
jiào xué zhì liànɡ
  • teaching quality
  1. 为了满足四个现代化的需要,提高教学质量已是刻不容缓。

    In order to meet the urgent needs of the four modernizations , improving the teaching quality is a task which brooks no delay .

  2. 利用MATLAB,提高信号与系统课程教学质量

    Improve Teaching Quality of " Singnal and Systems " Course by Using Matlab

  3. 教学质量取决于每个班的人数吗?

    Does the quality of teaching depend on class size ?

  4. 教学质量低下没有受到正式处罚。

    Bad teaching is not penalized in a formal way .

  5. 他们批评教学质量太差,声称没有使学生们发挥出潜质。

    They criticised the quality of teaching , claiming pupils were not stretched enough .

  6. 教学质量很高。

    The calibre of teaching was very high .

  7. 解决教学质量差的办法就是请好的教师,但请好的教师是需要花钱的。

    The cure for bad teaching is good teachers , and good teachers cost money .

  8. 许多人认为最好是接受付费教育,这样能确保教学质量。

    A lot of people think that it 's better to pay for their education so that they can be sure of getting quality

  9. 这位即将离职的校长建议学校关注教学质量。

    The departing headmaster suggested that the school focus on education quality .

  10. 四是办学行为不规范。五是教育教学质量下降。六是安全问题较多或拒不接受教育督导。

    major decreases in education quality and multiple safety concerns or opposition5 to education inspection .

  11. 用AHP法建立教学质量评估体系

    Setting up the Judgment System of the Quality of Teaching with the Method of AHP

  12. 基于ISO9000理念的高校教学质量管理体系研究

    The Research on Universities Teaching Quality Management System under the Idea of ISO9000

  13. ISO9000族标准引入高校教学质量管理的可行性分析

    A Feasibility Study Concerning the Introduction of ISO 9000 Standard to Teaching Quality Administration in China 's Institutions of Higher Learning

  14. 研究和开发这种多媒体CAI课件,是提高教学质量和教学水平的有效途径和突破点。

    It 's the focus of the teaching and studying . Studying and developing the CAI courseware of the decorate engineering is an effective way to improve its education quality and standards .

  15. 高校通过加入中国高等教育文献保障系统(CALIS)项目,实施校内数字图书馆建设,不断建设精品课程,提高高校教育教学质量。

    University should join the ChinaAcademic Library & Information System ( CALIS ), and build digital library in school , and build best courses constantly , we will improve the quality of teaching .

  16. 对提高运动解剖学实验教学质量的探讨

    Discussion on the Improvement of Experimental Teaching Quality in Sports Anatomy

  17. 扩招后的高校教学质量探析

    A New Exploration of Teaching Quality in Universities with Increased Enrollment

  18. 军校教员教学质量的一种模糊评价方法

    A Fuzzy Evaluating Method of Teaching Quality about Military Academy Teacher

  19. 开放教育教学质量控制探微

    The Exploratory Research on the Teaching Quality Control in Open Education

  20. 院(系)级教学质量评估实施策略研究

    A Research on the Application Strategy of College Teaching Quality Evaluation

  21. 始终把教学质量作为学校的生命线;

    Always taking the teaching quality as the school 's life line ;

  22. 校风,教学质量,谁能告诉我。

    School , teaching quality , who can tell me .

  23. 加强临床教学质量监控提高临床教学效果

    Strengthening clinical teaching quality monitoring and improving clinical teaching effect

  24. 提高实验教学质量培养实践创新能力&关于高职条件下电子技术实验教学的看法与设想

    Improve the quality of experiment teaching train the creative ability of practice

  25. 创新人才培养模式对提高教学质量的影响&兼谈盘锦职业技术学院人才培养模式的实践探索

    On Effect of Innovation in Talent-Training Model to Improvement of Teaching Quality

  26. 高校教学质量顾客满意度测评研究

    Study on Customer Satisfaction Evaluation on University 's Teaching Qualities

  27. 提高体育函授教学质量问题的探讨

    Discussion on how to improve the quality of correspondence course

  28. 第三部分,构建高职院校教育教学质量监控体系的理念与原则。

    Conception and principles for the establishment of teaching quality supervision system .

  29. 高校教学质量评估的属性综合评价模型

    Attribute Synthetic Assessment Model for Evaluating Teaching Quality in University

  30. 高等学校的教学质量与科学管理

    Teaching Quality and Its Scientific Management at Higher Learning Institution