
jiào yù jiā
  • educator;educationist
  1. 对人的教育,至死方止。(美国教育家,李RE)

    The education of a man never completed until he dies . ( Robert Edwad Lee , American educator )

  2. 杜威(JohnDewey,1859-1952)是世界著名的教育家。

    John Dewey ( 1850 - 1952 ) was a world - wide known educator .

  3. 总统号召教育家和政治家们帮助他重新调整美国的教育体系。

    The President called on educators and politicians to help him restructure American education

  4. 她邀请了高管、政坛人物和教育家加入董事会。

    She lined up executives , politicians and educators to serve on the board of directors

  5. 这是美国教育家不会忽视的一个事实,他们在数学不及格率上升的情况下正在讨论数学如何才能更好地满足学生的实际需求。

    It 's a fact not lost on American educators , who amid rising math failure rates are debating how math can better meet the real-life needs of students .

  6. 哈克的论点遭到了其他数学教育家的反对,他们认为需要的是帮助学生更早地学好数学,而不是全然地教授学生较少的数学知识。

    Hacker 's argument has met with opposition from other math educators who say what 's needed is to help students develop a better relationship with math earlier , rather than teaching them less math altogether .

  7. 数百年的发展过程中,它们在知识方面受到略为随机的各式力量所影响,此外也受中世纪修道院的课程所影响,一些十九世纪德国教育家的理念,以及贵族宫廷社会的顾忌也有影响。

    They were intellectually influenced by all kinds of slightly random , the ideas of some 19th-century German educationalists , and the concerns of aristocratic court societies .

  8. 教育家马丁·斯凯尔顿(MartinSkelton)参与编写了国际小学课程,该课程简称IPC。

    Educator Martin Skelton co-wrote the International Primary Curriculum , or IPC .

  9. 他不仅为全球卓越企业的高层领导者、CEO及其管理团队担任领导力教练,同时也是一位杰出的教育家和演说家,以及多部领导力著作和文献的作者。

    He is not only a senior leader , CEO and leadership coach of his team in excellent enterprise but also a outstanding educator , elocutionist and author of many famous leadership literatures .

  10. 约翰·杜威(JohnDewey,1859&1952),美国著名的哲学家、教育家,他的美育思想在中国广为人知,杜威儿童美育思想作为诸多教育思想的亮点之一还没有被系统地研究过。

    John Dewey is a famous philosopher and educator in America . His thought on aesthetic education is well-known in China , but the thought on child aesthetic education as one of his bright thoughts has not been systemically studied .

  11. 鲁契亚诺.贝里奥(LucianoBerio,1925-2003)是意大利当代享负盛名的作曲家、音乐教育家、音乐活动家。

    Luciano Berio ( 1925-2003 ) is a contemporary Italy renowned composer , music educator , activist .

  12. 本文基于著名数学教育家杜宾斯基的APOS理论,提出相应的离散数学概念学习策略。

    On the basis of APOS theory proposed by Dubinsky , a famous mathematic educator , this paper proposed corresponding learning strategy for the concepts of discrete mathematics .

  13. 近代大学校长和教育家对中国教育传统的认识

    Views of Modern University Presidents and Educators on Chinese Educational Tradition

  14. 科南特是美国著名科学家、交家和教育家。

    J.b.conant is a famous American scientist , diplomat and educator .

  15. 一位资深教育家定于明天下午三点演讲。

    An elder educator is due to lecture at3 tomorrow afternoon .

  16. 我们希望我们所有的老师成为真正的教育家。

    We hope that all our teachers will be true educators .

  17. 孔子是中国最有影响的思想家之一,也是千古推崇的教育家。

    Confucius is one of the most effective thinkers and educators .

  18. 大专院校共雇佣84万名学者和教育家。

    The colleges and universities employ about 840,000 scholars and educators .

  19. 蔡元培是我国著名的教育家和思想家。

    Cai Yuanpei is our country famous educator and thinker .

  20. 论中国近现代教育家研究的心理史学范式

    On Psycho-History Paradigm of Educator Study in China Modern History

  21. 欧文·白壁德是美国著名的文学评论家、教育家。

    Irving Babbitt is a well-known literature critic and educator .

  22. 正如罗马哲学家、教育家塞内卡曾经说过的那样:

    As the Roman philosopher Seneca , teacher as well , said :

  23. 教育家们提出了许多不同的反思理论。

    Educators have proposed different theoretical approaches to the study of reflection .

  24. 美国现代派传教士教育家的形成与中国教会学校的改革

    U. S. modernist missionaries and reform of Chinese Missionary Schools

  25. 胡瑗是我国古代著名的教育家,他顺应社会发展需要,在继承儒家教育传统的基础上,创造性地提出苏湖教法。

    Hu Yuan is a well-known educationalist in ancient China .

  26. 她是一位教育家,而且是电视喜剧演员比尔考斯比的妻子。

    She is an educator and wife of television comedian Bill cosby .

  27. 蔡元培是我国伟大的教育家。

    Cai Yuanpei is a great educationalist in our country .

  28. 著名地质学家和地质教育家孙云铸教授

    In memory of Professor Sun yunzhu ── famous geologist and geology educationist

  29. 爱国教育家、南开学校创办人张伯苓逝世。

    Patriotic educator and the founder of Nankai university Zhang boling died .

  30. 张百熙是中国近代有名教育家。

    Zhang Baixi , a famous educator in modern and contemporary China .