
zì zhǔ xìng
  • autonomy
自主性[zì zhǔ xìng]
  1. 随着机器人高效地承担越来越多的农业劳作,未来的农场可能会体验到更多的自主性。

    Future farms will likely experience a greater deal of autonomy as robots take up more and more farm work efficiently .

  2. 因此,我把这些照片留给自己,将其作为支持他的自主性日益提升的又一步进展。

    " So I kept the pictures to myself and accepted this as one more step in supporting his increasing autonomy . "

  3. 要对更高的自主性和责任感做好准备,大学应是一段探索和实验的时期。

    To prepare for increased autonomy and responsibility , college needs to be a time of exploration and experimentation .

  4. 儿童活动有助于提升儿童的责任感、自主性、信心和能力,这些是情绪健康的基础。

    Childhood activities help a child develop responsibility , independence , confidence and competence --- the underpinningsof emotional health .

  5. 他们发现,与收银员等被动型职业相比,律师、医生等要求高、自主性也更强的从业者患痴呆症的比例少三分之一。

    They spotted3 a third fewer cases of dementia among people who had engaging jobs which involved demanding tasks and more control — such as solicitors4 and doctors , compared to adults in ' passive ' roles — such as cashiers .

  6. Agent的自主性和反应性,能够满足学生学习时系统主动给出个性化提醒和导航的需要;

    The autonomy and reactivity of the Agent can satisfy the need for an individualized warning and navigation provided automatically by the system when the students are learning .

  7. 智能Agent技术具有自主性、承诺与约束特性,可自动地实现软件体所规定的功能,应用智能Agent技术可以实现数据的共享与自动处理。

    Intelligent Agent has freedom and acceptance and restriction , it can automatically implement function of software . Application of Intelligent Agent would realize share and auto-processing of data .

  8. Agent技术是人工智能领域的一个重要分支,它以其自身所具有的智能性、自主性、交互性和移动性等优点,在许多研究领域中引起了重视。

    The technique of Agent is an important branch of the artificial intelligence domain , which is being studied in many fields because of its own virtues of independence , interaction and moving etc.

  9. 模型中的疏散人员Agent可以体现真实人员的特性,如自主性,反应性,目标取向性和学习性的并能够体现出人员之间互相作用和相互影响的现象。

    Evacuees Agent can represent the characteristics of people involved in the fire scenes , such as autonomous , reactive , goal-orientated and learning , and can reflect the interactions and mutual influences between evacuee Agents .

  10. 传统的软件技术体系本质是一种静态、封闭的结构框架,软件实体缺乏动态适应能力、缺乏自主性、难以根据应用需求进行动态协同,因此难以适应Internet开放、动态和多变环境的要求。

    The traditional software architecture essentially is static and isolated and the software entities lack dynamic adaptation ability , autonomy and dynamic coordination . So it is difficult to adapt the open , dynamic and changing Internet environment .

  11. 航天GPS接收机为航天器提供航迹、姿态、时间和相对距离等导航信息,提高航天器运行的自主性。

    Spaceborne GPS Receiver combines the ability to sense space vehicle trajectory , attitude , time and relative ranging between vehicles into on package , Therefore it enhances onboard autonomy of space vehicle .

  12. 事实上,P2P网络的理性用户更多地表现出自兴趣和自主性,其根本目的是最大化自己效用,而并不考虑网络的整体效用。

    In fact , the rational users of P2P networks are self-interest and self-determination . The object of them is to maximize the personal utility without considering the whole network productivity .

  13. 影响拟南芥开花时间的因素有很多,其中光照和温度是两个主要的外部因素,而赤霉素(GA)和一些自主性因子是主要的内部因素。

    There are many factors that affect the flowering , including two main external factors , light and temperature , and the internal factors such as gibberellin acid ( GA ) and autonomous elements .

  14. 舰艇CGF具有自主性、智能化等特征,并具备感知、通信以及协调能力。

    The CGF of naval ships is an intelligent autonomous entity , which has the ability of sensing , communicating , and collaborating .

  15. 结论ET患者的体外自发性CFUMK形成并非巨核系祖细胞的自主性生长所致,与Tpo的自主分泌或旁分泌也无关。

    Conclusion In vitro spontaneous CFU MK formation in ET patients is not from autonomous growth of megakaryocyte progenitors . There is no autocrine or paracrine Tpo secretion .

  16. 简述了虚拟现实(VR)的概念,多感知性、沉浸感、交互性和自主性等基本特征,及其虚拟现实仿真系统框图和系统输入输出及处理等体系结构。

    The concept , multi-perceptive function , interactive function , autonomous function and basic characteristics of virtual reality technology , and the architecture and the block diagram of simulation system with virtual reality technology are presented .

  17. MVM属自主性细小病毒,对相当多种类的体内外生长的肿瘤细胞和转化细胞有抑制作用。

    MVM , a kind of autonomous parvovirus , can inhibit many kinds of tumor cells or transformed cells in vivo or in vitro .

  18. 现代控制理论研究型自主性综合实验教学方法

    The Teaching Methods of Making Autonomous Integrated Modern Control Theory Experiments

  19. 市民社会理念与社会自主性发展

    The Concept of Burgher Society and the Development of Social Autonomy

  20. 在行为上表现出较强的意识性、稳定性和自主性。

    Show stronger mental consciousness , stability and autonomy on behavior .

  21. 个别化、自主性学习的困难与对策

    The Difficulties and Countermeasures Learners Meet with in their Individual Study

  22. 运动知觉影响自主性眼跳发动前,眼跳计划制定过程。

    Motion perception can affect the plan making process of saccade .

  23. 动机和自主性有显著的线性相关关系。

    There is a significant linear correlation between motivation and autonomy .

  24. 在教学中培育学生自主性学习素质的研究

    On fostering of student 's independent learning diathesis in teaching process

  25. 数字化校园中自主性学习环境的构建与应用

    Construction and application of self-regulated learning environment on the digital campus

  26. 国家应当拥有自主性,但不是绝对的国家自主性。

    State should have autonomy , but not absolute autonomy .

  27. 制约非英语专业学生英语学习自主性的主要因素分析及教学对策研究

    An Analytical Study of Non-English Majors ' English Learning Autonomy

  28. 一项通过策略培训培养学习自主性的实验研究

    An Experimental Study of Fostering Learner Autonomy Through Strategy Training

  29. 中国传统文化与外语学习自主性

    Chinese Cultural Traditions and Learner Autonomy in Foreign Language Learning

  30. 学习的自主性伴随年级的升高有下降趋势。

    III. Autonomous learning presents a downward tendency as the grade increases .