
bā bǐ lún
  • Babylon
巴比伦 [bā bǐ lún]
  • [Babylon] 指公元前二千多年在幼发拉底河和底格里斯河流域建立的古代巴比伦王国。它的首都叫巴比伦,在现在伊拉克巴格达之南,公元前二千年到一千年间是亚洲西部著名的商业和文化中心

巴比伦[bā bǐ lún]
  1. 狄安娜神殿和巴比伦空中花园名列古代世界七大奇观之中。

    The temple of Diana and the hanging gardens of Babylon were two of the seven wonders of the world in ancient times .

  2. 埃及和巴比伦都是暴君统治的国家,由一个非常强大的人物统治着无助的群众。

    Egypt and Babylon were both tyrannies , one very powerful man ruling over helpless masses .

  3. 他们的数制源自古巴比伦人,以数字6的倍数为基数。

    Their numerical system , derived from the Babylonians , was based on multiples of the number six .

  4. 它还有一段令人赞叹的历史。在公元前约2800年的巴比伦,人们已经开始制造和使用已知最早的肥皂。

    It also has an amazing history . In Babylon around 2,800 B.C. , the earliest known soap was made and used

  5. 上述的早期握手是达成协议或和解的一部分:撒缦以色三世的宝座上刻画的是他在一次叛乱中履行和巴比伦国王的合约;

    The early handshakes mentioned above were part of making deals or burying the hatchet ; Shalmaneser III 's throne base references him honoring a treaty with the Babylonian king during a revolt .

  6. 2012年,她在北京的尤伦斯当代艺术中心做了一个装置作品,名叫《空中墨花园》(HangingGardeninInk)。她以巴比伦的空中花园为灵感,把植物涂成黑色。

    In 2012 , she installed a work , " Hanging Garden in Ink , " with plants painted black , based on the Hanging Gardens of Babylon , at the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing .

  7. 巴比伦人和波斯人有一个类似的节日,叫作Sacaea。

    The Persians and the Babylonians celebrated a similar festival called the Sacaea .

  8. 正是因为渴望成为英雄,亚历山大带领一小股部队穿过沙漠,袭击了巴比伦(babylon)波斯王统领的千军万马,而且在此过程中还把希腊文明传播到了印度。

    It was the desire to be a hero that drew Alexander to March his tiny army across the desert and attack the massed forces of the Persian king at Babylon and , by so doing , to bring Greek civilisation to India .

  9. 虽然对花园最详尽的记述走出自Berossus和DiodorusSiculus等希腊历史学家笔下,但巴比伦的历史记录却对此事只字未提。

    While the most descriptive accounts of the Gardens come from Greek historians such as Berossus and Diodorus Siculus , Babylonian records stay silent on the matter .

  10. 就要面对我巴比伦女王的怒火。

    They will face my wrath , as Queen of babylon .

  11. 巴比伦掌管死亡书的女神。

    Ninedinna the Babylonian goddess of the books of the dead .

  12. 亚述和巴比伦的纪录比较起来则少得多。

    The records of Assyria and Babylon are sparing in comparison .

  13. 他们认为我是巴比伦,我清楚不。

    They thought I was babylon , I 'm clearly not .

  14. 巴比伦在列国中何竟变为荒场。

    How is Babylon become an astonishment among the nations !

  15. 巴比伦的黎明女神,太阳神的配偶。

    Aja The Babylonian dawn goddess and consort of the sun god .

  16. 巴比伦没有理想,迦太基也没有。

    Babylon has no ideal ; Carthage has no ideal .

  17. 巴比伦王俘虏过许多犹太人。

    The king of the Babylon led captive many of the Jews .

  18. 阿玛尔纳时代埃及与巴比伦的关系

    The Relations Between Egypt and Babylon in the Amarna Period

  19. 这些语言(族语言)括希伯莱语,阿拉伯语,亚述语和巴比伦语。

    These languages include Hebrew , Arabic , Assyrian , and Babylonian .

  20. 巴比伦发展出一种基于楔形符号的抽象的书写系统。

    Babylonians developed an abstract form of writing based on cuneiform symbols .

  21. 迁到巴比伦之后,耶哥尼雅生撒拉铁。

    And after they were brought to Babylon , Jechonias begat Salathiel ;

  22. 他征服了米提亚,粉碎了吕底亚人并且攻克了巴比伦。

    He vanquished the Medes , crushed the Lydians and conquered Babylon .

  23. 巴比伦人早在4000年前就开始庆祝新年了。

    The Babylonians celebrated the New Year as early as4000 years ago .

  24. 因此,我要把你们迁到巴比伦外去。

    Therefore I will send you into exile'beyond Babylon .

  25. 传说二巨蟹座最早脱胎于巴比伦的传说。

    Cancer first appeared in legend of Babylonian culture .

  26. 巴比伦的勇士止息争战,藏在坚垒之中。

    Babylon 's warriors have stopped fighting ; they remain in their strongholds .

  27. 你了解古埃及、巴比伦和波斯的文化吗?

    Do you know the civilizations of ancient Egypt , Babylon and Persia ?

  28. 在白人移民看来,故土英格兰是耶路撒冷,而澳洲大陆则是巴比伦。

    For white immigrants , England is jerusalem , while Australia is babylon .

  29. 巴比伦和罗马征服者没有消灭我们。

    We have survived our Babylonian and Roman conquerors .

  30. 在巴比伦记数制中,代表1和10的记号是基本记号。

    In the Babylonian system the symbols for 1 and 10 were basic .