
zì zūn
  • self-esteem;self-respect;pride;dignity;proper pride
自尊 [zì zūn]
  • [self-respect;self-esteem;proper pride] 自我尊重

自尊[zì zūn]
  1. 他们不仅丢掉了工作,还失去了居所、自尊乃至生存的理由。

    They have lost not only their jobs , but their homes , their self-respect and even their reason for living .

  2. 从更乐观的角度来说,在大萧条期间,美国社会最终受益于新政(NewDeal)的大规模公共建设工程计划,在较短时间内,美国员工找到了支付账单和保留自尊的方法。

    To put the matter more positively , in the Great Depression , US society ultimately benefited from the New Deal 's massive programme of public works and , in the shorter term , American workers found ways to pay their bills and retain their self-respect .

  3. 失掉工作对他的自尊是个沉重的打击。

    Losing his job was a real blow to his pride .

  4. 不要放不下自尊而不求人帮忙。

    Don 't be too proud to ask for help .

  5. 男性的自尊迫使他隐忍不言。

    Male pride forced him to suffer in silence .

  6. 从马莎的眼睛可以看出她的自尊受到了伤害。

    Martha 's hurt pride showed in her eyes .

  7. 他们是一个独立而自尊的民族。

    They were a proud and independent people .

  8. 他缺乏自尊。

    He suffers from a lack of self-regard .

  9. 这时候你应该收起自尊,讨回那份工作。

    It 's time to swallow your pride and ask for your job back .

  10. 她的自尊受挫,正在慢慢恢复。

    She was nursing her hurt pride .

  11. 良好的自尊是幸福生活的前提。

    Good self-esteem is a prerequisite for a happy life

  12. 他的自尊荡然无存。

    He was left without a shred of self-esteem .

  13. 他暗示我们妄自尊大地以为自己是个足球民族。

    He suggested that we suffer delusions of grandeur as a football nation .

  14. 戴维斯必须得挽回他的自尊。

    Davis had to salvage his pride

  15. 我们是有自尊的民族。我们不习惯乞讨或接受施舍。

    We are a proud people . We are not used to begging or taking things .

  16. 人须自尊。

    One should behave with honour and dignity .

  17. 但与沉思不同的是,手艺活做出了有形且常常有用的物品,这些物品能增强自尊。

    But unlike meditation , craft activities result in tangible and often useful products that can enhance self-esteem .

  18. 他的好色放浪使他成为全县所有自尊自重的丈夫和父亲的公敌。

    His lechery made him the enemy of every self-respecting husband and father in the county .

  19. 有人认为“雪花一代”的特征源于父母的养育方式,特别是着重与培养自尊的养育方法。

    Some sources attribute the characteristics ascribed to Snowflake Generation to parenting methods , particularly those that focus on boosting self-esteem .

  20. 更糟糕的是,一旦老板公开对自己喜爱的对象另眼相待,声称其值得提拔,他就搭上了自己的自尊。

    Worse than that , once the boss has publicly singled out the love-object as worthy4 of promotion5 , his pride is on the line .

  21. 世界并不会在意你的自尊。这世界指望你在自我感觉良好之前先要有所成就。

    The world won " t care about your self-esteem . The world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself .

  22. 基础教育是立德树人的事业,要旗帜鲜明加强思想政治教育、品德教育,加强社会主义核心价值观教育,引导学生自尊自信自立自强。

    Basic education fosters virtues and socialist core values should be reinforced in order to help students become people with strong sense of self-esteem , self-confidence , self-reliance and self-improvement .

  23. 身体形象及健康专家卡蒂·洛维说:“比基尼桥是恐怖的‘励瘦’的另一例证,对年轻女性的身形和自尊都有负面影响。”

    Body image and wellbeing expert Katie Lowe said : ' The bikini bridge is just another example of horrendous4 thinspiration that encourages young women to develop poor body image and self-esteem .

  24. 身体形象及健康专家卡蒂·洛维说:“比基尼桥是恐怖的‘崇瘦主义’的另一例证,对年轻女性的身形和自尊都有负面影响。”

    Body image and wellbeing expert Katie Lowe said : ' The bikini bridge is just another example of horrendous thinspiration that encourages young women to develop poor body image and self-esteem .

  25. 内隐自尊的ERP研究

    An ERP Study on Implicit Self-esteem

  26. 且自尊水平与SCL-90各因子和SCL-90总得分均呈现负相关。

    The level of self-esteem had significantly negative correlation with each factor of SCL-90 and the total score of SCL-90 in medical college students .

  27. 方法:分层整群抽取河南新乡三所高校512名在校大学生,另取26例抑郁症住院患者,采用缺陷感量表、自尊量表(SES)进行测量。

    Methods : 512 college students and 26 depression patients were tested by FIS and Self-esteem Scale ( SES ) .

  28. 本实验采用实验组控制组前后测准实验设计,以精神症状自评量表(SCL90)和自尊调查表(SEI)的得分作为因变量。

    This Experiment is designed as experiment group-control group and front-back test . The dependant variables are the scores of SCL-90 and SEI .

  29. 犯罪组高自尊者SCL-90各因子分显著高于低自尊者,对照组高自尊者SCL-90各因子分均显著低于低自尊者;

    In criminal group , scores of SCL-90 of JDs with high self-esteem were higher than those with low self-esteem , but it was entirely different in control group .

  30. 方法分层整群抽取济南市3所医院护士432名,采用护士职业倦怠调查表(MBI)、艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)、自尊量表(SES)及社会支持评定量表(SSRS)对其进行测试。

    Methods MBI , EPQ , SES and SSRS were conducted in 432 nurses selected from three hospitals in Jinan by stratified cluster sampling .