
bā xī
  • Brazil;Baxi
巴西[bā xī]
  1. 巴西蕉的营养特性及钾镁肥配施技术研究

    Nutritional characteristics and K and Mg fertilizer combination in Baxi banana

  2. 巴西文化源远流长,积淀厚重。其内涵体现在人文历史上,是多元而多彩的。

    Baxi culture has a long history and its connotation shows pluralistic features in humanities .

  3. 昨晚你有没有看那个有关巴西的节目?

    Did you see that programme on Brazil last night ?

  4. 去不去巴西,我仍然拿不定主意。

    I still have mixed feelings about going to Brazil .

  5. 巴西是世界上最大的咖啡生产国。

    Brazil is the world 's largest producer of coffee .

  6. 在决赛中巴西队以5:1狂胜意大利队。

    Brazil trounced Italy 5 – 1 in the final .

  7. 在巴西脊髓灰质炎实际上已经根除。

    Polio has been virtually eradicated in Brazil .

  8. 我没去过巴西,但很想去。

    I haven 't been to Brazil , but I 'd love to go .

  9. 他们以1:2输给巴西之后在世界杯赛中被淘汰出局。

    They crashed out of the World Cup after a 2-1 defeat to Brazil .

  10. 总统正在巴西进行为期两天的正式访问。

    The President is in Brazil for an official two-day visit .

  11. 巴西的宪法禁止将核能用于军事用途。

    Brazil 's constitution forbids the military use of nuclear energy .

  12. 探长巴西特负责调查该谋杀案。

    Det Supt Bassett was in charge of the murder enquiry .

  13. 巴西称其宪法禁止个人占有能源资产。

    Brazil says its constitution forbids the private ownership of energy assets .

  14. 巴西即将提出一个新的债务偿付计划。

    Brazil is putting forward a new debt repayment plan .

  15. 这个共和国是巴西人民的领土。

    The Republic is a dominion of the Brazilian people .

  16. 这个案件已经在巴西引起了极大的关注。

    The case has generated enormous publicity in Brazil .

  17. 这些植物中有很多原产地在巴西。

    Many of the plants are native to Brazil .

  18. 巴西警方发现了有人要绑架他的阴谋。

    Police in Brazil uncovered a plot to kidnap him

  19. 一家巴西公关公司给他的竞选活动带来了些许活力。

    A Brazilian public relations firm has brought some fizz into his campaign .

  20. 巴西甜酒相当于是巴西的龙舌兰酒。

    Cachaca is Brazil 's answer to tequila .

  21. 他从地上抓起巴西坚果,扔到篮子里。

    He plucks Brazil nuts off the ground and tosses them into the basket .

  22. 门德斯先生正领导一场运动,以拯救遭到乱砍滥伐的巴西热带雨林。

    Mr Mendes was leading a campaign to save Brazil 's rainforest from exploitation .

  23. 巴西必须击败乌拉圭才能确保进入决赛。

    Brazil need to beat Uruguay to be certain of a place in the finals

  24. 总统已经呼吁巴西人民要有爱国情怀和集体主义精神。

    The president has appealed to the Brazilian people for patriotism and community spirit .

  25. 我为我的巴西血统感到自豪。

    I am proud of my Brazilian roots

  26. 1991年,巴西的咖啡豆产量达2,800万袋,为4年来最高。

    Brazil harvested 28m bags of coffee in 1991 , the biggest crop for four years .

  27. 巴西恢复了与南非的外交关系,以示对其采取措施结束种族隔离的正式认可。

    Brazil normalised its diplomatic relations with South Africa in recognition of the steps taken to end apartheid

  28. 七国集团的政府和巴西之间的合作能否成功至关重要。

    Much hangs on the success of the collaboration between the Group of Seven governments and Brazil .

  29. 圭亚那国防军正采取行动驱逐在本国作业的非法巴西矿工。

    The Guyana Defence Force is engaged in flushing out illegal Brazilian miners operating in the country .

  30. 阿根廷队至少要赢秘鲁队4球才能超越巴西队进入决赛。

    Argentina need to beat Peru by at least four goals to overhaul Brazil and reach the final itself