
  • 网络BCBS;The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision;Basle Committee on Banking Supervision
  1. 据推测,巴塞尔银行监管委员会(Baselcommitteeonbankingsupervision)将于日内制定新的相关规则。

    The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is supposedly days away from deciding new rules .

  2. 去年,巴塞尔银行监管委员会(BaselCommitteeonBankingSupervision)终于批准了的3%国际杠杆率,尽管这一比例仍然过低。

    Last year the Basel Committee on banking supervision finally approved a still-too-low 3 % international leverage ratio .

  3. 巴塞尔银行监管委员会一致在制定一系列建议,统称为《巴塞尔协议III》。

    The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has been a set of s known as Basel Three .

  4. 作为银行业监管标准制定机构,巴塞尔银行监管委员会(Baselcommitteeonbankingsupervision)提出的这些建议,旨在挽救银行业的全球监管框架。

    The proposals from the standard-setting Basel Committee on Banking Supervision are an attempt to salvage a global regulatory framework for the industry .

  5. 例如,银行业监管标准将由巴塞尔银行监管委员会(baselcommitteeonbankingsupervision)制定,而金融稳定论坛(financialstabilityforum)将负责协调对大型跨国银行的监督。

    For example , banking regulations will be drawn up by the Basel Committee on banking supervision , while the Financial Stability Forum will be responsible for co-ordinating the oversight of large multinational banks .

  6. 这些数据将巴塞尔银行监管委员会(baselcommitteeonbankingsupervision)上一次改变规则的影响做成了模型上次改变收窄了银行可计入核心一级资本比率的定义。

    The data model the impact of earlier rule changes approved by the Basel Committee on banking supervision narrowing the definition of what banks can count towards core tier one capital ratio .

  7. 掌管巴塞尔银行监管委员会(baselcommitteeonbankingsupervision)的央行行长和监管官员表示,他们将最迟在今年底决定是否将更多资产纳入缓冲的范围。

    The governors and supervisors who oversee the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision said that they will decide by the end of this year whether to include more assets in the buffer .

  8. 巴塞尔银行监管委员会(Baselcommitteeonbankingsupervision)两周前投票通过了新协议,决定将银行必须留存以防备未来风险的资本金与经过风险调整的资产的比例从2%提升至7%。

    The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision voted two weeks ago to increase the capital banks must hold against future losses from 2 to 7 per cent of their assets adjusted for risk .

  9. 巴塞尔银行监管委员会(baselcommitteeonbankingsupervision)周一晚些时候确认,该国际银行监管机构已减缓了几项监管收紧计划的力度,法国和英国银行的股价因此也大幅上涨。

    French and UK banks were also big gainers thanks to confirmation from the Basel Committee on banking supervision late on Monday that the international bank regulator had moderated several of its planned crackdowns .

  10. 监督国际监管的巴塞尔银行监管委员会(baselcommitteeonbankingsupervision)去年12月表示,“正在评估对具有系统重要性的银行要求附加资本金的利弊”。

    The Basel Committee on banking supervision , which oversees international regulation , said in December that it was " evaluating the pros and cons of a capital surcharge for systemically important banks " .

  11. 现在,包括巴塞尔银行监管委员会、美国联邦储备银行、美国证券交易委员会和欧盟银行监管部门在内的世界范围的金融监管机构都将VaR方法作为基准的风险衡量与管理方法。

    Today , many financial regulative institutions of the world , including BCBS , FRB , SEC and banking supervision institutions of EU , use VaR as a benchmark for risk measurement and management .

  12. 周日,巴塞尔银行监管委员会(Baselcommitteeonbankingsupervision)27个成员国的中央银行家和官员们达成了上述协议。此前,他们就如何提高银行抵御金融冲击的能力进行了为期数月的辩论。

    The long-awaited agreement hammered out on Sunday by central bankers and officials from the 27 member countries of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision follows months of debate on how to make banks more resilient to financial shocks .

  13. 华尔街及一般企业的薪酬和利润可能受到此轮改革的打击,奥巴马政府将试图在与巴塞尔银行监管委员会(baselcommitteeonbankingsupervision)的谈判中,收紧对全球银行的资本及杠杆规定。

    Remuneration and profits at Wall Street and beyond could be hit by the reforms , which will see the administration attempt to tighten capital and leverage rules at global banks in negotiation with the Basel Committee on banking supervision .

  14. 如果巴塞尔银行监管委员会(baselcommitteeofbankingsupervision)采用这种方式,这可能意味着抵押贷款增量将日益更为平均地分布在全球各地,但这种结果并不是那么糟糕。

    If this approach were put in place by the Basel Committee of banking supervision , it would tend to mean that growth in mortgage lending would be increasingly redistributed more evenly around the world , but that is not such a bad outcome .

  15. 负责制定全球银行安全规则的巴塞尔银行监管委员会(BaselCommitteeonBankingSupervision)上周五宣布了这项颇为技术性的磋商。其矛头指向那些钻监管漏洞的银行,它们为高风险的贷款购买信用保险,但把保费分摊至数年。

    The highly technical consultation announced on Friday by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision , which sets global bank safety rules , takes aim at banks that have been exploiting a regulatory loophole by buying credit protection on risky loans but spreading out the premiums for several years .

  16. 金融稳定委员会(fsb)和巴塞尔银行监管委员会(bcbs)上周发表的两篇报告,给出了清晰的答案。

    A clear answer comes from two papers released this week by the Financial Stability Board ( FSB ) and the Basel Committee on banking supervision ( BCBS ) .

  17. 巴塞尔银行监管委员会(bcbs)最终通过的流动性覆盖率规则,较两年前提出的草案更为宽松。

    The final LCR rule approved by the Basel Committee on banking supervision is significantly more flexible than the draft proposed more than two years ago .

  18. 如美国、英国和巴塞尔银行监管委员会。

    Take America , England and Basel Committee on Banking Supervision for example .

  19. 巴塞尔银行监管委员会倡导下的联合论坛发布的《金融服务外包文件》便是顺应这种需求的产物。

    Outsourcing in financial services by the Joint Forum is the very response to these demands .

  20. 巴塞尔银行监管委员会

    Basle Committee on Banking Supervision

  21. 首先对巴塞尔银行监管委员会在流动性计量与管理方面的相关研究成果做了一个详细的介绍。

    First of all , we make a detailed introduction of correlative research fruit of Basel committee about bank liquidity computation and management .

  22. 这些数字可能会让人重新开始抱怨,在各银行的游说下,巴塞尔银行监管委员会的改革力度减轻了太多。

    The numbers are likely to revive complaints that the reforms have been softened too much in the face of lobbying by banks .

  23. 在国际层面的合作方面,金管局参与了巴塞尔银行监管委员会之下的电子银行小组。

    As regards international co-operation , the HKMA is a participant of the electronic banking group of the Basel Committee on banking supervision .

  24. 巴塞尔银行监管委员会昨日表示,长期而言,将鼓励银行在整个经济周期里,为应对坏账提前做好准备。

    The Basel Committee yesterday signalled that over the long term it would encourage banks to make provisions for bad debts throughout the economic cycle .

  25. 首先,诸如巴塞尔银行监管委员会之类的机构开出的“新药”会对危机的根源起效吗?

    First , will the new medication prescribed by bodies such as the Basel Committee on banking supervision work on the root cause of the crisis ?

  26. 我国作为金融稳定理事会和巴塞尔银行监管委员会成员国。应积极执行国际监管标准。

    As China is a member country of the Financial Stability Board and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision , we shall actively implement international supervision standards .

  27. 巴塞尔银行监管委员会是1975年由十国集团国家中央银行行长建立的。

    The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is a committee of banking supervisory authorities which was established by the central bank Governors of the G10 countries in1975 .

  28. 依据最新的资料,对国际银行监管的现状和发展趋势,尤其对巴塞尔银行监管委员会的有效银行监管的核心原则进行了系统介绍。

    Secondly , this paper , based on the new information , systematically introduces the present international banking supervision and development trend particularly the core principles of the Basel banking supervision commission .

  29. 我国遵循巴塞尔银行监管委员会协议的原则,股份制银行按规定进行了信息披露,然而,无论是在内容还是在完全透明度方面与发达国家银行相比还是有一定的距离。

    According to the relative principles of Basel Committee on Banking Supervision , Chinese joint stock banks have begin disclosing information , but there are still not as good as the ones of developed countries .

  30. 巴塞尔银行监管委员会由来自世界各地的监管者与银行业监督者构成。该委员会现在仍在计算其资本金与流动性规则改革提案的影响,随后将在11月份就提案进行投票。

    The committee , made up of regulators and banking supervisors from around the world , is still calculating the impact of its proposed overhaul of capital and liquidity rules ahead of a vote in November .