
  • 网络Gentoo;gentoo penguin
  1. 对开发建设项目,其产品命名的巴布亚企鹅。

    The development project and its products are named after the Gentoo penguin .

  2. 在设得兰群岛的一个遍布卵石的海滩,这只象海豹挨了一只巴布亚企鹅的狠狠一啄。

    This elephant seal was pecked on the bottom by a gentoo penguin on a pebbly beach in the Shetland Islands

  3. 巴布亚企鹅在印度的意思是异教徒。

    Gentoo actually means a pagan in Hindustan .

  4. 结果,在南极洲南设得兰群岛的巴布亚企鹅驱逐了入侵者。这只年轻的象海豹后面挨了一记火辣的狠啄。

    As a result , the young seal suffered a painful pinch on the behind as the gentoo penguins on Antarctica 's South Shetland Islands saw off the intruder . & nbsp ;