
  • 网络operational risk
  1. 相对于信用风险和市场风险,商业银行操作性风险计量是一个较为崭新的课题。

    Compared with Credit risk & Market Risk , the measuring of operational risk is a new topic .

  2. 理财产品创新的风险包括市场性风险、法律性风险、经营性和操作性风险以及技术创新风险。

    Financial product innovation risk includes market risk , legal risk , business and operational risk and technology innovation risk .

  3. 这些内部风险被继续分成四个部分:战略性风险、财务性风险、操作性风险和正直性风险。

    These internal risks are further broken down into four categories : strategic , financial , operational and integrity risks .

  4. 当前,农村信用社信贷风险主要表现在道德风险、经营风险、操作性风险3个方面。

    At present the credit risks of the rural credit unions mainly include the ethics risk , the running risk and the operating risk .

  5. 第四部分,通过对比供应链金融和传统银行融资的差异,揭示操作性风险是供应链金融的主要风险,并分别对上述三类主要的供应链融资模式所蕴含的操作性风险进行分析。

    The forth part points out that operational risk is the key risk of supply chain financing , compared with traditional bank financing . The operational risk of three major financing modes referred above will also be analyzed respectively .

  6. 操作性风险管理方面,摩根大通银行专门设计、使用和维持了一套有效的控制运作环境以监督和控制风险,保持操作性风险在一个合适的水平上。

    In order to supervise and control the operational risks of the bank , JP Morgan has designed and maintained an effective , well-controlled operating environment . Its management objective is to maintain its operational risk under an appropriate level .

  7. 巴赛尔委员会在2002年举行过一次全球性操作性风险调查,被调查银行共计报告47269起损失金额超过1万欧元的操作性风险事件,平均每家银行发生操作风险事件528起1。

    Basel Committee in 2002 held a global operational risk survey , a total of surveyed banks reported 47,269 from the total loss over 10,000 euros of operational risk events , the average per bank in the incident 528 from operational risk .

  8. 上市银行承担多种风险,充分揭示其所面临的信用风险、市场风险、流动性风险、操作性风险,可使信息使用者对银行的经营状况、财务状况有更充分的了解,更有利于决策。

    Listed banks face various risks . Adequate announcement of their credit risks , market risks , circulating risks and operating risks can help the informed know better the business situation and financial situation of the banks and help they make decision .

  9. 我国商业银行面临的主要风险包括信用风险、操作性风险、流动性风险、利率汇率风险、财务风险和犯罪风险等多种类型的风险,同时呈现出集中性、社会性和隐蔽性的特征。

    The main risks we are facing are credit risk , operational risk , liquidity risk , interest rate , exchange rate risk , financial risk and the risk of crime and so on , at the same time it shows the characteristics of concentration , sociality and concealment .

  10. 对过境水源地的船舶风险大小进行评估及分类,基本达到了快速、准确、简洁、可操作性的风险评估要求,且具有一定的实际应用价值。

    It has certain practical value which meet the need of fast , accurate , concise and operational of risk assessment .

  11. 与股票相比,期货交易在中国才刚起步,而且有更大的可操作性,风险也更小。

    Compared with stock , futures trading is just getting started in China , while has better operational behavior and lower risk .

  12. 同时,对于生产型企业所面临的整体风险状况缺乏全面的认识,而且多以定性分析为主,实际可操作性和风险预防效果不尽如人意。

    Still , these studies are lack of comprehensive understanding of whole risk of manufacture corporations , the qualitative analysis results are not so satisfying .

  13. 当前,国内商业银行在信用、市场、流动性和操作性等风险问题处理上与国外一流银行相比有很大差距。

    Currently , compared with leadind foreign banks , China 's commercial banks have great distance in solving credit risk , market risk , liquidity risk and operation risk .

  14. 安全保障义务的制度设计,从本质上来讲是在经营者与消费者、活动管理者与参与者之间建立起来的一种符合社会观念的、科学的、具备可操作性的风险分配机制。

    Safety obligations system design , from essentially are operators and consumers , activity between managers and participants build up a social concepts , scientific and operability of the risk allocation mechanism .

  15. 本文通过对深圳中智公司的劳务派遣业务风险的研究,提出具有可操作性的风险防控策略和相应的保障措施,具有一定的实践指导意义。

    Based on the risk research of labor dispatching of CIIC Shenzhen cooperation , the text proposed operational strategies of risk prevention and control and the appropriate safeguards , which has a certain practical significance .

  16. 通过可再生能源风险因素识别形成具有操作性的风险评价的指标体系,并基于粗糙集模型依次对指标数据进行离散化、属性约简以及求取属性重要度。

    The paper formed an operational risk evaluation indicator system by identifying the risk factors of renewable energy , and carried on indicators discretization , attribute reduction and striking attribute importance successively according to the rough set model .

  17. OCTAVE是一种系统的、操作性强的风险评估方法,能帮助企业有效实现对信息资产的风险评估。

    OCTAVE is a systematic and strongly operational risk assessment method , which can help enterprise assess risk of information assets effectively .

  18. 安全风险评估技术既需要有严密的理论、又需要与实践经验相结合,其可操作性成为安全风险评估成功的关键。

    Security risk assessment technology must combine theory and practice ; operational assessment is the key to the success .

  19. 所以,尽早建立操作性良好的风险管理制度、发展防患于未然的保险机制已成为当务之急。

    Therefore , the establishment of early operation risk management system and development to prevent the insurance mechanism has become a top priority .

  20. 本文重视政府机关政策引导,力求为企业提供一套理论与实际相结合、全面系统、可操作性强的税务风险管理体系构建指南。

    Strive to provide enterprises with a set of feasible tax Risk Management System Guide .

  21. 主要表现为信用风险、市场风险、操作风险和流动性风险。

    It mainly takes the forms of credit risk , market risk , operational risk and liquidity risk .

  22. 而操作风险,流动性风险等一直存在于商业银行的各个业务领域。我国商业银行在信贷风险管理还存在诸多不足,更谈不上对后几者的风险管理了。

    Too many problems exist in credit risk management , and how can we have the capability to manage the others ?

  23. 商业银行要面临着市场风险、信用风险,操作风险、流动性风险、法律风险等各种风险。

    Commercial Banks have been facing the credit risk , liquidity risk , market risk , operation risk and legal risk .

  24. 本文的主要贡献在于给出了具有系统性、针对性和操作性的保理融资风险管理方案。

    The main contribution of this paper is to give systematic , targeted and operational risk management solutions of the factoring finance .

  25. 这种方法将各种风险类别有机地结合,大大增加了风险识别的可操作性,提高了风险识别结果的准确性和全面性,更有利于工程项目风险管理的实际操作。

    Combined organically with all kinds of risks , this new method greatly strengthens the feasibility of risk distinguishment , raises the accuracy and comprehension of the result , and benefits the practical operation of the construction project risk management .

  26. 此计算模型简洁直观,计算方法统一,具有良好的可操作性,在保证风险评估工作质量的同时又降低了风险评估的工作强度,为制定合理有效的安全策略奠定了理论基础。

    This calculation model is simple and intuitive , unified calculating method , has good maneuverability , it ensure the work quality of the risk assessment while reducing the intensity of risk assessment work , laid a theoretical foundation on making the reasonable and effective security strategy .