
  1. 首先,本文研究了期权合同的成立,就场外期权合同和场内期权合同的成立方式分别进行了论述。

    Firstly , this chapter discusses respectively on the manners of creation of Over-The-Counter option contract and Exchange-traded option contract .

  2. 虽然场外期权合同主体比较容易确定,但场内期权合同的确定却相对比较复杂。

    Though the subject of Over-The-Counter option contract is easily ascertained , the subject of Exchange-traded option contract is rather complicated to determine .

  3. 自1973年在美国首次进行场内交易以来,期权市场的发展十分迅猛。

    Since 1973 when options on stocks were first traded on an organized exchange , there has been a dramatic growth in options markets .