FRG , in Conjunction with 18th General Assembly of IUGG

  12. 艾格纳说,关于Mon810是否对环境产生危害,联邦德国各种环境研究机构之间,意见不一。

    Aigner says that scientists in various federal environment research institutes had failed to agree between themselves whether Mon810 posed a risk to the environment .

  13. 正是因为联邦德国对NPT和国际核不扩散机制的认识发生了改变,它不再将自身的经济利益置于防止核武器扩散的任务之上,成了推动国际核不扩散机制向前发展的重要力量。

    Just because Germany altered its attitudes to NPT and international nuclear non-proliferation regime , it no longer push its economic interests above the nuclear non-proliferation , it became the important actors to promote the international nuclear non-proliferation regime .

  14. 作者参加了1983年8月15~27日在联邦德国汉堡举行的第22届IASPEI和第18届IUGG大会。

    The author of the seventh paper attended the 22nd General Assembly of IASPEI that took place at Hamburg , FRG , 15-27 August , 1983 , in conjunction with the 18th General Assembly of IUGG .

  15. 联邦德国在设计方法学应用中存在的问题与对策

    Problems and measures in application of design methodology in West Germany

  16. 联邦德国重新武装与战后德国问题的解决

    Rearmament of Federal Republic of Germany & Solution of Postwar German Problem

  17. 联邦德国炼钢技术的发展及现状

    Development and state-of-the - arts of steelmaking technique in FRG

  18. 联邦德国林业发展道路

    The Way of Forestry Development in Federal Republic of Germany

  19. 这是我在联邦德国做不到的。

    Which is something I can 't do in the federal republic .

  20. 联邦德国钠冷快堆及其研究工作一瞥

    A glimpse of sodium cooling fast reactor and its research in f.r.g

  21. 联邦德国方面只派出一名高级工程师和一名中级技术人员。

    The Germans supplied both a senior and a junior technical man .

  22. 慕尼黑奥林匹克村小游园,联邦德国

    Forum of Olympic Village , Munich , FRG , 1971 & 1972

  23. 二十世纪七十年代联邦德国新主体性文学管窥

    A Study on the New Subjectivity Literature of FRG in the 1970s

  24. 其次,联邦德国在美国的支持下走上了重新武装的道路。

    Secondly , the Federal Republic was given rearmament by America 's support .

  25. 论联邦德国高等工程教育的发展趋势和改革措施

    The Developing Trends and Measures of Reform on Higher Engineering Education in Germany

  26. 从联邦德国职业教育立法引发的思考

    Thinking Aroused from the German Legislation in Vocational Education

  27. 二十世纪五六十年代联邦德国核武装问题探析

    Research on Nuclear Weapons of Federal Republic of Germany during 1950s and 1960s

  28. 联邦德国的几种钻井泥浆和水泥浆添加剂

    Some chemicals of West German companies for drilling mud and oil well cement

  29. 联邦德国的动物医学教育细胞因子与兽医学

    Veterinary education in Germany The cytokines in veterinary medicine

  30. 联邦德国光学仪器工业的发展动向

    The Developing Trend of Germany 's Optical Instrument Industry