- trader

Traders from New York to London are signing up for Twitter to reconnect with traders elsewhere .
Software companies have been quick to notice the phenomenon , and have launched services that help traders sort the vast amount of information they receive through Twitter .
But Twitter is not only being used to hunt for stock tips , many traders say . Instead , they want a way of picking up how other traders are trading .
In the well known case of the GBP peg in1992 , the major players in the FX market actually challenged the Bank of England , no less , and forced a devaluation of the GBP , making billions in the process .
Stocktwits is one of the most popular ways for traders to track relevant discussions on twitter , including stock trends .
Lex van Dam , former top trader at Goldman Sachs and head of hedge fund , Hampstead Capital , takes a dim view of the over-hyped reactions of the Wall Street bosses .
You don 't want a sharp operator manipulating the definition of shares in the cause of a deceitful report , so the standard XBRL taxonomy itself provides a definition of a unit of shares .
You need traders and investors and whoever to exploit imbalances .
But Mr ackman is more than a financial hit man .
You can almost hear the yelps from day traders .
During the cold war , the US and the USSR were the big players .
About 90,000 people have signed up to the site , many of them day traders .
This is why many day traders lose all their money and may end up in debt as well .
In the process of trading , the speed of the requirements of the terror hand also is very strict .
Frank Partnoy , a former Wall Street trader , says that employers should encourage workers to take time off for lunch .
He was one of the first professional stock traders to participate in the country 's then-budding futures market during the 1990s .
For others , though , it is a tale of how two day traders outwitted the rapid-fire machines that have come to dominate financial markets .
Many of the owners represent a cross-section of American wealth : chief executives and celebrities , doctors and lawyers , technology entrepreneurs and Wall Street traders .
Mr Ma may not be the best lead to follow ; last December he sold part of his holding at a price around one-fifth below current levels .
Mr. Liu , who is still an active stock trader , said he was not concerned about the crackdown , stating that he acquired his money through legal and legitimate means .
People that aren 't investing for a living are likely to lose money by buying individual stocks because they are being outsmarted by professional traders , high-frequency traders , and professional investors that have studied companies ' fundamentals closely .