
  • 网络Badong County
  1. 巴东县早实核桃选育及栽培试验

    Cultivation Test and Breeding of Early-Fruiting Walnut in Badong County

  2. 巴东县旅游资源可持续开发构想

    The Idea of Exploitation in Tourist Resource at Badong County

  3. 并将滑坡灾害风险评价模型与GIS技术先进的图形处理和空间分析功能相结合,建立了巴东县新县城区滑坡灾害风险预测系统。

    By using the landslide risk evaluating model and the advantages of GIS technology in image processing and space-analysis , the relative landslide hazard and risk evaluating system of the new county site of Badong is built up .

  4. 三峡水库区巴东县文家滑坡特征及其防治对策

    Characteristics and control measure of Wenjia landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir

  5. 巴东县退耕还林工程建设阶段效益评价

    Evaluation on Effect for Land Conversion Program in Construction Stage in Badong

  6. 关于巴东县林业产业化建设的思考

    Thinking about Development of Forestry Industrialization in Badong County

  7. 巴东县卫生院高边坡稳定性计算与治理

    High slope stability calculation and treatment of the health center in Badong country

  8. 巴东县老城区某滑坡滑动机理及稳定性分析

    A Study of Deformation Mechanism and Stability Evaluation for a Landslide of Badong County

  9. 湖北省巴东县新城区滑坡灾害空间预测

    Spatial Prediction of Landslide Hazards in New Site of Badong County , Hubei Province

  10. 巴东县信陵镇城区暴雨泥石流分析

    Analysis of the storm debris flow in the city proper of Xinling town , badong County

  11. 近日,因涉嫌故意杀人罪,巴东县邓某被检察机关批捕。

    Recently , on suspicion of intentional homicide , Badong County Dengmou by prosecutors arrest approval .

  12. 巴东县独特的地理位置和自然环境使它有着非常独特的地域文化。

    The special geographical location and natural environment of Badong make it has a very unique local culture .

  13. 猴子包危岩体位于巴东县信陵镇火焰石村长江右岸。

    Houzibao dangerous rock is situated at Huoyanshi village in Badong County on the right bank of Yangtse Rive .

  14. 许多地区已把清江舞列为中小学课堂教学内容,特别是在恩施的巴东县。

    Many schools have regarded it as the teaching content in these areas , especially in Badong , Enshi .

  15. 鄂西南巴东县是湖北省三大银杏古树分布区之一。

    Badong County of west-south Hubei Province is one of the three major distribution areas of ancient Ginkgo trees in Hubei .

  16. 结合巴东县旅游资源的分布状况和特征分析,对比研究了巴东县旅游资源的优劣势,确定了巴东县旅游资源的特色和竞争力所在。

    Based on the analysis of tourism distribution and feature , the characteristics and competition of tourism were elucidated in Badong .

  17. 巴东县三峡工程移民前后外出务工人口状况比较分析

    A Comparative Analysis of Migrant Workers Population Outside Badong County Before and After the Immigration Due to the Three Gorges Project

  18. 三峡库区巴东县新城区所在的扇形大斜坡是一个复杂斜坡系统。

    The fan-shaped slope for new town of Badong county is a complex system in the Three Gorges reservoir of Yangtze River .

  19. 至记者发稿时,巴东县法院门口仍有群众聚集,但秩序良好。

    There were still some people who gathered in order at the gate of the court till the reporter covered the story .

  20. 恩施生态文明特区:库区移民家庭收入风险的来源与控制&以湖北省巴东县为例

    Badong , An Ecological Civilization SAR in Enshi : on the Control and Origin of Risk in Immigrants Family Income in Dam Areas

  21. 死者邓贵大44岁,是湖北巴东县野三关镇的经济开发办公室的主任。

    Deng Guida , the44-year-old victim , was director of the business promotion office of Yesanguan Town in Badong County of Hubei Province .

  22. 巴东县龙王庙是巫峡口的一处临江台地遗址,发掘共分三个点。

    Longwangmiao , situated at mouth of wuxia at Badong county , a platform site , was exca - vated in three places .

  23. 巴东县野生动植物保护现状及对策我国森林生物多样性的保护现状与展望

    Countermeasures and Current Situation on Protection for Wild Animal and Plant in Badong County PRESENT CONSERVATION STATUS AND PROSPECT OF THE FOREST BIODIVERSITY IN CHINA

  24. 从自然地理条件、地质构造、地形地貌、地质灾害分布及危险性影响四个方面介绍了巴东县新城区的地质概况。

    From natural and geographical conditions , geological structures , landform , distribution of geological disasters and dangerous effects four aspects introduced geological survey of Badong .

  25. 巴东县杨家坪地区出现地面塌陷等地质灾害时间已有十多年,且日益严重。

    Geological hazard such as land surface collapse was firstly found in Yangjiaping area ten years ago , and it has become increasingly worse in recent years .

  26. 在地质条件分析的基础上,阐释了选择巴东县新城区高切破碎石土作为研究对象的针对性和有效性。

    On the basis of geological condition analysis , explained the pertinence and effectiveness of select Badong high cut slope gravel soils as the research object . 3 .

  27. 第二章从社会、家庭、学校、个体因素等方面分析了恩施地区巴东县青少年暴力犯罪的原因。

    In the second chapter , I analyzed the causes of the problem in Badong county from the aspects of society , family , school and individual factors .

  28. 谭家坪滑坡位于巴东县新城区,是三峡库区纳入首批治理地质灾害点之一。

    Tanjiaping landslide lies in the new-established Badong County , which is one of the geological disasters managed in the first batch in the reservoir area of Three Gorges reservoir .

  29. 第一章介绍了恩施地区巴东县的基本情况,并归纳总结了巴东县青少年暴力犯罪的现状和特点。

    In the first chapter , I briefly introduced the overview of Badong county , and clarified the basic situation and features about the problem of adolescent violence crime in Badong county .

  30. 文章在收集巴东县1993年至2003年降雨资料的基础上,对巴东县的降雨特征进行了分析,认为巴东县年降雨量变化较大,年平均降雨量达978.6mm,属雨水丰富区域;

    Based on rainfall data of Badong from 1993 to 2003 , the characters of rainfall were analysed . It showed that the annual rainfall is abundant ( the annual average rainfall is 978.58mm ) and various .