
  • 网络Operation Behavior;operant behavior;operative behavior;Operant behaviour
  1. 由此提出一种利用木马操作行为特征检测网络中白勺HTTP隧道木马白勺方法。

    This paper presents a new method to detect the HTTP tunneling Trojans by using operation behavior characteristics .

  2. 基于WMI的公共机房学生操作行为限制系统

    Restricting student 's operation behavior system in a common computer lab based on WMI

  3. 结论该两品系大鼠对操作行为的学习存在差异,Wistar大鼠比SD大鼠的学习能力强。

    Conclusions There were obvious strain differences in operant learning between SD and Wistar rats .

  4. 工作负载(也称作测试或脚本)模拟从LotusDomino客户机到服务器的操作行为。

    The workloads ( also called tests or scripts ) simulate the behavior of Lotus Domino client-to-server operations .

  5. 传统的RBAC模型权限的分配是静态的,因此用户的操作行为也是静态的。

    The traditional authorization allocation of RBAC model is static , so users ' operation behaviors are static .

  6. 建立了深基坑面向对象模型,用Visualc++表示了对象的属性及操作行为,开发了一个系统软件。

    An O O model of deep foundation pit monitoring system is constructed . The object ′ s attributes and action are presented and the corresponding software is developed by Visual C + + .

  7. 第五章,股权结构对公司行为的影响。本部分使用平行数据PROBIT模型,分析股权结构对上市公司股权融资行为和违规操作行为的影响。

    Chapter three , Effect of the Shareholding Structure on the Corporate Performance .

  8. Sprague-Dawley和Wistar两品系大鼠操作行为的比较研究

    Comparative study of operant behavior Performance in two inbred rat strains : Sprague Dawley vs. Wistar

  9. 方法对SD和Wistar两种近交系大鼠三个年龄段(4、10、19月龄)时,于电脑控制的Skinner测定箱中,采用正性强化物,进行了操作行为测定。

    In inbred Wistar and Sprague Dawley rat performance was tested at three age points ( 4,10 , and 19 months ) in 10 simultaneously operated standardized test cages .

  10. 这些消息是由应用程序发送给QCapture的,用以控制QCapture的操作行为。

    These are messages that are sent from the application to QCapture to control the operational behavior of QCapture .

  11. 要结合社会主义市场经济的背景、扩大GDP和财政资源总量、调整转移支付模式、规范转移支付操作行为以及建立健全监督管理与法律制度体系,促进我国转移支付效率的提高。

    We should integrate the circumstances of our socialistic market economy , enlarge the scale of GDP and fiscal resources , rectify the model and behavior of transfer payment , establish and perfect the system of supervising , administering and law , increasing the efficiency of transfer payment in China .

  12. 低水平苯暴露对大鼠操作行为的影响

    Effect of low level benzene on the operant behavior in rats

  13. 上市公司盈余操作行为的识别与防范

    On Distinguishing and Guarding Listed Company 's Behavior to Manipulate profit

  14. 胚胎期低剂量甲基汞暴露大鼠的操作行为测试

    Operant-Behavior Tests in Rats Prenatally Exposed to Low Level Methylmercury

  15. 宁静剂对大鼠固定比率操作行为的影响

    The effects of tranquilizers on the fixed ratio schedule-controlled behavior in rats

  16. 连续逆流离子交换过程周期性操作行为的模拟(Ⅰ)

    A Simulation of Periodic Operation Performance for the Continuous Counter-Current Ion-exchange Process (ⅰ)

  17. 中央银行、信用货币创造与存差&兼对近年中国人民银行货币操作行为的分析

    Central Banking , Credit Money Creation and the Spread between Deposits and Loans

  18. 大鼠胚胎期暴露高频电磁场的操作行为测试

    Operant behavior tests in rats after prenatal exposure to high frequency electromagnetic fields

  19. 经理不能忽视不合理的操作行为信号。

    Managers do not ignore signs of inappropriate practices .

  20. 计算机操作行为分析与数据安全管理系统

    Computer Operation Analyzing and Data Security Managing System

  21. 年龄增长对大鼠操作行为的影响

    Age dependent operant behavior changes in wistar rats

  22. 工作流互操作行为的研究与应用

    The Research and Application on Workflow Interoperability

  23. 协定行为在协定级别上运行,并且操作行为修改操作传递。

    Contract behaviors operate at the contract level , and operation behaviors modify operation delivery .

  24. 操作行为是人在生活和生产实践中掌握的基本能力。

    Manipulation is the basic mankind capability that is mastered from the living and working activity .

  25. 本研究结果还表明操作行为测定能显示个体差异。

    Our results showed also that the schedules of operant conditioning could display the individual variation very well .

  26. 结果:结合临床药品消耗情况的累计加权算法,可最大限度地模拟人的操作行为。

    RESUTLS : An accumulated weighted algorithm combining the clinical drug consumption could maximally simulate the actual human operation .

  27. 而且大部分系统都采用服务器端方式,对用户浏览日志进行挖掘,忽略了用户客户端操作行为含有的信息。

    And most of the systems mines users ' logs by servers , and it overlook the information of clients .

  28. 企业业绩组合、企业业绩差异与中报披露的时间选择&管理层的组合动机和信息操作行为

    Firm Performance Combination & Difference and Timing of Interim Reports Disclosure : Combinatorial Motivation and Information Manipulation Behavior of Managers

  29. 证券市场在发展过程中,因证券违规操作行为所引发的法律纠纷呈不断攀升的态势。

    Securities market in the development process because of securities violations , the legal dispute was triggered by rising trend .

  30. 并对用户行为日志信息进行操作行为的关联规则的挖掘,结合用户档案信息,就可以为每一个应用软件系统的用户建立一个较为准确的用户模型。

    Association rule , which is generated from log mining , links with user profile to establish the user model .