
huán jìnɡ huà xué
  • environmental chemistry
  1. 支持向量机(SVM)和径向基神经网络(RBFNN)方法在化学、环境化学和药物化学中的应用研究

    Application of Support Vector Machines ( SVM ) and Radial Basis Function Neural Networks ( RBFNN ) in Chemistry , Environmental Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry

  2. 西安市路面积尘微量元素环境化学特征研究

    Study on element character of environmental chemistry road dusts in Xi'an

  3. 水环境化学作用CAI课件的制作

    The In struction of Mak in g Chemical Action in Water Environment CAI Courseware

  4. 定量结构-性质关系(Quantitativestructure-PropertyRelationship,QSPR)方法是预测化合物物理化学性质的有效手段,已被广泛用于药物化学、生物化学、环境化学等领域。

    Quantitative structure-property relationship ( QSPR ) method has become a powerful theoretical tool for estimation of the properties of compounds .

  5. 环境化学中有机化合物毒性的QSAR研究方法

    QSAR Methods for Toxicity Study of Organic Chemicals

  6. 因此,研究N2O排放与土壤性质之间的关系已成为当前土壤环境化学领域的热点问题。

    Therefore , recent study on relationship of N2O emission and soil properties has became the focus in the study of soil environment chemistry branch field in the global warming research .

  7. 新农药环境化学行为研究&除草剂绿草定(Triclopyr)在土壤-水环境中的吸附和光解

    Environmental behaviour of pesticide ── adsorption and photolysis of the herbicide triclopyr in soil-water environment

  8. 近年,Calabrese和Baldwin等学者认为兴奋效应型剂量-反应关系是环境化学物影响机体的主要模型,而并非经典的阈值模型或无阈值线性模型。

    Recently , Calabrese and Baldwin et al have suggested that the majority dose-response modes caused by environmental agents may not be the threshold mode nor the mode of non-threshold linear , but rather hormesis mode .

  9. 浅谈环境化学污染物的雌激素效应&环境雌激素

    Discussion on estrogenic effects of environmental Chemical Pollutants & Environmental Estrogen

  10. 成都市表生土壤镉的环境化学行为研究

    Study on Environmental Chemical Action of Cadmium in Topsoil in Chengdu

  11. 象山港重金属的环境化学特征

    Environmental chemical characteristics of the heavy metals in Xiangshan Bay

  12. 环境化学工程研究生人才培养与实践

    Training and Practice on Graduate Students of Environmental Chemical Engineering

  13. 环境化学与普通化学相结合教学的探讨

    An Exploration on Combination of Environmental Chemistry and General Chemistry in Teaching

  14. 元素的环境化学与地球的温室效应

    Environmental chemistry of elements and greenhouse effect of the earth

  15. 锕系元素环境化学&锕系元素化学的新分支

    Environmental chemistry of the actinide elements a new branch of actinide chemistry

  16. 稀土元素在水体中的环境化学行为及其生物效应

    The Chemical Behavior and Biological Effects of Rare-earth Elements in Aquatic Environment

  17. 本文讨论环境化学学科的范畴、组成及特色。

    The category , contents and features of environmental chemistry are discussed .

  18. 环境化学教学中学生主动学习能力的培养

    The Training of Active Study Ability of Students in Enviromental Chemistry Teaching Activities

  19. 宁夏土壤环境化学质量评价

    Evaluation of Chemical Quality of Soil Environment of Ningxia

  20. 显像管玻壳铅尘环境化学行为的研究

    Environmentally Chemical Behavior of Lead Dust from a Kinescope Glass Shell in Soil

  21. 环境化学污染物对人类的生殖危害

    The Harmful Influence of Environmental Chemicals on Human Reproduction

  22. 三峡水库成库初期丰水期水环境化学特征

    Characteristics of Water Environmental Chemistry in Flood Season in Incipient Three Gorges Reservoir

  23. 溢油海水环境化学行为的研究

    Study on Marine Environmental Chemical Behaviors of Spilled Oil

  24. 在环境化学污染物中,砷是最常见、最严重的污染物之一。

    Arsenic among chemical elements pollution is one of the most serious pollutants .

  25. 《水环境化学》课程建设浅谈

    Discussion of the Curriculum Constructions of Water Environmental Chemistry

  26. 实际上,环境化学荷载因素可以使土壤产生弹性和不可恢复的塑性变形。

    Chemical loading may cause elastic and elastoplastic deformation .

  27. 柱撑粘土材料的环境化学行为

    Environmental Chemistry Behaviors of the Pillared Clay Mineral Materials

  28. 国内《环境化学》教材现状与编排特点

    Arranging Characteristics and the Present Condition of Environmental Chemistry Teaching Materials in Our Country

  29. 大气环境化学污染是环境污染的重要组成部分。

    Atmospheric pollution is a major environmental component .

  30. 环境化学是化学和环境科学的重要分支。

    The environmental chemistry is the important branch of chemistry and the environmental science .