
zì rán zī yuán bǎo hù
  • conservation of natural resources;conservation of natural wealth
  1. 政府要加大对自然资源保护的资金投入。

    The government should increase the investment on the conservation of natural resources .

  2. 自然资源保护的哲学思考

    Philosophic Reflections on Conservation of Natural Resources

  3. 自然资源保护主义者预测,数以百计的物种可能会从这个地区消失。

    Conservationists calculate that hundreds of species could be lost in this area .

  4. 这结果将被视为检验政府是否关注自然资源保护问题的试金石。

    The outcome will be seen as a litmus test of government concern for conservation issues .

  5. 他是自然资源保护基金会的创办负责人。

    He is founding director of The Conservation Foundation .

  6. 自然资源保护协会(NaturalResourcesDefenseCouncil)所展示的研究试图开展一项艰难任务:对中国的煤炭依赖造成的环境、社会和经济损害进行量化。

    The Natural Resources Defense Council has presented research that attempts to take on the Herculean task of quantifying the environmental , social and economic toll of China 's reliance on coal .

  7. 难怪在中国开展研究项目的美国自然资源保护委员会(NaturalResourcesDefenseCouncil)的气候与能源高级顾问杨富强表示,围绕碳排放何时见顶的辩论一直问题重重。

    Small wonder that Fuqiang Yang , senior climate and energy adviser at the Natural Resources Defense Council , a US group that operates in China , says the emissions-peaking debate has been fraught .

  8. 自然资源保护委员会的SusanCasey-Lefkowitz不赞同这种说法。

    Susan Casey-Lefkowitz at the Natural Resources Defense Council disagrees .

  9. 设在美国的环境倡导组织自然资源保护协会(NaturalResourcesDefenseCouncil)的一篇新报告称,这些船还是往往被忽视的严重污染源,因为它们使用了中国规定所允许的廉价燃料。

    They are also a serious , often neglected , emitter of pollution from the cheap fuel allowed under Chinese rules , according to a new report from the Natural Resources Defense Council , a United States-based environmental advocacy group .

  10. 美国环境组织自然资源保护协会(NaturalResourcesDefenseCouncil)的杰克施密特(JakeSchmidt)称,澳大利亚和韩国的提案,是自称想应对气候变化的国家发出的“可怕信号”。

    Jake Schmidt of the Natural Resources Defense Council , a US environmental group , described the Canberra / Seoul proposal as " a terrible sign " from countries that claim they want to deal with climate change .

  11. 拉迪指出,专注于气候变暖及相关问题的大型非营利机构美国自然资源保护委员会(naturalresourcesdefensecouncil)在中国设立了一个主要办公室,因为“中国对减少温室气体排放至关重要”。

    Mr lardy points out that the National Resources Defense Council , a large US non-profit body dealing with climate change and related issues , has one of its main offices in China because " China is central to reducing emissions causing global warming " .

  12. 自然资源保护协会(NaturalResourcesDefenseCouncil)顾问、前中国能源官员杨富强说,新的数据表明,减少中国的煤炭依赖、在最后期限前达成目标的难度和紧迫性是超出预期的。

    The new data suggest that the task of meeting that deadline by reducing China 's dependence on coal will be more daunting and urgent than expected , said Yang Fuqiang , a former energy official in China who now advises the Natural Resources Defense Council .

  13. 自然资源保护协会(以下简称为NRDC)的执行董事彼得·雷纳如是说。

    So says Peter Lehner , executive director of the Natural Resources Defense Council .

  14. 在参观最后,会鼓励游客花一些时间,志愿帮助那些正努力应对气候变化的团体:比如以自然资源保护协会(NaturalResourcesDefenseCouncil)的名义打电话,再比如志愿帮助选举一个有决心减少碳排放的候选人。

    At the end of the tour , visitors would be encouraged to volunteer their time to help groups that are trying to address climate change : doing anything from making calls on behalf of the Natural Resources Defense Council to volunteering to help elect a candidate who is determined to reduce carbon emissions .

  15. 香港农业渔业自然资源保护署的SoPing-man非常看好这些努力。

    So Ping-man of the Hong Kong Agriculture , Fisheries and Conservation Department is hopeful about the efforts .

  16. 结果产生了“一种由可致癌柴油废气和黑碳组成的有毒混合物,长期盘踞在中国发展中的港口地区上空,”自然资源保护协会的亚洲项目主任芭芭拉·菲娜慕(BarbaraFinamore)在电子邮件中说。

    The result is " a toxic stew of cancer-causing diesel exhaust and black carbon that chronically plagues China 's growing port regions , " Barbara Finamore , the Asia director of the Natural Resources Defense Council , said in an email .

  17. 在其职业生涯初期,布赖森与他人合作创办了美国自然资源保护委员会(NRDC)。NRDC是美国最著名的非盈利环保组织之一。

    At the beginning of his career , Mr Bryson co-founded the Natural Resources Defense Council , one of the most prominent environmental non-profit groups in the US .

  18. 根据环保行动组织自然资源保护委员会(NRDC)的报告,沿岸的一些人已经出现头晕、恶心、咳嗽、喉咙瘙痒等症状。

    Some people along the coast are already reporting headaches , nausea , coughing and throat irritation , according to the Natural Resources Defense Council ( NRDC ), an environmental action group .

  19. 环境与自然资源保护统一立法的必要性

    The Necessity of Unified Legislation of Environment and Natural Resource Protection

  20. 自然资源保护论者希望进一步保护野生动物。

    The conservationists want to give more protection to wild animals .

  21. 加强自然资源保护和环境及其它方面的立法;

    Natural resources protection and other legislations have been strengthened .

  22. 这是自然资源保护服务国家植物数据中心的网站。

    This is the website of the NRCS National Plant Data Center .

  23. 论自然资源保护法体系的完善

    On Perfection of the System of Natural Resource Protection Law

  24. 美国的自然资源保护运动是美国社会进步的产物。

    Conservation movement is a product of American society progress .

  25. 所以自然资源保护论者在努力尽可能多地拯救物种。

    So conservationists are trying to save as many species as possible .

  26. 过去政府好像对自然资源保护问题实际上不关心。

    In the past governments have seemed virtually indifferent to conservation issues .

  27. 自然资源保护组织坚决反对建新机场。

    The conservation group was tenacious in its opposition to the new airport .

  28. 自然资源保护协会是个买土地以保存天然栖息地的机构。

    The Nature Conservancy is an organization that buys land to preserve natural habitats .

  29. 自然资源保护法是环境保护法的一个组成部分。

    Natural Resources Protection Law is an integral part of the Environmental Protection Law .

  30. 像米特迈耶博士这样的科学家们与国际自然资源保护组织正在努力改变这种状况。

    Scientists like Dr. Mittermeier and Conservation International are trying to make a difference .