
cāo zònɡ shì chǎnɡ
  • manipulate the market;rig the market
  1. 他是操纵市场者之一。

    He is one of those who manipulate the market .

  2. 活力门高管人员涉嫌违反证券法,粉饰集团公司会计账目,并提供虚假信息以操纵市场。

    Livedoor executives are suspected of violating the securities exchange law by window-dressing the accounts of group companies and providing false information to manipulate the market .

  3. 保时捷公司的前任财务总监和CEO由于涉嫌操纵市场而双双被告上法庭,要求追究他们的刑事责任。

    The former chief financial officer and CEO of Porsche are facing criminal charges for market manipulation .

  4. 第三章分类探讨了证券发行欺诈、欺诈客户、内幕交易、操纵市场、虚证券欺诈民事责任研究假陈述_h种典型的证券欺诈行为民事责任的相关理论和现实问题。

    Chapter III It goes further into relevant principles and practical problems governing five typical civil responsibilities of securities fraud practices : deceptive issuing , cheating consumers , insider trading , market manipulation , and false statement .

  5. 这位前巴克莱(Barclays)首席执行官是被迫下台的。此前,该银行承认存在不当操纵市场利率行为,并为此向监管机构缴纳了2.90亿英镑罚金。

    The former Barclays chief executive was forced out after the bank admitted corrupt manipulation of market interest rates and paid a £ 290m fine to regulators .

  6. 保时捷表示,在获得大众控制权的过程中,每一步都向bafin进行了咨询,并驳斥了任何有关其操纵市场的说法。

    Porsche said it had consulted Bafin at every step in its takeover of control at VW and refuted any allegations of market manipulation .

  7. 第一部分对操纵市场行为进行了界定。

    The first part defines the act of rigging the market .

  8. 他们还是操纵市场行为的狂热支持者。

    They are also enthusiastic supporters of efforts to rig the market .

  9. 操纵市场行为的几个基本问题

    Some Basic Issues on Market Manipulation : Their Definition , Classification and Legal Attribute

  10. 其中,操纵市场行为更是一种典型而又频繁发生的欺诈行为。

    Among them , market manipulation is one of the most typical and frequent frauds .

  11. 中国则反驳称,美国印制美钞才是操纵市场。

    China retorts that it is America that is manipulating the markets by printing dollars .

  12. 渐渐地,他们变得贪婪,开始滥用金融体系,通过操纵市场谋取更多利润。

    Getting greedy , they abused the system , manipulating the market for greater profits .

  13. 此外,投机与操纵市场或非法行为之间存在着重大的区别。

    There is , moreover , a significant difference between speculation and manipulation or illegal activity .

  14. 操纵市场民事赔偿责任问题探讨&从中国证券市场的现实出发

    Civil Liability in Controlling Stock Market

  15. 最初于去年发布的这些改革,只是间接覆盖了操纵市场指数的行为。

    These reforms , first published last year , only indirectly covered manipulation of market indices .

  16. 第二部分分析了操纵市场的主体、类型划分及行为表现。

    The second part digs into standard of classification , subject and behavior of rigging the market .

  17. 在几次涉嫌操纵市场的丑闻之后,银行与交易商对参与金融基准指标的制定已开始持谨慎态度。

    Banks and traders have become wary of committing to financial benchmarks following several alleged rigging scandals .

  18. 根据网络攻击中被窃取的信息来查证谁试图操纵市场,并非易事。

    It is difficult to trace manipulation in the markets based on information stolen during cyber attacks .

  19. 操纵市场行为的法律性质不是垄断、恶意投机,而是证券欺诈。

    The legal attribute of market manipulation is not monopoly or vicious speculation , but securities fraud .

  20. 证券欺诈主要表现为虚假陈述、内幕交易和操纵市场。

    The main types of securities fraud are : dishonest description , inside dealing , and market control .

  21. 第四章从操纵市场行为的特殊性以及我国证券市场的现状出发,以操纵市场民事责任的实现机制为中心,讨论实现操纵市场民事责任的保障措施&集团诉讼和次级举证责任在辩方。

    Chapter Four addresses the special characteristics of market manipulation and the status quo of China securities market .

  22. 本文就欺诈行为之一&操纵市场的民事责任进行探讨,全文共分六个部分。

    This article will expound the liability of rigging the market , which is a kind of fraudulent act .

  23. 2005年中国的证券市场进行了一次大的调整,操纵市场行为出现了一些新的特点。

    In 2005 China 's stock market carried out a large adjustment , Market manipulation emerged some new features .

  24. 奥伦斯坦是沙隆的副手,而阿龙则被控进行黑客攻击及操纵市场。

    Mr Orenstein was Mr Shalon 's deputy , while Mr Aaron is accused of hacking and manipulating the market .

  25. 房价上涨的受益者不仅仅是土地投机者;他们还是操纵市场行为的狂热支持者。

    The beneficiaries are more than mere land speculators ; they are also enthusiastic supporters of efforts to rig the market .

  26. 据不完全统计,从1993年至今,因操纵市场受到行政处罚与刑事制裁的案例只有29件。

    According to the statistics , from 1993 to nowadays , there were just 29 cases were punished according to law .

  27. 而一旦在国债期货市场上形成垄断者或垄断势力,就极易发生操纵市场、合谋等不当行为。

    Once monopoly and monopolist are present in treasury future market , it will easily create market manipulation and collusion issues .

  28. 第六部分提出完善我国操纵市场民事责任的立法建议。

    The sixth part put forward legislation suggestions on how to perfect Chinese regulations on civil liability of rigging the market .

  29. 因此,加强对操纵市场行为的法律规制已经成为各个国家和地区证券立法上的共同特征。

    So , to enhance the regulations of manipulation has become the main task of security legislation in respective country and area .

  30. 你知道赵某人是大户多头,他在那里操纵市场!

    You know that fellow Chao ? Well , he 's one of the big bulls and he 's rigging the market .