
  • 网络GYD;Bak;BuCUE;Balco
  1. 高致病性H5N1禽流感最初于2月9日在阿塞拜疆首都巴库附近的沿海地区发现的野生鸟类中得到确认。

    Highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza was initially confirmed in Azerbaijan on9 February in wild birds found in the coastal area near the capital city of Baku .

  2. 如果几年后你能在巴库(阿塞拜疆首都)叫到著名的黑色出租车,却不能在伦敦鲍(Bow)区叫到的话,这便是原因之一。

    If , in a few years , you can hail a famous black taxi in Baku but not in the London borough of Bow , that will be one reason why .

  3. 尽管首都巴库(baku)的市中心进口汽车拥塞难行,但在一个许多人缺乏基本基础设施的国度里,为准备欧歌赛而花费庞大资金本身就是可耻的事。

    The lavish cost of the preparations is itself obscene in a place where many lack basic amenities , despite the gridlock of imported cars in central Baku , the capital .

  4. 关注能带来不同的一个例证是,美国对巴库-第比利斯-杰伊汉(baku-tblisi-ceyhan)输油线路的支持。

    An example of the difference engagement can make is the support the US administration gave to the baku-tblisi-ceyhan pipeline .

  5. 阿塞拜疆首都巴库将安装西门子公司的路线连接策略控制系统(DUSC),用于帮助管理这座飞速扩张的城市的交通。

    A Dial-Up Strategic Control system ( DUSC ) from Siemens will be installed in Baku , the capital of Azerbaijan , to help manage traffic in the rapidly expanding city .

  6. 他是巴统和巴库工厂的组织者。

    He was an organizer in Batum and Baku factories .

  7. 傍晚,我们在巴库的庙里进行了最后一次活动。

    This evening we held our final program in the Baku Temple .

  8. 我们在巴库的线人联系我。

    I was contacted by an informant in baku .

  9. 第比利斯苏联欧洲部分东南部一城市,位于库拉河边巴库西北偏西。

    A city of southeast European U.S.S.R.on the Kura River west-northwest of Baku .

  10. 如果你想要加入更多不寻常的城市(巴库-金沙萨-帕拉马里博,有人想去么?)

    If you want to link more offbeat hubs ( Baku Kinshasa Paramaribo , anyone ?)

  11. 美国支持的巴库&杰伊汉管道开工建设;

    Construction of the US-backed Baku-Ceyhan pipeline ;

  12. 在此之前,最高纪录为2007年阿塞拜疆巴库市报告的22%。

    Previously , the highest recorded level was22 % in Baku City , Azerbaijan , in2007 .

  13. 印度的货物通过海运到达巴库,再从巴库运往俄国北部和西欧。

    Indian goods went by sea through Baku to the north of Russia and on to Western Europe .

  14. 因为缺少资金,我们不能一路坐飞机去阿塞拜疆的巴库。

    Because of a shortage of funds we are unable to fly all the way to Baku , Azerbaijan .

  15. 尼尔森娱乐公司的大卫巴库拉称:流媒体将在音乐行业占据越来越重要的位置。

    Streaming continues to be an increasingly significant portion of the music industry , said David Bakula of Nielsen Entertainment .

  16. 巴库的奉献者会到边境这边来接我们,再把我们送到阿塞拜疆。

    The devotees from Baku would cross the border into to pick us up and drive us back into Azerbaijan .

  17. 沿着位于阿塞边疆首都巴库的里海岸散步,你会闻到空气中弥漫着石油的气味。

    WALK along the shore of the Caspian sea in Azerbaijan 's capital , Baku , and you smell oil in the air .

  18. 纪录片“古老的秘密巴库-火灾景象,”是城市历史和传统的阿塞拜疆。

    The documentary " Baku-the secrets of ancient fires " is about sights , history of the city and traditions of people of Azerbaijan .

  19. 上午,施瑞•帕拉德、我和另外一位奉献者一起到巴库,想找个公园静静地念诵。

    Later this morning Sri Prahlada and I , with one other devotee , went into Baku to find a park to chant our rounds .

  20. 虽然表面的财富并没有扩展到巴库之外,甚至连起巴库郊区都没有,普通阿塞拜疆人已经享受到收入增长的喜悦。

    Although the wealth on display in central Baku does not extend even to the city 's suburbs , ordinary Azeris have enjoyed rising incomes .

  21. 巴库是阿塞拜疆的政治、经济和文化中心。阿塞拜疆是前苏联共和国成员之一,其经济支持是国内丰富的石油资源。

    Baku is the political , economic and cultural centre of Azerbaijan-a former Soviet republic-where the economy is based on the country 's rich oil resources .

  22. 切尼星期三在巴库与阿塞拜疆总统阿利耶夫会晤。切尼说,高加索地区的安全与美国利益息息相关。

    Mr. Cheney met Wednesday in Baku with Azerbaijan 's President Ilham Aliyev , saying the United States has a deep and abiding interest in the security of the Caucasus .

  23. 在里海的巴库地区水域沿岸,整座山脉中可开凿的岩石都被投入这里,来建造一个新群岛。

    In the waters off the coast of Baku , on the Caspian Sea , whole mountains ' worth of rocks are being poured in to create a new archipelago .

  24. 西方工业化国家的资源型城市产业转型经历了几十年的时间,既有美国休斯顿这样的转型成功的典范,也有前苏联的巴库这样失败的案例。

    Such industrial transformation lasted for several decades in the western industrial countries , with not only the successful cases such as Huston of America , but also the failure model of Baku of the former Soviet Union .

  25. 将军两年前曾任迪亚拉地区的作战指挥官,他称在周一早些时候参观省府巴库巴,当他看到他以前从事的发展项目一片混乱时,他十分难过。

    General pittard , who was an operational commander in Diyala two years ago , says he was__3__during a visit to the provincial capital baquba , early monday , when he saw many of the development projects he worked on lying in__4__ .

  26. 他们雇用了一个专业的水中牧师帮他们在泰国海岸主持婚礼,同时邀请了多有的朋友前来参加(不过只有四个懂斯巴库潜水的朋友会来)。莉莉安订做了一件特别的白色婚礼用保温潜水服。

    They 've hired a professinal underwater priest to perform the ceremony off the coast of Thailand . They 've invited all their friends ( but only the four that know how to scuba dive are going to attended . ) Lillian had a special white wedding wetsuit made .