
  • 网络Paris Agreement
  1. 巴黎协定签约方警告称,融资承诺方面至少达400亿美元的缺口正在破坏应对气候变化的努力。在外界对唐纳德?特朗普(DonaldTrump)治下的美国是否支持巴黎协定感到疑虑的背景下,各签约方继续努力推进该协定。

    A gap of at least $ 40bn in financing commitments is hampering efforts to combat climate change , signatories to the Paris agreement have warned , as they try to keep the agreement going in the face of doubts over US support under President Donald Trump .

  2. 关于在越南结束战争恢复和平的巴黎协定

    Paris Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam

  3. 相关的文件是巴黎协定和美国总统的一项咨文。

    The relevant documents were the Paris Agreement and a Presidential message .

  4. 论巴黎协定后北越实行政治优先政策的原因

    An Analysis on Why North Vietnam Taking " Political Priority " Policy after Paris Agreement

  5. 双方同意就落实《巴黎协定》进行合作。

    The two sides agreed to work together on the implementation of the Paris Agreement .

  6. 巴黎协定墨迹未干,他们就已经开始背弃他们的庄严义务。

    Before the ink was dry on the Paris agreement they began to dishonor their solemn obligations .

  7. 拜登早前承诺,他将在上任第一天重新加入巴黎协定。

    Biden earlier promised that he would rejoin the Paris deal on his first day in office .

  8. 此外,该期刊还肯定了中国在《巴黎协定》的生效一事中起到的积极作用。

    The journal also recognizes the positive role of China in the implementation of the Paris Agreement .

  9. 他表示尽管很难完全实现,但是《巴黎协定》的具体落实仍然非常重要。

    He says the guidelines for getting the Paris agreement are important , though not easy to finalize .

  10. 中国国务院副总理表示,中美应对气候变化合作必须建立在《巴黎协定》的基础上。

    China 's vice premier says China-U.S. cooperation on climate issues must the foundations of the Paris Agreement .

  11. 克里表示,美国愿意与中国合作,为实现《巴黎协定》的目标树立榜样。

    Kerry says the United States work with China to set an example for meeting the Paris Agreement goals .

  12. 签署巴黎协定之后,北越并没有立即采用军事手段统一南方。

    After signing the Paris Agreement , North Vietnam didn 't conquer the South Vietnam by force at once .

  13. 巴黎协定签定还不到半个月就有了问题。

    It was not yet two weeks since the signature of the Paris Agreement and it was already becoming frayed .

  14. 这种变化以科学为导向,在《巴黎协定》框架下组织起来,由地球上所有国家颁布。

    a change oriented by science , organized under the Paris Agreement and then enacted by all the nations on earth .

  15. 他重申了中国到2060年实现碳中和的目标,并表示这表明了中国对《巴黎协定》的承诺。

    He reiterated China 's goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2060 and says it demonstrates China 's commitment to the Paris Agreement .

  16. 他还呼吁完成《巴黎协定》实施细则的谈判,确保全球气候治理步入正轨。

    He also called for the completion of the negotiations on the implementation details of the Paris Agreement to keep global climate governance on track .

  17. 力争将全球升温幅度限制在2摄氏度以下的巴黎协定中包括发达国家帮助发展中国家应对气候变化的财务承诺。

    The Paris agreement to limit global temperature rises to under 2 degrees Celsius includes financial commitments from developed countries to help developing nations deal with climate change .

  18. 周三,美国正式退出《巴黎协定》,成为近200个签署国中唯一一个放弃应对气候变化全球议程的国家。

    The United States formally left the Paris Agreement on Wednesday , marking the only nation among nearly 200 signatories that abandoned this global agenda on combating climate change .

  19. 美国总统已邀请数十位世界领导人参加周四开始的为期两天的视频峰会,此前,美国重新加入了2015年达成的《巴黎协定》。

    The U.S. President has invited dozens of world leaders to join the two-day virtual summit starting on Thursday , after bringing the U.S. back into the 2015 Paris Agreement .

  20. 欧盟和美国此前希望,利马谈判的范围将局限于确保各国为巴黎协定自愿提交的承诺会侧重于减排。

    The EU and the US had hoped the talks would be limited to making sure the pledges countries were to volunteer for the Paris deal would focus on emissions reduction .

  21. 美国为重新武装西德,并把它拉入北大西洋公约组织,炮制了西方九国《巴黎协定》。

    In order to rearm West Germany and incorporate it into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization , the United States concocted the Paris Agreement With nine western countries as its participants .

  22. 太平洋岛国领导人非常关心巴黎协定,因为他们的地理位置使他们极易受到气候变化和海平面上升的影响。

    The Paris accord is of significant concern for leaders in the Pacific islands , as their location and geography make them particularly susceptible to the effects of climate change and rising ocean levels .

  23. 中方期待这次峰会能为全球合作应对气候变化挑战,推动巴黎协定全面有效实施,以及共同促进全球气候环境治理提供有益的交流和合作平台。

    China hopes the summit will a favorable platform for exchanges and cooperation on global response to challenges posed by climate change , promoting full and effective implementation of the Paris Agreement and jointly advancing global climate and environmental governance .

  24. 1973年,《巴黎和平协定》(theParisPeaceAccords)在此签署,该协定标志着越战正式结束。

    In 1973 , it was the venue for the signing of the Paris Peace Accords , which marked the end of the Vietnam war .

  25. 也因此,我退出单边的巴黎气候协定--相信我,这是单方面的。

    That 's why I withdrew from the one-sided Paris Climate Accord - and believe me , it was one-sided .

  26. 他表示中国将继续支持联合国2030可持续发展战略和巴黎气候变化协定。

    He has also voiced China 's continued support for the UN 's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development , as well as the Paris climate change Agreement .

  27. 善意条款:巴黎俱乐部贷款协定中的一项条款,规定债权国在规定的合并期结束后进行债务减免。

    Goodwill clause : A clause in a Paris Club loan agreement that commits the creditors to consider debt relief after the end of the stipulated consolidation period .

  28. 但巴黎公约和TRIPs协定都是传统的驰名商标保护国际规则。

    However , both the Paris Convention and the TRIPs agreement are traditional international rules of well-known trademark protection , only applicable in internet vacuum age .

  29. 的要求,也是谈判的重点分歧。第三是出资问题,发达国家如何出资及兑现已有的资金承诺。”在2015年巴黎气候变化大会上,几乎所有的国家都签署了《巴黎协定》。

    in a voluntary way or an obligatory way ? The other point is how much money should developed countries provide and how will these countries fulfill their promises that have been made . " The Paris agreement was signed by almost every country in the world at the 2015 Paris conference .

  30. 利马会议最终确实设法达到了主要目标,即批准了各国在巴黎会议之前应当如何制定减排计划的指引。有望在巴黎达成的协定如果获得批准,将是首份要求所有国家削减温室气体排放的全球气候协定。

    The Lima meeting did eventually manage to fulfil its main aim of approving guidelines for how countries will set out their plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the lead-up to the Paris agreement . The agreement , if it is approved , would be the first to commit all countries to make such reductions .