
  • 网络Operational Definition;operation definition
  1. 首先阐释了经典文学的抽象性定义和操作性定义。

    First explains " classic literature " abstract definition and operational definition .

  2. 首先,根据访谈、公众观调查以及已有文献,进行理论构想,给出教师工作敬业的操作性定义。

    Firstly , based on interview , public views survey and existed literature , the dimensions and operational definition are made .

  3. 论文围绕HLA中实现多联邦互连的关键技术展开讨论,分析了HLA的互操作性定义,研究了HLA互操作的分层模型,给出了解决互操作问题的方案。

    This thesis discusses the problems around achieving the multi-federations interconnection and studies its key technology . We analyze the definition of the HLA interoperability , and study the hierarchical model of the HLA interoperability . The means to solve interoperability problems are proposed .

  4. 第二部分为问题的提出及研究意义,确定了小学教师的创造力培养观与创造性教学课堂行为的操作性定义,阐明了本研究的意义;

    The second part is about the aim and meaning of this research ;

  5. 第二部分主要界定了电子白板环境下课堂师生交互行为并对具体行为进行了操作性定义,设计了课堂师生交互行为观测方法。

    The second mainly defines the teacher-student interaction behavior and designs methods of observation .

  6. 构建的理解的操作性定义可以划分为自身理解、关联理解和综合理解三个层次。

    Understanding was structured from three levels : self-understanding , related understanding , and complex understanding .

  7. 在界定了变量的操作性定义之后,本文设计了调查问卷,并展开大范围的问卷调查。

    After defining the manipulative definition of each variable , we designed a questionnaire and launch a large scope of survey .

  8. 为了研究方便,我们对员工的心理契约下个操作性定义是:员工认为自己付出努力后,组织应当承担的责任。

    We define the employee psychological contract is that the responsibility which the organization should bear after employee assuming themselves work hard .

  9. 针对这些,我们提出了疏离感的操作性定义,并初步构建了一个二层次十维度的疏离感理论结构。

    So we put forword an operative difinition of alienation and construct a two-level , ten-dimension alienation theoretical structure in this article .

  10. 从教师职业素质出发提出高师生职业气质的操作性定义和维度构想;

    The studies on occupation quality of teachers give the information about the operational definition and dimensions of work temperament of normal university students .

  11. 文章介绍了宽恕在汉语、圣经和新约中的含义并对宽恕的操作性定义进行了讨论。

    This article introduces the implications of forgiveness in Chinese , Bible and the New Testament , and discusses the operative definitions of forgiveness .

  12. 第四章在对数学观、数学认知心理以及课标研究的基础上给出理解的操作性定义。

    An operational definition of the fourth chapter in view of mathematics , mathematical cognitive psychology and curriculum research is given on the basis of understanding .

  13. 我们探讨的客观化评分方法包括01制评分和在操作性定义口语水平的基础上制定的分项客观化评分。

    The scoring methods we discuss here include the 0 / 1 scoring system and the discrete objective scoring based on the operationally defined oral competence .

  14. 应用这种方法要求所研究的心理系统必须有操作性定义,并能形成判定最优心理结构的统一标准,因此这种方法特别适用于心理量表。

    The psychic system must have operational definition and uniform standard for determining the best psychic structure , so this method can be used in psychological scales .

  15. 在此基础上,首先论述科学素养的定性定义和可操作性定义,解构科学素养的结构体系。

    On this basis , it firstly gives a argumentation about a qualitative definition and a operational definition of the scientific literacy , to analyze the structural system .

  16. 二是不同研究者对阈限的操作性定义不同和实验的条件不同导致结果和术语的迥异,从而影响了不同研究之间的可比较性;

    Second , the differences of operational definition of thresholds and experimental conditions used in these researches result in different outcomes and terms , which confines comparability among these researches .

  17. 在进行简单的学术回顾之后,给出了慈善行为的操作性定义,讨论了慈善行为产生的三个基本条件。

    After a short review of the field , it covers a workable definition of charity behavior and a discussion of the three basic conditions based on which charity behavior produces .

  18. 关于文化融合与心理健康关系的研究结果存在差异性的一个潜在原因,可能是由于文化融合在研究中的操作性定义不一致,导致相当多的测量异质性。

    A potential reason for the discrepancies in researches on the relationship between acculturation and mental health may be that acculturation has not been manipulated consistently across studies , resulting in considerable measurement heterogeneity .

  19. 其次,依循操作性定义,按照问卷编制的科学程序,在研究2和3中,分别编制了教师工作敬业的自评问卷和学生评问卷。

    Secondly , in the second and third studies , teachers ' self-evaluation questionnaire and students ' evaluation questionnaire of work engagement are developed based on the operational definition and stages of scale development .

  20. 所以,论文主要研究以下几个问题:(1)教材编写的目标设定为促进学生对数学的理解,那么理解具体表现在哪些方面?也即需要构建出理解的操作性定义。

    So , this study mainly focuses these following questions . ( 1 ) The aim of textbooks compiling is to promote students ' mathematics understanding , so Understanding is embodied in which aspects ?

  21. 国力和文明的强盛程度在操作性定义上分为三种资本:第一为文化和灵魂资本;第二为金融与经济资本;

    The operating definition of national power and civilization level can be divided into three capitals : 1.capital of culture and soul , 2.capital of finance and economy , 3.Capital of science technology and knowledge .

  22. 本研究以353名民航飞行学员为研究对象,通过文献回顾和研究目的分析,确定了本研究情绪稳定性的操作性定义;

    There were 353 flying cadets of civil aviation as subjects in this research . Firstly , through the literature search and analyse on the research 's purpose , determined the operating definition of emotional stability .

  23. 方法依据飞行情绪稳定性的操作性定义及文献回顾,通过与63名有多年飞行经验的飞行员、飞行教练员共同研究,编制出有效的飞行情绪稳定性他评问卷。

    Method Based on the operable definition of emotional stability in flight and the related literature review , 63 experienced pilots and flight coaches were investigated and the other rating questionnaire of emotional stability in flight was established .

  24. 第一部分系研究的缘起与背景,叙述了研究的原因以及理论和实践背景,在此基础上,提出了研究的操作性定义和研究的问题。

    The first part , the origin and background of the research , is to show the reasons and theoretical and practical background of the research , to give an operational definition for this research , and to unearth the unsolved problems .

  25. 本研究立足于小学写作教学实践需要,以写作能力结构、写作教学大纲及写作能力各因素的操作性定义为理论基础,在教育测量与评价的基本原理指导下,编制小学生写作能力的客观测验。

    The study is established on the writing practice in the primary school . The author make the objective pupil 's writing test on the base of the writing ability form , writing teaching outline and the operational definition of writing facts .

  26. 接着,对古今中外的有关自我控制和焦虑的部分文献作了梳理,在前人研究成果的启发下,本研究提出大学生英语学习自我控制能力的操作性定义。

    Then , the author gives a partial overview about self-control and anxiety developed in different countries at home and abroad . The operational definition of self-control ability in college English study was formed in the enlightenment of the predecessors ' research results .

  27. 以价值观基础理论为基础,提出了大学生环境态度的操作性定义:个体从自己、他人、生物利益出发,对环境问题所持有的信念、情感和行为意图。

    Based on value-basis theory , we proposed the operational definition of environmental attitudes of university students : environmental attitudes refer to the beliefs , emotions and behavioral intentions on environmental issues held by individuals , from the egoistic , altruistic , or biospheric perspectives .

  28. 根据操作性定义,编制了开放式问卷,通过对300份开放式问卷内容的分析,初步提出了大学生环境态度的维度构想,并编制了21个题项的大学生环境态度正式问卷。

    An open questionnaire was designed according to the operational definition . Through analysis of 231 open questionnaires , we proposed the dimension concept of environmental attitudes , and finally we got a formal questionnaire of environmental attitude of university students , including 21 items .

  29. 首先,收集了大量关于商业健身俱乐部和有关顾客价值的相关文献,经过分析,对商业健身俱乐部顾客价值进行了操作性定义,并编制了商业健身俱乐部顾客价值维度量表。

    First of all , collected a large number of commercial fitness club and the customer value of the related literature , through the analysis , the commercial health club customer value of operational definitions , and the preparation of Commercial Fitness Club customer value dimension scale .

  30. 讨论了特征的概念性和操作性定义及特征分类,分析了多域特征映射机理,给出了不同应用领域对产品信息需求的多域特征映射框架模型,并实现开发了一个初步系统。

    The conceptual and operational definitions of features and feature classification are discussed , and the multiple feature mapping mechanism is analyzed . A frame model of multiple domains feature mapping for the requirement of feature information in different application is given and a simple system is realized .