
  • 网络SWIFT;Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
  1. 世界各地使用环球银行金融电信协会(SWIFT)支付网络的银行被要求进行一次紧急软件升级。网络安全专家警告称,史上最大的银行抢劫案之一、2月份针对孟加拉国央行的攻击可能重演。

    Banks worldwide using the Swift global financial transaction system havebeen ordered to install an urgent software upgrade as cyber security expertswarned of a repeat of February 's raid on the Bangladesh central bank , one ofthe biggest bank robberies in history .

  2. 但这些21世纪的罪犯并没有用枪,而是获得了环球银行金融电信协会(SWIFT)的接入码,并用这些代码诱导美联储(Fed)将资金转入他们的账户,然后又篡改这些银行的软件以消除自己的网络痕迹。

    But these 21st-century fraudsters did not use guns ; instead they acquired the access code for the global cross-border bank payment messaging system known as Swift , and used these to persuade the US Federal Reserve to transfer money to their accounts . Then they tampered with the banks " software to erase their cyber fingerprints .