
chǎnɡ wài jiāo yì shì chǎnɡ
  • over-the-counter market;off-board market
  1. 房利美和房地美将继续向美国证交会(SEC)递交季度财务报告,而它们的股票仍将在场外交易市场,即所谓粉单市场(pinksheets)交易。

    Fannie and Freddie will continue to file quarterly financial statements with the Securities and Exchange Commission and their shares will still be traded on the over-the-counter market , known as the pink sheets .

  2. 欧盟竞争委员会专员杰奎因•阿尔穆尼亚(JoaquínAlmunia)说得对,在其他方面对等的情况下,对投资者来说,交易所掉期交易的成本应该低于银行的场外交易市场。

    Joaqu í n Almunia , the EU competition commissioner , is right that exchange-trading of swaps should be cheaper for investors than the banks " over-the-counter market , all other things being equal .

  3. 严格的说,即将推出的二板市场也属于场外交易市场的一部分,NASDAQ市场就是一个典型的场外交易市场,因为它是集中报价,分散交易的。

    The future The Second Market is also belonged to OTC market , NASDAQ is a good example .

  4. 场外交易市场,Overthecounter,即OTC市场,是证券交易所以外的证券交易市场的总称,是资本市场体系中最基础的一个市场。

    Over the Counter , or OTC market , is where we transact securities outside the stock exchange market in general . It is the most basic one in the capital market .

  5. 《金融时报》解释称,这种风险在场外交易市场尤其普遍,而交易所开放式指数基金(ETF)、外汇期权和多种大宗商品衍生品的通常进行场外交易。

    The FT explains that this risk is particularly prevalent in over the counter markets , where ETFs , foreign exchange options and a number of commodity derivatives trade .

  6. 另外,中国从不公开披露人民币在场外交易市场(OTC)的成交量,不过我们知道相比其它国家的汇市,中国外汇市场的活跃程度要小得多。

    And China doesn 't publish data on how much yuan is traded in the OTC market â 'though we know the country 's foreign exchange market is much less active than those in other countries .

  7. 近年来中国私有企业发展迅速,其资金来源主要是场外交易市场(curb-market),其次是企业自身的利润。

    Chinese private companies have grown rapidly in recent years mainly on finance provided initially by the curb-market and then through their own profits .

  8. 包括:细化退市标准,建立完善场外交易市场,完善民事赔偿制度,建立股本保险。

    Improving civil compensation system ; establishing share capital insurance .

  9. 场外交易市场包括柜台交易市场、第三市场。

    The out-exchange market includes the OTC market and the third market .

  10. 第一部分介绍我国场外交易市场的发展与现状。

    Part one briefly introduces the China OTC markets and their development .

  11. 例如洲际交易所已经有着繁忙的场外交易市场业务。

    ICE , for instance , already has a busy over-the-counter business .

  12. 这种股票可以在场外交易市场买到。

    This share is available on the over - the - counter market .

  13. 再次,我国的场外交易市场不够发达。

    Again , our OTC markets are underdeveloped .

  14. 证券市场包括场内交易市场和场外交易市场两种类型。

    Securities market includes market in the field and over-the-counter ( OTC ) market .

  15. 期货市场、债券市场、场外交易市场也十分活跃。

    Hong Kong has also seen booming futures , securities and exterior transaction markets .

  16. 我国证券场外交易市场发展模式探析

    On OTC Securities Market Development Model in China

  17. 我国场外交易市场制度设计及监管对策研究

    The Research on the Regime Design and Supervising Countermeasures of OTC Market in Our Country

  18. 我国证券场外交易市场规范与发展问题研究

    A Theme on the Regularization and Development of the Over-counter Stock Exchange in Our Country

  19. 场外交易市场若干问题研究

    A Study on Off-floor Trading Market

  20. 交易商表示,一家生产商曾在场外交易市场向银行卖出认购期权。

    Traders say a producer had been selling call options to banks in the over-the-counter market .

  21. 人们指责某些场外交易市场或私下协定的信贷衍生品加剧了这场危机。

    Certain OTC , or privately negotiated , credit derivatives were blamed for exacerbating the crisis .

  22. 识别场外交易市场的若干特征非常重要。

    There are a couple of characteristics of the OTC markets that are important to recognise .

  23. 证券场外交易市场监管制度,是实现场外交易公开、公正、公平的制度保障。

    The OTC market supervision system is essential to make OTC transactions open , just and fair .

  24. 证券场外交易市场的监管,一般指政府专门机构及其他组织对证券场外交易市场的监管。

    The OTC market supervision generally refers to regulation and supervision by specialized government agencies and other organizations .

  25. 场外交易市场、私募股权基金与中小企业融资&基于博弈论的分析

    Over-the-Counter Market , Private Equity Funds and Small-sized Enterprises ( SME ) Financing : Based on Game theory

  26. 发展武汉城市圈特色场外交易市场&助推两型社会试验区运行

    Developing Over-the-counter Market with the Characteristics of Wuhan Metropolitan Circle : Promoting the Operation of Two-oriented Society Pilot Region

  27. 完善的信息披露制度是证券场外交易市场与非上市公众公司发展的基本前提。

    The advanced disclosure regime is the foundation for the development of the OTC markets and the unlisted public companies .

  28. 值此之际,许多场外交易市场因金融危机而名誉受损。

    It comes as many parts of the off-exchange , or over-the-counter , markets have been discredited by the financial crisis .

  29. 场外交易市场是由互相联系的证券交易员组成的,这些交易员充当着成千上万只股票和债券的做市商。

    The OTC Market is comprised of interconnected dealers who serve as marker makers for thousands of different stocks and bonds .

  30. 因为这些交易所而进行的最激烈的竞争来自于银行间的预订办理双边贸易的场外交易市场。

    The stiffest competition for these exchanges comes from over-the-counter markets , which handle bespoke bilateral trades , often between banks .