
  • 网络need for cognition;Cognitive Needs;NFC
  1. 大学生认知需求量表的修订

    The Chinese Version of Need for Cognition Scale

  2. 此外,消费者的认知需求程度是否会对上述关系产生干扰,也值得探讨。

    Moreover , need for cognition is taken as a moderator to be examined in this study .

  3. 这种新技术可能使研究人员知道更多关于AD在大脑中如何发展的信息,进而基于病人各自的认知需求找到更好的治疗策略。

    This new technology may allow researchers to learn more about how AD develops in the brain and to cultivate better treatment strategies for patients based on their individual cognitive needs .

  4. 临床护士继续教育现状及认知需求调查分析

    Investigation on Demands and Recognition About Continuing Nursing Education Among Clinical Nurses

  5. 内科门诊病人对中医养生的认知需求调查

    A Survey of Medical Outpatients ' Cognitive Needs for Health Preserving of TCM

  6. 对鼻咽癌放疗病人健康教育认知需求的调查研究

    An investigation of cognitive needs for health education in nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients receiving radiotherapy

  7. 中学生一般自我效能感、认知需求和创造性的关系研究

    A Study of Relationships among NFC , GPSE and Creativity of Middle School Students

  8. 中学生的一般自我效能感、认知需求对创造性存在显著相关,二者在创造性的发展中所起的作用不同。

    The relationship among the need for cognition , the general perceived self-efficacy and creativity are significant .

  9. 发现:①认知需求对个体创造性有显著影响。

    The result showed : ① Need for cognition was an important intrinsic motivation that obviously affected creativity .

  10. 并且,此效果将被品牌熟悉度、促销讯号及认知需求所干扰。

    Furthermore , the discount effect is moderated by brand familiarity , promotion signal , and need for cognition ( NFC ) .

  11. 消费者内在认知需求的差异,会对双关修辞的广告效果造成影响;

    The difference in consumer 's internal need for cognition will influence the advertising effect of advertisements using pun as a rhetoric device ;

  12. 研究还发现,认知需求高的个体框架效应减弱,信息加工深度会加重这种效应。

    Moreover , the need for cognition can attenuate the framing effect , and the depth of processing can positively moderate this relationship .

  13. 双关品质的提升,会增强高认知需求之消费者的广告态度、品牌态度与购买意愿;

    The improvement in pun quality will increase the advertising attitude , brand attitude , and purchase intention of consumers with a high need for cognition ;

  14. 中学生在认知需求、创造思维能力上存在显著的性别差异,而在一股自我效能感、创造倾向上不存在性别差异。

    The gender effect in need for cognition and creative thinking ability is very significant , but it is not significant in the general perceived self-efficacy and creativity aptitude .

  15. 随着技术的迅猛发展和体验时代的到来,消费者的认知需求也发生了变化,创意更加注重受众的精神层面的需求。

    With the rapid development of technology and experience the era , consumers demand a change in perception , creative pay more attention to the spiritual needs of the audience .

  16. 其中认知需求作为一种重要的内部动机受到广泛关注,很多研究者认为,认知需求在某种意义上更能反映内部动机的本质特征。

    However , the need for cognition as an important intrinsic motivation is also attended extensively , a lot of researchers believe that it can reflect the essential character of intrinsic motivation .

  17. 研究一的目的是通过双任务范式和三任务技术考察写作停顿和运动执行中的认知需求量以及具体的认知加工,包含三个实验。

    Research 1 contained three experiments , which purpose was to investigate the cognitive demand and specific cognitive process in pausing and motor execution through the double-task paradigm and the triple-task technique .

  18. 由于人类认知需求和能力影响的不同,这种语义层级网在不同语言文化中虽是同构的,但层级之间、同级之间又表现出种种差异,中英文爱之隐喻就是一个具体的例子。

    It is proposed that this network structure , mediated by the cognitive needs and capabilities of human beings , is generally isomorphic in various cultures , though there may be inter-intra-level differences .

  19. 富有亲和力的知识传授话语将学生的认知需求、知识背景作为重要的教学思考,通过知识再语境化,以及清晰、富有逻辑性的教学话语帮助学生建立良好的知识结构。

    Immediate instructional discourse places great emphasis on the cognitive needs and background knowledge of the students . The recontextualization of knowledge , and clear and logical explanations help build a good structure of knowledge .

  20. 方法:412名大学生、57名工人完成中文版认知需求量表,其中30名大学生同时完成自我效能测验,56名大学生在4周后重测。

    Methods : 412 college students and 57 workers finished the Chinese version of need for cognition scale , of which 30 students took the self-efficacy test simultaneously and 56 students were re-tested after 4 weeks .

  21. 针对当前房地产开发市场中住区公共空间环境所出现的某些问题,提出了强化中心,消除断裂的空间设计观念,充分满足人对空间的识别与认知需求。

    Aiming at the problems in residential area public space , the author emphasizes her opinion on public space design : strengthening the center , eliminating the break , satisfying the requirement of people to recognize the space .

  22. 中学生在一般自我效能感、认知需求及创造倾向上表现中等偏上,创造思维能力相对较低。就创造思维能力而言,其中以变通性表现最佳,其次是流畅性,而独创性最差。

    We got the following finds finally : ( 1 ) The need for cognition , the general perceived self-efficacy and creativity aptitude of middle school students are above medium lever , and creative thinking ability is lower relatively .

  23. 认知需求作为一种重要的内部动机,对创造性有显著的影响,高认知需求有利于创造性,低认知需求不利于创造性。

    We got the following finds in this experimental condition : ( 1 ) Need for cognition was an important intrinsic motivation that obviously affected creativity . High need for cognition was beneficial to creativity , but low need for cognition was harmful .

  24. 中学生在创造性的两个指标方面都存在显著的年级差异,而在一般自我效能感、认知需求方面年级差异不显著,只有初一与初二学生的一般自我效能感存在非常显著的差异。

    The grade effect in two aspects of creativity is significant , but it is not significant in the need for cognition and general perceived self-efficacy , it is only significant in the general perceived self-efficacy between grade one and grade two in junior school .

  25. 在满足用户当前认知需求前提下,提出用简化路线图提供整个路线信息,简化图中包含已简化过的路线和路线两边的地标,而且地图内容可视化依据于地名等级;

    In order to satisfy the user cognitive demands , the simplification map are used to provide the whole route information which includes only simplification route and the landmarks on the way , and the map display contents are visualized depending on the placename 's ranking ;

  26. 现阶段一般的购物网站关于产品的描述都是采用的图片和文字描述的方式,这种在二维平面上的展示方式极大的限制了用户选择产品时的认知需求和体验感。

    General shopping site on the description of the products are based on pictures and text in the manner of described , at this stage , this display in the two-dimensional plane , greatly limiting the need for cognition and experience sense of the user to select products .

  27. 认知需求、专业承诺、择业效能感可以直接影响大学生学习适应状况,而认知需求也可通过专业承诺、择业效能感两个中介因素,间接影响大学生学习适应。

    Cognitive demand , professional commitment , job performance can directly affect the students a sense of learning to adapt to the situation , and cognitive needs through professional commitment , job performance a sense of the two intermediary factors , indirectly affecting the students to learn to adapt .

  28. 某高校大学生生殖健康知识认知及需求调查

    Cognition and Need of Reproductive Health Among Certain College Students

  29. 目的了解听障儿童家长对康复认知与需求情况。

    Objective To understand the needs of the families of hearing-impaired children .

  30. 煤矿企业员工职业卫生认知及需求调查

    Survey of knowledge on needs for occupational health among coal mine enterprise workers