
huán jìnɡ jiān cè
  • environmental monitoring;observation and survey of the environment
  1. 都江堰市GIS环境监测信息管理系统研究

    Research on GIS Environmental Monitoring Information Management System for Dujiangyan City

  2. BP网络应用于大气环境监测点的优选

    Application of BP Network to Selection of Atmospheric Environmental Monitoring Sites

  3. GIS环境监测网络系统

    GIS Network System of Environment Monitor & Measurement

  4. 二维条码和GIS联合技术在环境监测中的应用系统研究

    Research on the Application System for Integrated Technique with 2-Dimensional Bar Code and GIS in Environmental Monitoring

  5. Excel在环境监测计算中的应用

    Application of Excel to environment and surveillance calculating

  6. 滑窗式FFT电磁环境监测系统的设计

    A Sliding Window FFT Electromagnetic Environment Monitoring System Design

  7. 一种基于GPRS技术的分布式环境监测系统

    A Distributed Environmental Monitoring System Based on GPRS Technology

  8. 环境监测与COD测定

    The environment monitors and the COD determination

  9. 该文研究了基于K分布的海洋SAR图像纹理特征以及纹理参数的估计方法,并利用纹理参数判断海洋现象,为海洋环境监测和海洋现象识别提供途径。

    The paper studied the texture analysis method of SAR images based on K-distribution , then the method was used to estimate the ocean phenomenon .

  10. 城市尾水外排长江口的氧化还原环境监测及其对重金属Hg,Cr形态的影响分析

    Monitoring of the redox environment caused by city tail water discharged into Changjiang Estuary and effect on it forms of Hg , Cr

  11. 无线传感器网络(WirelessSensorNetwork,WSN)近年来在军事、医疗、环境监测等领域中得到了广泛的应用,并吸引了日益增多的研究者。

    Wireless sensor network ( WSN ) has been widely used in areas such as military field , environmental monitoring and medical industry , meanwhile it has attracted an increasing number of researchers .

  12. 1-Wire可寻址数字仪环境监测技术

    - Wire Addressable Digital Instruments for Environmental Monitoring

  13. 利用百合(Liliumdavidii)根尖细胞的微核细胞率作为环境监测指标的探讨

    Utilization of micronuclei cell frequency of Lilium davidii root-tip cell as an index of environmental pollutants

  14. ISO14001认证中环境监测的问题与对策

    Issues and Countermeasures of Environmental Monitoring in ISO 14001 Certification

  15. 广州市RJ-1地铁上盖基坑及其周边环境监测研究

    Monitoring of Foundation Pit of RJ-1 Subway Upper Cover and Surrounding Buildings in Guangzhou

  16. 为了获取更多的环境监测系统运行实时数据信息,有人提出以多规约信息转换通信子站和PI实时数据库为技术手段,建设一个环境监测网络实时数据仓库。

    In order to obtain more real time information of online environmental monitoring system , somebody advance to build a communication substation for multi-protocol information conversion and a real time Database of the whole online environmental monitoring system based on PI Database technology .

  17. 温盐深仪(Conductivity-Temperature-Depth,简称CTD)是一种海洋探测仪器,广泛应用于海洋科学考察、海洋资源调查开发、海洋环境监测以及海洋军事科学等领域。

    The conductivity , temperature and depth instruments ( CTD ), which are ocean monitoring sensors have been extensively used in fields of oceanographic survey , ocean resources investigation and development , ocean environment monitoring and military oceanography .

  18. 碲锌镉(CdZnTe)核辐射探测器具有能量分辨率高、本征探测效率高、可在常温下使用、体积小等优点,因此可广泛应用于核安全、环境监测、天体物理和医学成像等领域。

    CdZnTe ( CZT ) nuclear detector has a capacity of high energy resolution , high detection efficiency , little bulk , and can worked at room temperature , therefore it is widely used to nuclear safety , environment monitoring , astrophysics , and medicine imaging system .

  19. 环境监测优化布点的一种新方法

    A New Method Of Optimal Station Distribution for Air Environmental Monitoring

  20. 环境监测数据处理的多元分析法与应用进展

    Multivariate Analysis of Data Processing and Applying Progress in Environmental Monitoring

  21. 环境监测业务管理系统的设计与开发

    The business management system of environmental monitoring 's exploitation and application

  22. 顺序注射分析及其在环境监测中的应用进展

    The Application and Development of Sequential Injection Analysis in Environmental Monitoring

  23. 环境监测数据库的建立与使用

    Establishment and Use of the Data Base in the Environmental Monitoring

  24. 环境监测用多参数光纤化学传感技术研究

    Research on multi parameter environmental sensing technique based on optical fiber

  25. 指出环境监测在突发环境事件的应急处置中发挥着重要的决策支持和技术保障作用。

    Environmental monitoring take the important dicision and technique support effect .

  26. 第四章主要是对无线环境监测网络进行软件设计。

    Chapter four is the wireless environmental monitoring network software design .

  27. 毕节喀斯特生态环境监测信息服务及关键技术研究

    Bijie Karst eco-environmental monitoring information service and its key technology

  28. 环境监测中的元素价态分析

    On Analysis of Chemical Species of Elements in Environmental Monitoring

  29. 遥感技术在大尺度、动态环境监测中的应用

    Remote Sensing Application In Large Scale And Dynamic Environmental Monitoring

  30. 环境监测在煤尘控制管理中的应用

    Application of Environment Monitoring in Management of Coal Dust Controlling