
  • 网络barents;the Barents Sea
  1. 绿色和平组织的旗舰正在穿越巴伦支海的北极寒冷地带。

    The Greenpeace flagship is voyaging through the Arctic cold of the Barents Sea .

  2. 在巴伦支海搜寻了几个星期之后,正在返航途中。

    Which had been searching the Barents Sea for weeks , was on its way home .

  3. 上世纪30年代,约瑟夫斯大林(JosefStalin)下令把红帝王蟹(即勘察加蟹,Kamchatkacrab)引入巴伦支海(BarentsSea),目的是为苏联的工人开辟一种新的廉价蛋白质来源。

    In the 1930s Josef Stalin ordered the introduction of the red king or Kamchatka crab to the Barents Sea to create a new source of cheap protein for Soviet workers .

  4. 地震学在科拉半岛的应用:监测巴伦支海地区的地震和爆破

    Seismology on Kola : monitoring earthquakes and explosions in the Barents region

  5. 这些发现为加深了解相邻的巴伦支海和喀拉海东部的油气远景提供了新的重要线索。

    These discoveries provide important new insight into the hydrocarbon potential of the adjacent eastern Barents and Kara seas .

  6. 俄罗斯国防部表示,俄罗斯一架战斗机在巴伦支海上空拦截了美国和挪威的巡逻机。

    The Russian Defense Ministry says a Russian fighter jet has intercepted US and Norwegian patrol planes above the Barents Sea .

  7. 该区域已然布满了相互重叠的领土声明,例如挪威与俄罗斯之间关于巴伦支海的分歧。

    The region is already pocked with overlapping territorial claims , such as that between Norway and Russia in the Barents Sea .

  8. 挪威籍的瑞加利亚号潜水平台周日架设在库尔斯克号潜艇所沉没的北冰洋巴伦支海中。

    The Norwegian diving platform " Regalia " at the scene of the sunken Kursk submarine in the Arctic Barents Sea on Sunday .

  9. 北极巴伦支海和拉普捷夫海海冰中细菌和微藻的垂直分布

    Vertical distribution of bacteria and their relation to algal biomass in the high arctic sea ice from the Barents Sea and Laptev Sea

  10. 宁夏春季沙尘暴发生次数与欧亚大陆北部的喀拉海、巴伦支海、格陵兰海冰面积指数之间有显著的相关关系。

    The correlations are significant between sea-ice area index of Kara Barents and Greenland seas , which locate on the north of the continent of Europe and Asian , and spring sand-storm 's occurrence times in Ningxia .

  11. 结果表明:冬、春季节海冰变率大的海区主要有巴伦支海、格陵兰海、巴芬湾、戴维斯海峡以及白令海;在巴芬湾、戴维斯海峡和白令海海区,冬季海冰变率比春季的大;

    The results indicate that in spring and winter , sea-ice variability are predominant in the following sea regions : the Kara and the Barents Seas , the Greenland Sea , the Baffin Bay and Davis Strait , the Bering Sea ;

  12. 格陵兰岛附近海域(主要包括格陵兰海、冰岛海、挪威海和巴伦支海)是联系北冰洋与其他海洋的主要通道,并存在显著的物质能量交换,对全球气候变化有重要的影响。

    The seas near the Greenland Island ( mainly including Greenland Sea , Iceland Sea , Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea ) are the main channels connecting the Arctic and other Oceans , where significant water and energy exchange take place .

  13. 摩尔曼斯克苏联欧洲部分西北部城市,临科拉湾北部,位于巴伦支海的入口处。它是个主要的无冰期港口,在两次世界大战中是苏联重要供给线的集散港。人口419000。

    A city of northwest European u.s.s.r.on the northern Kola Peninsula on an inlet of the Barents sea . a major ice-free port , it was the terminus of an important supply line to the U.S.S.R.in World Wars I and ii . population , 419000 .

  14. 在生产方面,近期计划开发亚马尔半岛、巴伦支海和萨哈林半岛大陆架上的气田,计划到2000年天然气产量达到7350~7550亿立方米,2010年达到8200~8600亿立方米;

    Annual natural gas production will increase to 735-755 billion cubic meters in the year 2000 and 820-860 billion cubic meters in 2010 through development of natural gas fields in the Yamal peninsula , the Barents sea , and the continental shelf of the Sakhalin Islands .

  15. 20世纪70年代末期开始,格陵兰海、巴伦支海及欧亚大陆大部分区域和北美大陆部分区域在增暖,而拉布拉多海、格陵兰和白令海峡区域却变冷。

    From the end of 1970s , the Greenland Sea , the Barents Sea and the most part of Euro-Asian continent and North American continent are getting warmer , whereas the Labrador Sea , the Greenland and the area around the Bering Strait are getting colder .

  16. 俄国北极的巴伦支海盆地区南部和北部三叠纪与侏罗纪石油体系还未开发,盆地区处于巴伦支海东部,一个主要特征是有石油和天然气混合体系。

    One major gas prone petroleum system characterises the sparsely explored South and North Barents Basin Provinces of the Russian Arctic in the eastern Barents Sea .