
kē xué jiā
  • scientist
科学家 [kē xué jiā]
  • [scientist] 精通科学(尤指自然科学)的人

  1. 他首先是作家,然后才是科学家。

    He is a writer first and a scientist second .

  2. 他是一个才华横溢的青年科学家。

    He 's a brilliant young scientist .

  3. 科学家已告诫人类慎重对待这项技术。

    Scientists have sounded a note of caution on the technique .

  4. 科学家要找到一个治疗方法,还远着呢。

    Scientists are still a long way off finding a cure .

  5. 科学家不断扩大人类知识的范围。

    Scientists continue to push back the boundaries of human knowledge .

  6. 科学家们宣称攻克癌症已有重大的突破。

    Scientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer .

  7. 这里的科学家是我国政府的贵宾。

    The scientists are here as guests of our government .

  8. 科学家发现了饮食与癌症之间的关联。

    Scientists have identified a link between diet and cancer .

  9. 科学家已证实胆固醇含量与心脏病之间有关联。

    Scientists have established a connection between cholesterol levels and heart disease .

  10. 科学家仔细察看行星照片,寻找生命迹象。

    Scientists are studying photographs of the planet for signs of life .

  11. 科学家对这个理论的态度是相当消极的。

    Scientists have a fairly negative attitude to the theory .

  12. 科学家正从河中采水样。

    The scientists are taking water samples from the river .

  13. 科学家很快就会有新的重大发现。

    Scientists are on the brink of making a major new discovery .

  14. 投稿者大多是专业科学家。

    The contributors are , for the most part , professional scientists .

  15. 这就使得科学家推测还有其他星系存在。

    This has led scientists to speculate on the existence of other galaxies .

  16. 全世界的科学家都在努力寻找治疗艾滋病的方法。

    Scientists around the world are working to discover a cure for AIDS .

  17. 学院正在接待一批来访的俄罗斯科学家。

    The college is playing host to a group of visiting Russian scientists .

  18. 科学家正试图把已灭绝动物的特征与现存类似动物相比较。

    Scientists are attempting to compare features of extinct animals with living analogues .

  19. 科学家对宇宙是怎样形成的有分歧。

    Scientists disagree about how the universe was created .

  20. 这一发现将有助于科学家揭开冰川时代的奥秘。

    The discovery will help scientists unravel the mystery of the Ice Age .

  21. 科学家相信,他们将会有重大发现。

    Scientists believe they are onto something big .

  22. 科学家们感到不解:为什么这头鲸游到海岸上来。

    Scientists are puzzled as to why the whale had swum to the shore .

  23. 科学家认为他们在对抗癌症的研究中开始有所突破。

    Scientists think they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer .

  24. 关于宇宙起源问题,科学家仍进行着激烈辩论。

    The question of the origin of the universe is still hotly debated by scientists .

  25. 发明家不是精神不正常的科学家。

    Inventors are not mad scientists .

  26. 他通常被认为是继爱因斯坦之后最伟大的科学家。

    He is routinely described as the greatest scientist since Einstein .

  27. 科学家们往往回避释梦的难题。

    Scientists have tended to skate over the difficulties of explaining dreams

  28. 科学家对即将收集到的信息仍满怀希望。

    Scientists remain upbeat about the information that will be gathered .

  29. 科学家们已经在老鼠细小的颈动脉上做了实验。

    The scientists have experimented on the tiny neck arteries of rats

  30. 我写此信是为了回应你那篇探讨科学家薪水的文章。

    I am writing with reference to your article on salaries for scientists