
jiào xué mù dì
  • instructional objective
  1. 由于专门用途英语的教学目的和教学内容具有专门性,我们必须采用特定的ESP教学法才能完成教学任务。

    The specific features of ESP teaching in goals and focuses require us to adopt suitable ESP teaching methods for the completion of ESP teaching tasks .

  2. 综合英语课的任务是综合地进行听说读写训练,培养学生的综合能力,为实现这一教学目的,Dicto-comp是一种有效的教学活动,可以包括多种技能的训练和运用。

    The task of Integrated English course is to develop students'skills of English . To fulfill this task , Dicto-comp which includes the practice and training of these skills is an effective teaching activity .

  3. 反思了现代体育教育的教学目的,即学生生活需求适应体育教育的育才目标。

    It introspected the teaching purpose of the modern physical education , i.

  4. 对我国体育教学目的论的梳理与评判&自组织体育教学目的论的构建

    Analysis and Evaluation on Teleology of Our Physical Education Teaching

  5. 寓教于乐:每期刊物都保留了鲜明的教学目的!

    Educational EF Magazine maintains a strong academic focus in every issue .

  6. 理性与非理性提升是教学目的主要追求。

    Rational and irrational ascension is the main pursuit of teaching objective .

  7. 试论大学语文课的教学目的教学内容和教学方法

    Teaching Purposes , Content and Methods of College Chinese

  8. 论大学英语教学目的及方法

    Teaching Aim and Teaching Method of College English

  9. 从教学目的角度看公共心理学教学改革

    Viewing Reform of Teaching of Higher Normal Psychology from the View of Teaching Aims

  10. 论财经写作课教学目的

    On Financial Writing Courses ' Teaching Purpose

  11. 商务英语的教学目的是培养学生在商务环境下的交际能力及相关的专业技能,而交际教学法能有效地帮助实现这一目的。

    Business English is designed to develop the students ' language proficiency and business competence .

  12. 第四,教学目的。

    Double Explanation of Teaching Purpose OBJECTIVE .

  13. 大学英语的教学目的是为了培养学生的英语使用能力,教师应合理地利用大学生学习英语的动机来激发他们的学习兴趣。具体做法如:精心设计课堂实践活动;

    The aim of college English teaching is to improve students ' ability to use English .

  14. 中日高中数学教学目的和课程内容的比较与启示

    Comparison on the objectives and contents of mathematics curriculum in Chinese and Japanese senior high school

  15. 具有一定的翻译能力是普通高等专科学校英语课程教学目的之一。

    To have a certain ability of translation is one of the aims of English teaching .

  16. 探讨了21世纪体育教师应具有的职业观念,指出了正确的职业观念直接关系到体育教学目的的实现。

    The artical attempts to advance some professional concepts a physical education teacher in the21st century should have .

  17. 但中医专业英语教学目的何在,如何进行中医专业英语教学?

    However , what 's the objective of teaching English for medical purpose and how to teach it ?

  18. 个性既是教学目的,也是教学方法,更是教学理念和精神。

    Personality is the aim of teaching as well as method . Personality is an idea or spirit .

  19. 英语作为一门基础课,在高职高专教育体系下其教学目的、教学方法及教学内容上也被赋予了新的内涵。

    English , as a basic course , is endowed with new content in this new teaching system .

  20. 这一差异要求我们必须从探讨数学教学目的的内涵角度考虑,切实提高中学数学课堂教学效率。

    We have to consider this issue from the point of teaching intention to enhance the mathematics teaching efficiency .

  21. 培养学生的观察能力是中学化学教学目的之一。在化学实验教学中,教师要有意识、有目的地从多方面入手,培养学生的观察能力。

    Observation is one of the goals in Junior Chemistry and must be cultivated intentionally , purposefully and thoroughly .

  22. 探讨语文教材古代作品选文问题,对于提高语文教材选文的整体质量具有重大意义。同时,也必将有助于高中语文教学目的的实现。

    Researching into it , not only can improve textbook quality , but also helps to achieve teaching aims .

  23. 针对专科教育和本科教育的基本特征不同,为满足社会人才的需求,专科教育和本科教育在课程设置、教学目的上应有所调整,各有特点。

    Because differences exist between undergraduate education and specialized education , their curriculum provision and academic goal should be adjusted .

  24. 应体现在教学目的、过程、方法和手段等方面。

    Educators ideas changing in teaching should embody on the aspects of teaching target , process , method and means .

  25. 经过对比试验,本方法可以达到关注全体学生审美发展的教学目的。

    As a result of the compared experiment , this method can obtain the better appraisal of aesthetic teaching for all students .

  26. 针对大学实用汉语修辞课的教学目的、内容和方法提出了理论和实用的依据。

    What 's more , the author attempts to make a discussion on this course 's teaching aim , content and teaching approach .

  27. 英语多媒体课件的制作要符合有明确教学目的,体现教学规律、符合科学性和技术性等原则和要求。

    Making English multimedia curriculum must have explicit teaching purpose , showing the teaching law and conforming to scientific nature and technological nature .

  28. 物理课程是按教学目的、要求和学生的认知规律,有计划地选取物理学的内容编制而成。

    The contents of physics are selected and prepared according to teaching purpose , teaching request and the laws of students ' cognition .

  29. 教材文本的解读,受社会发展状况、学生发展水平、教学目的、教学理论等诸多因素的影响。学生自我意识的发展水平;

    The way to interpret teaching text is to focus the interpreting on the text itself . students ' developmental level of self-consciousness ;

  30. 围绕提高学生翻译实践能力这一教学目的,翻译课应该把树立学生的语篇翻译观作为中心任务。

    To fulfill the goal of improving students'translation ability , heightening students'text translation concept shall be taken as the central task of translation course .