
huán jìng wèn tí
  • Environment;environmental problems;environmental issues;environmental aspect
  1. 他们在波兰发现的环境问题是他们遇到过的最严重的。

    Environmental problems they found in Poland were among the worst they encountered .

  2. 我们需要解决环境问题。

    We need to cure our environmental problems .

  3. 对环境问题,各方都是口惠而实不至。

    All the parties pay lip service to environmental issues .

  4. 当然,环境问题人们极为关注。

    Quite rightly , the environment is of great concern .

  5. 在处理环境问题上我们需要更协调的思考。

    We need more joined-up thinking in our approach to the environment .

  6. 她是政府的环境问题顾问。

    She advises the government on environmental issues .

  7. 她对环境问题深感担忧。

    She cares deeply about environmental issues .

  8. 丹麦总统将试图把环境问题摆到重要位置上。

    The Danish president will put environmental issues high on the agenda .

  9. 萨米人在环境问题上观点很鲜明。

    The Sami have strong views on environmental matters .

  10. 环境问题把对政府不满的人们凝聚了起来。

    Environmental issues provided a rallying point for people disaffected with the government .

  11. 环境问题将挤到议事日程之首。

    Environmental concerns will elbow their way right to the top of the agenda .

  12. 会议上提出的还是那些惯常讨论的老套话题——宏观经济政策、第三世界债务和环境问题。

    The meeting produced the usual bromides about macroeconomic policy , third-world debt and the environment .

  13. 能源部长回应说,反对派对环境问题的关切是政治上的机会主义。

    The Energy Minister responded by saying that the opposition 's concern for the environment was political opportunism .

  14. 大多数选民更在乎工作,因此政府可以不必在意那些关注环境问题的选民。

    Most voters care more about jobs and therefore the Government can write off voters motivated by environmental issues

  15. 商界一直不重视世界环境问题,总让我惊讶不已。

    It never ceases to amaze me how the business world continues to trivialize the world 's environmental problems .

  16. 他被指责在环境问题上没有立场。

    He was accused of not taking a stand on environmental issues .

  17. 一种解释是富裕国家出口了其环境问题,最形象的例子就是气候变化。

    A case can be made that rich nations export environmental problems , the most graphic example being climate change .

  18. 报告称,“在发展中国家,大多数环境问题都是由欠发展导致的。”

    " In the developing countries , " it says , " most of the environmental problems are caused by under-development . "

  19. 这个疑问在诸多环境问题的讨论中,以及我们多样性的地球上不断被提起,也将最终决定人类在追求经济复苏的同时,是否已透支其生态环境。

    That question , repeated across a dozen environmental issues and across our diverse planet , is what will ultimately determine whether the human race is living beyond its ecological means as it pursues economic revival .

  20. 例如,如果你的话题是美国环境问题,你可能会问:“你觉得为什么环境保护在美国很重要?”

    For example , if your topic is about environmental problems in America , you might ask , " Why do you think environmental protection is important in America ? "

  21. 解决大环境问题不一定非要当科学家。

    You don 't have to be a scientist to solve big environmental problems .

  22. 环境问题直接影响人们的生活质量。

    Environmental problems directly affect the quality of people 's lives .

  23. 清洁科技指的是本身就很环保,或者能帮助减少环境问题的科技,也可以指生产此种技术产品的商业部门。

    Cleantech refers to the technology that is itself environmentally friendly or that helps reduce environmental problems ;

  24. 这种蛋白质是由土壤细菌制成的,这种细菌以电解水中的氢为食。由于务农活动被认为是造成许多环境问题的原因,人们对由细菌制成的新型食物的投资不断增加。

    With farming blamed for contributing to many environmental problems , there 's been increasing investment in novel foods grown from bacteria .

  25. 然后对EPS乳液粘结剂的粘结机理及其环境问题等进行了分析。

    The adhesion of EPS solution and environmental question were also studied .

  26. 持久性有机污染物(POPs)的环境问题与修复技术研究

    The review of environment problem of POPs and remediation techniques

  27. 不过,在世界上的一些地方,阿加瓦尔及其名下的韦丹塔资源公司(VedantaResources)有着留下财务与环境问题的恶名。

    But Mr. Agarwal and his company , Vedanta Resources , are known in some parts of the world for having left financial and environmental problems in their wake .

  28. 尽管CO2的地质处置存在费用和安全稳定性问题,但国际上已开展的研究表明,地质处置温室性气体是人类积极解决全球环境问题极具前景的方法之一。

    The research by international experts shows that geological disposal of CO_2 is one of the promising methods for solving global climate problem although there are still problems about costs , safety and stability .

  29. 废气排放主要是CO2和SOx,其主要来源于煤的燃烧和工艺过程,十分巨大的工业固体废弃物将造成严峻的局地环境问题。

    The key gas emission is CO 2 and SO x , which are mainly emitted from coal burning and industrial process . The huge industrial solid waste from steel production will lead to severe local environmental pressure .

  30. 利用2000&2002年新疆阿克苏地区TM影像解译结果,对阿克苏地区土地利用现状及动态变化进行了分析,进而对该地区主要生态环境问题及相应对策做了简要论述。

    The current situation of landuse and dynamic changes of the Aksu region are analyzed using the interpreted TM image in the Aksu region between 2000 and 2002 , and then the main ecological environmental problems and the corresponding countermeasures are discussed in the paper .