
cāo zuò fú chónɡ zǎi
  • operators overloading
  1. c语言的操作符重载,支持可透明操作的新类型的实现。

    The operator overloading supports the implementation of new types that may be operated upon transparently .

  2. 本文在Visualc~++6.0版本下利用操作符重载的技巧,实现了对复数的四则运算,并输出运算结果的四种表示式。

    This paper makes use of the skills of overloading a function of arithmetic operational symbol to carry out the plural arithmetic and output four kinds of expressions for complex plural in the Visual C + + 6 . 0 .

  3. 一旦掌握了操作符重载的概念和它在Groovy中的实现,就可以看到许多日常的Java对象已经被Groovy的作者做了改进。

    Once you 've grasped the concepts of operator overloading and how it 's done in Groovy , you can see that many everyday Java objects have already been enhanced by the writers of Groovy .

  4. 我记得在采访Gosling时曾问过他为何放弃操作符重载(我想该问题和答案还尚未公开过)。

    I remember asking this Gosling in one of my interviews of him why he left out operator overloading ( I don 't think that question and answer ended up getting published ) .

  5. 更一致的、对称的操作符重载

    More consistent , symmetric operator overloading

  6. 与其外表相反,这并非操作符重载。

    And no , contrary to what it might look like , this isn 't operator-overloading .

  7. 许多以前使用C++的开发人员会怀念操作符重载,例如+和-。

    Many developers who started out using C + + will admit some nostalgia for overload operators such as + and - .

  8. 它还可以应用于其他一些东西,因此这样做操作符重载,就会产生一些负面影响了,以我的观点来看的话。

    So there are some downsides , in my view , to doing operator overloading , but there 's some real pluses .

  9. 这将会是个默认的或者说是,通用的来比较对象是否相同的方法,好,在每个例子中,这些事情正在做的,就是,一些与操作符重载有关的东西。

    OK , in each case , what these things are doing , is they 're doing , what sometimes gets referred to as operator overloading .

  10. 我不知道你是怎么得到下面这个结论的:放弃操作符重载仅仅是因为它太复杂了。

    I 'm not sure where you got the impression that the choice of leaving out operator overloading was because someone didn 't do their homework .

  11. 再着重分析和比较自动微分算法的两种实现方式:基于操作符重载和基于编译原理,并同传统的差分法和稀疏差分法进行比较分析,找寻最可行有效的求导算法。

    And two implementation ways of automatic differentiation based on source transformation and operator overloading are fully investigated and compared with the traditional methods of finite difference and sparse finite difference .

  12. 文中重在讲述操作符重载的应用和注意事项,并通过实例使读者深入体会操作符重载在C++语言中的灵活应用。

    The paper refers to application of operator overloading and some points for attention and makes readers know about the flexible application of operator overloading from practical cases in the C + + language .

  13. Groovy支持以下算术类操作符的重载

    Groovy supports the following math-like operators for overloading

  14. 操作符的重载是另一个我使用过但是没有包括在例子中的特性。

    Operator overloading is another feature I could have used but didn 't.

  15. 本书中有大量的例子,从简单(加减操作符的重载)到复杂(重载数值常量以及运行时间等)一应俱全。

    There are many examples covering the range from simple ( addition / subtraction overloading ) to the complex ( overloading numeric constants and run-time overloading ) .

  16. 在实战Groovy的这一期中,我将介绍Groovy对操作符即时多态(也称为操作符重载)的支持。

    In this installment of Practically Groovy , I introduce you to Groovy 's support for operator ad-hoc polymorphism , also known as operator overloading .

  17. 可以看到,操作符的即时多态,或操作符重载,对于我们来说,如果小心使用和记录,会非常强大。

    As you 've seen , operator ad hoc polymorphism , or operator overloading to the rest of us , can be quite powerful if carefully employed and documented .

  18. 在“美妙的操作符”中,您了解到Groovy支持操作符重载。

    In " Smooth Operators ," you learned that Groovy supports operator overloading .

  19. 虽然它们很方便,但是被覆盖的操作符的多态实质会造成混淆,所以操作符重载在Java语言中被取消了。

    Convenient though they are , the polymorphic nature of overridden operators can cause confusion , so operator overloading has been banned from the Java language .

  20. 在C++语言中,允许程序使用一个操作符名字表示多种操作符。这种功能中叫做操作符重载。

    In C + + , the program is allowed to use a single operator name to express several operators . Such a function is called the operator overloading .