
  • 网络scientism;scientisme;anti-scientism;Scienticism
  1. 到了现代,科学主义又以逻辑实证主义、经验批判主义和实验主义等形式出现。

    Up to modern times , scientism again exists as the forms of logical positivism , empiric-criticism and experimentalism etc.

  2. 本文评价了STS的几种哲学纲领:科学主义、技术决定论、社会决定论、人本主义、后现代主义。

    There are some programs of Scientism , Technical determinism , Social determinism , Humanism , Criticism , Post modernism .

  3. 经典精神分析对科学主义心理治疗范式的影响

    The Influence of Classical Psychoanalysis on the Paradigm of Scientific Psychotherapy

  4. 爱因斯坦:伟大的人文的科学主义者和科学的人文主义者

    Einstein Is a Great Man with Humane Scientism and Scientific Humanism

  5. 论科学主义概念的内涵与特征

    Topic : Study on connotation and characteristic of concept of scientism

  6. 解释学视域中科学主义的理论与实践

    The Theory and Practice of Scientism in the Horizon of Hermeneutics

  7. 现代人类中心主义的理论整合科学主义与人文主义如何整合

    Theoretical Integration of Modern Anthropocentrism How to Conform Scientism with Humanism

  8. 近代中国唯科学主义思潮评析

    Analyzing the Trend of Thought of Scientism in Modern China

  9. 本课题考察并批判了科学主义关于科学的理解,通过系统地分析论证,揭示了科学的本质及其特征。

    The article revealed the essence of science after animadverting on scientism .

  10. 科学主义、人本主义与西方教育管理学研究

    Scientism , Humanism and the Study of Western Educational Administration

  11. 社会科学与自然科学:此科学非彼科学&兼评一个惟科学主义的文本

    Natural Science and Social Science : The Both Are not Same Science

  12. 新文化运动中的实证主义与科学主义

    Positivism and Philosophy of Science in the May 4th Movement

  13. 科学主义思潮在当代哲学中的命运

    The Destiny of the Thoughts of Scientism in Contemporary Philosophy

  14. 试论科学主义的发展演变、积极影响与历史局限

    On the Development , Positive influences , and Historical Limitations of Scientism

  15. 试论人文主义与科学主义在西方高等教育中的冲突与整合

    The Conflict and Integration of Humanism and Scientism in Occidental Higher Education

  16. 简评哈耶克对科学主义的批判

    Topic : Simple Review on Hayek 's Critique of Scientism

  17. 守住医学的疆界&关于医学中的科学主义与金钱至上主义

    Defending the Borders of Medicine & On Scientism and Money-oriented in Medicine

  18. 图书馆学研究:科学主义思潮的非理性倾向

    On Library Science Research : Non-Rational Trend of Scientism Trend of Thought

  19. 科学主义:现代哲学的致思方向和实质所在

    Sciencism : the thinking forms and essence of contemporary philosophy

  20. 20世纪西马文论本体论的主要形态西方科学主义文论的变异与马列文论

    Major Theories of Ontology of 20th Century Western Marxist Criticism

  21. 论科学主义对教学论研究的影响

    On the Effect of Scientism on Study of Teaching Theory

  22. 人文主义与科学主义在中医现代化研究中的冲突

    On Conflict of Humanism and Scientism in Research of Modernization of TCM

  23. 以人文主义教育来整合科学主义教育,提高素质。

    By using humanity education we can conform scientific education and raise qualities .

  24. 这一危机的根源在于传统哲学和唯科学主义都具有价值实体主义本质。

    The traditional philosophy and scientism both hold value-substantialism .

  25. 科学主义追求工具理性;人文主义则更多的关心价值理性。

    Scientism pursues instrumental reason , while humanism concerns about value reason more .

  26. 二是哲学受到了以经验科学为代表的外力的挑战,唯科学主义盛行。

    Another is from challenge to philosophy by science .

  27. 现代反科学主义思潮的科学文化观

    A New View of Scientific Culture on Modern Anti-scientism

  28. 科学主义的僭越与科学精神的失落

    The Overstepping of the Authority of Scientism and the Loss of Scientific Spirit

  29. 比较教育学研究范式的科学主义与人文主义之争

    On the Dispute of Research Paradigm Between Scientism and Humanism in Comparative Pedagogy

  30. 反科学主义思潮下中国现代史学的人文指向

    The Humanism Side of the Modern Chinese History under the Trend of Anti