
cāo zuò mǎ
  • Opcode;operational code;OP code
  1. 数字编码向CASS野外操作码的转换

    Conver the Digital Code to the CASS Field Operational Code

  2. 稍微增加了GDFS初始化错误操作码的冗长度

    Slightly increased verbosity of GDFS access initialization error handling code .

  3. 助记码是由字母组成,以代表操作码。

    Mnemonics are made up of letter to represent the operation code .

  4. 如果一个CPU使用固定位数的操作码,那么解码过程是简单的。

    If a CPU uses a fixed size op-code , decoding is simple .

  5. 这个include模块为每个IO操作码提供一个已命名常量(即QrnOperationOPEN、QrnOperationCHAIN,等等)。

    The include module provides named constants for each IO operation code ( i.e.QrnOperation_OPEN , QrnOperation_CHAIN , etc ) .

  6. 替代PHP缓存大概是PHP最流行的操作码缓存。

    Alternative PHP Cache , is probably the most popular opcode cache for PHP .

  7. 对于PHP,最好的事情就是安装一个操作码缓存。

    The best thing you can do for PHP is to install an opcode cache .

  8. 资源请求URI对于面向资源的计算模型来说本质上是“操作码”。

    Resource request URIs are essentially " op-codes " for the resource oriented computing model .

  9. 目前,虚拟机的核心(实际上就是操作码)和基础实现(primitives)都是使用C语言编写的。

    The core VM ( which is really just the opcodes ) is currently written in C , as are the primitives .

  10. 替代PHP缓存(APC)可能是PHP最流行的操作码缓存(参见参考资料)。

    Alternative PHP Cache ( APC ) is probably the most popular opcode cache for PHP ( see Resources ) .

  11. 文件缓存-即使启用了PHP操作码缓存,PHP引擎要访问一个文件系统上的脚本文件。

    File Cache-Even with the PHP opcode cache enabled , the PHP engine has to accesses the script files on a file system .

  12. 了解Perl的操作码,就可以开始判断哪里可能是瓶颈。

    Providing you know the Perl opcodes , you can begin to identify where the potential bottlenecks might be .

  13. 提高任何PHP应用程序(当然是LAMP中的“P”)的性能的最简单方式是利用一个操作码缓存。

    The easiest thing to boost performance of any PHP application ( the " P " in LAMP , of course ) is to take advantage of an opcode cache .

  14. PHP代码被翻译成操作码后,可以把它保存起来并重复使用&直到原始代码被修改。

    After your PHP code has been translated into opcodes , it can be saved and reused again and again & until the original code is modified .

  15. 在分析了三元光栅操作码的基础上,讨论了实现WINDOWS点位图透明显示的方法,并用布尔代数解释了实现点位图透明显示的原理。

    On the basis of analysis of the ternary raster operation code , the method of transparent display of windows bitmap is discussed , and its principle is explained by use of Boolean algebra .

  16. 毫无疑问,一个操作码缓存是通过在每次请求后消除解析和编译脚本的需要来加速PHP的第一步。

    Without a doubt , an opcode cache is the first step in speeding up PHP by removing the need to parse and compile a script on every request .

  17. 如果这个程序中一条操作码出现了多次,请尝试在dump文件中寻找处理程序代码所打印的序列。

    If the program has more than one occurrence of the opcode , try to find the sequence printed by the handler code in the dump file .

  18. 当然,在某些应用程序中,相比较实际的执行时间,将PHP源代码文件翻译为其相应的操作码所需的时间微不足道。

    Of course , in some applications , the time required to translate a file of PHP source code to its corresponding opcodes is insignificant compared to actual execution time .

  19. 操作码缓存对于PHP流行已久,其中早期的一些要追溯到PHPV4的全盛期。

    Opcode caches have long been popular for PHP , with some of the first ones coming about back in the heyday of PHP V4 .

  20. 此处,ZendEngine之类的软件会优化编译过程中产生的操作码,这理论上会减少代码执行的工作总量。

    Here , software such as the Zend Engine takes the time to optimize the opcodes produced during compilation , literally reducing the amount of work that the code performs .

  21. Zend的厂商也提供了一种商业操作码缓存,包括一个进一步提高效率的优化器。

    The makers of Zend also have a commercial opcode cache that includes an optimizer to further increase efficiency .

  22. 我们不仅通过利用一个操作码缓存和优化PHP配置探究了PHP级别的技术,而且探究了如何优化您的数据库设计来实现合理的索引编制。

    We looked at techniques not only at the PHP level , by leveraging an opcode cache and optimizing the PHP configuration , but also looked at optimizing your database design for proper indexing .

  23. 请求一个PHP脚本时,PHP会读取该脚本,并将其编译为Zend操作码,这是要执行的代码的一种二进制表示形式。

    When a PHP script is requested , PHP reads the script and compiles it into what 's called Zend opcode , a binary representation of the code to be executed .

  24. 因此当PHP脚本的缓存操作码存在时,我们可以跳过PHP请求流程的解析和编译步骤,直接执行缓存操作码并输出结果。

    So when the cached opcodes of a PHP script exists , we can skip by the parse and compile steps of the PHP request process and directly execute the cache opcodes and output the results .

  25. 您能看到缓存中的PHP文件列表,连同cachehit、操作码的代码大小、源文件的字节大小,等等。

    You should see a list of PHP files in the cache , along with cache hits , the size of the code as measured in opcodes , the size of the source file measured in bytes , and more .

  26. 不同于APC和Wincache,它仅是一个操作码缓存和优化器,因此它不包含用户缓存组件。

    Unlike APC and Wincache , it is only an opcode cache and optimizer , so it does not contain the user cache components .

  27. 这个程序接受一个操作码和一个记录键作为输入,然后读取VSAM数据集并将记录返回给CICS。

    This program accepts an operation code and a record key as inputs , then reads the VSAM dataset and returns the record back to CICS .

  28. 本文通过对Z-80微处理器指令系统的研究,开发出新的指令52条,操作码84种,增强了使用功能。

    In this paper , through the research of microprocessor , 52 new instructions and 84 OP codes are exploited and their usable function is strengthened .

  29. 本文着重介绍了RPGⅡ语言所用的数据类型、主要特点、逻辑流程、特殊功能和编制RPGⅡ程序所采用的各种类型说明表、计算指令操作码和指示符等。

    This paper emphatically introduces that the data type , main feature , program logic cycle , specific functions of RPG ⅱ language and specifications , indicators and operation codes which are used in programming .

  30. 我们之前探究的两个操作码缓存APC和Wincache具有实现上述操作的工具,其中您可以将PHP数据直接存储到一个共享内存段中,便于快速查询。

    Two of the opcode caches we looked at earlier , APC and Wincache , have facilities for doing just this , where you can store PHP data directly into a shared memory segment for quick retrieval .