
  • 网络Baroque;baroque architecture
  1. 巴洛克建筑是最能显示巴洛克艺术风格特点的一个艺术种类。

    Baroque architecture is a kind of best art style features show of Baroque .

  2. 哈尔滨中华巴洛克建筑质疑

    Oppugning about Chinese - Baroque Architecture in Harbin

  3. 塔的使用在文艺复兴期间有些衰落,但在巴洛克建筑中再度出现。

    The use of towers declined somewhat during the Renaissance But reappeared in Baroque architecture .

  4. 但是在近现代的建筑中我们却一直能够看到巴洛克建筑的身影。

    But in modern buildings , we have been able to see the baroque architecture of the figure .

  5. 不管是在东方还是西方,巴洛克建筑的元素从来没有被设计师忽略过。

    Whether in the East or the West , the Baroque architecture design elements have never been ignored before .

  6. 巴洛克建筑:源于16世纪晚期意大利的建筑风格,在某些地区延续至18世纪,特别是德国和殖民时期的南美洲。

    Baroque architecture : Architectural style originating in late16th-century Italy and lasting in some regions , notably Germany and colonial South America , until the18th century .

  7. 融合了哥特和巴洛克建筑风格的“冰雪之冠”,伫立在黑龙江省的省会哈尔滨的太阳岛湖面上。

    Combining both gothic and baroque styles , the " Crown of Ice and Snow " stands on the surface of a frozen lake at Sun Island in Harbin , the provincial capital .

  8. 这栋新巴洛克风格建筑于1895年开放,是由奥匈帝国皇帝弗朗兹·约瑟夫(FranzJosef)兴建的,目前既上演各国古典剧作,亦有现代戏剧作品、芭蕾和歌剧。

    The neo-Baroque building , opened in 1895 by the Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Josef , stages a repertory of international classics as well as modern dramatic works , ballet and opera .

  9. 你喜欢华丽的巴洛克式建筑吗?

    Do you like florid Baroque architecture ?

  10. 精巧的罗马式教堂又得到威尼斯时期出色的文艺复兴式和巴洛克式建筑的补充。

    Its beautiful Romanesque churches are complemented by the outstanding Renaissance and Baroque buildings from the Venetian period .

  11. 古罗马的每个阶层,中世纪和文艺复兴时期,巴洛克风格建筑几乎出现在每一个时期的转角处。

    Layers of Ancient Roman , Medieval , Renaissance and Baroque buildings are to be seen at almost every turn .

  12. 它最典型地代表了莫斯科巴洛克式建筑的特征,尽显细致别致的雕塑表现力和体积轮廓的清晰和明快。

    It embodies the most typical features of the Moscow Baroque : the plastic expressiveness of elaborate details and clear-cut articulation of volumes .

  13. 圣地亚哥古城内有各式罗马式建筑、哥特式建筑和巴洛克式建筑,堪称世界上最美丽的城市之一。

    With its romanesque , Gothic and Baroque buildings , the old town of Santiago is one of the world 's most beautiful urban areas .

  14. 这座新巴洛克风格的建筑如今是一座美憬阁世纪古城布拉格酒店(HotelCenturyOldTown),里面很容易发现一些与卡夫卡有关的痕迹:他的半身像;

    Today the neo-Baroque building is the Hotel Century Old Town Prague , which has some not-so-subtle Kafka references : a bust of the writer ;

  15. 它们那独特的欧洲巴洛克式的建筑风格在中国和菲律宾工匠的手中得以再现。

    Their unique architectural style is a reinterpretation of European Baroque by Chinese and Philippine craftsmen .

  16. 布拉格拥有令人惊叹的巴洛克和哥特式建筑,还有历史长达600年的美丽天文钟,深受历史爱好者的欢迎。

    A popular destination for history buffs , Prague boasts stunning baroque and gothic architecture , as well as a beautiful astronomical clock that dates back 600 years .

  17. 巴洛克艺术包括建筑、雕塑、绘画、家具、服装及生活用品等诸多领域,本文只着重于绘画方面。

    Baroque art , including architecture , sculpture , paintings , furniture , clothing , household items and many other fields , the article only focuses on Baroque painting .

  18. 巴洛克时期音乐与建筑相通性的比较研究

    Baroque Music and Construction of the Comparative Study of the Same

  19. 三百年的历史留下了罗马式,哥特式,巴洛克等各式的建筑……

    Thirty centuries of history expressed in the Classical , the Romanesque , the Gothic , the Baroque ...

  20. 本文重点选取菲律宾和越南的天主教堂作为研究对象,集中讨论巴洛克式和哥特式建筑风格在东南亚地区教堂中的体现。

    In this paper , the author focused on the baroque style churches in the Philippines and the gothic style churches in Vietnam to show the spread of Catholic in Southeast Asia .

  21. 本文从追溯巴洛克艺术的历史入手,通过阐述巴洛克艺术的产生和发展、不同国家的巴洛克建筑特色来介绍巴洛克建筑艺术,并提炼出了巴洛克建筑艺术的特征。

    In this paper , trace the history of Baroque art start by describing the emergence and development of Baroque art , Baroque architecture in different countries to introduce the art of baroque architecture , and to extract the characteristics of Baroque architecture .