
  • C Language;The C Programming Language;language C
  1. 【中英文摘要】多维数组指针和递归是c语言教学中的难点。

    Multi-dimensional array pointer and recursion are the difficult sections of teaching C language .

  2. 物理、电气工程和计算机信息服务处c语言与生物医学信息处理

    Information Services for Physics , Electrical Engineering and Computers C Language & Biomedical Information Processing

  3. 平台采用模块化设计、VISUALBASIC及Visualc语言编写。

    The platform adopts mode design , Visual Basic and Visual C compiled .

  4. c语言是由贝尔实验室的里奇在1972年发展出来的。

    C was developed by Dennis M. Ritchie of Bell Laboratories in 1972 .

  5. c语言程序设计中指针应用应注意的问题

    The problems which should be careful when use pointer for programming in C

  6. 语言是具有面向对象特性的c语言的继承者。

    C + + is the object-oriented successor to C.

  7. 系统软件用Visualc语言编制,采用模块化结构设计。

    The system software is designed with Visual C , adopting modular structure .

  8. 这个是用c语言实现的。

    C is the language used to achieve .

  9. c语言与生物医学信息处理

    C Language & Biomedical Information Processing

  10. C++在很多重要方面对c语言做了改进,特别是在支持强类型方面。

    C + + improves on C in significant ways , especially in supporting strong typing .

  11. c语言的操作符重载,支持可透明操作的新类型的实现。

    The operator overloading supports the implementation of new types that may be operated upon transparently .

  12. 应用c语言进行软件编程,对硬件电路进行实验调试和修正。

    Using C language to progress software programming and modify it after debugging the hardware circuit . 5 .

  13. 美国贝尔实验室开发的一种早期高级程序设计语言,是c语言的前身。

    An early high - level programming language developed by Bell Laboratories . B has been superseded by C.

  14. 用Visualc语言实现的Delaunay三角剖分算法

    An Algorithm for Delaunay Triangulation Realized with Visual C Language

  15. 批改c语言程序作业是一件很花时间并且容易出错工作。

    To mark C language program work is time-consuming as well as a piece of work easy to make mistakes .

  16. 使用Turboc语言设计用户界面

    Design User Interface by Using Turbo C Language

  17. 汇编语言与Turboc语言的混合编程方法

    The Interface between Assembly Language and Turbo C

  18. CGI像c语言或Shell脚本语言。

    CGI is like C or shell script languages .

  19. 文摘:论述了用c语言在PCB中加中文注释的方法。

    Abstract : The method to add Chinese annotation in PCB with C-language was discussed .

  20. c语言原来是为系统编程而设计的,而现在已广泛用于大多数应用程序设计中。

    The C language was originally designed for system programming . It is now extensively applied to most branches of applications programming .

  21. 基于Turboc语言的通讯程序设计

    Communication program design with Turbo C

  22. 利用了Turboc语言开发了民用住宅平面图设计辅助系统。

    This paper developed computer aided system of dwelling house plan design with Turbo C language .

  23. 在开发平台上本文采用UNIX,编程语言采用c语言。

    Exploring platform adopted by the paper is UNIX , Programming was done by C language .

  24. c语言的说明语法可用来帮助描述数据,而不是让数据来决定程序的形式。

    C 's declaration syntax is designed to help describe data , rather than have the data determine the form of a program .

  25. 使用c语言实现串行通信连线简单,常用于对实时性要求不高的数据通信系统。

    It is easy to operate by C language which usually be used in some data communication systems that demand lower in Real-time .

  26. C++保留了c语言的大量特性,包括丰富的算符集,接近正交设计,简明扼要和具有可扩充性。

    C + + retains much of C , including a rich operator set , nearly orthogonal design , terseness , and extensibility .

  27. 讨论了针对PC机的DOS系统设计制做一个多任务管理器所需解决的一些问题,给出了解决这些问题的方法,并给出了相应的Turboc语言程序。

    Finally a solution to these problems together with Turbo C program is given .

  28. 方法应用图形、图像处理技术和一定的人工智能,用Visualc语言编程,采用中值滤波,直方图均衡增强图像;

    Methods The system which was programmed by visual c language , and graphics and image processing techniques and artificial intelligence were used .

  29. 介绍了一个基于Foxbase2.1软件和c语言开发的数据管理与统计分析程序库系统。

    A data management and statistical analysis system is presented in this paper , which is based on Foxbase version 2 . 1 and C.

  30. 华尔还指出,Perl的表达式语法非常接近c语言表达式语法;

    Wall also points out that Perl 's expression syntax corresponds quite closely to C expression syntax ;