
  1. 此章主要从场面描写、心理描写和语言风格入笔分析一合作品。

    This chapter is from the scene description , language style of psychological description and analysis of a co-product into the pen .

  2. 《诗经》首开诗酒交融的先河,这时的诗多还仅是对饮酒场面的描写。

    " Book of Songs " the first pioneer to open Shijiu blend , when the poem is more than just drinking but also the description of the scene .

  3. 韦尔蒂很重视共时场面的描写,把众多人物集中于几个主要场景,又把主要场景集中在危机、失败等关键时刻。

    She pays much attention to the depictions of simultaneity scene , collecting many characters in some major scenes and designing the major scenes in the critical time of danger and failure .

  4. 不足之处是心理描写过多,可以在动作、场面上的描写多一些,另外,还可以加入环境描写,这样文章会显得更生动。

    Deficiency is the psychological description is overmuch , can be in action , rub depictions of some more , in addition , can also add environment description , this article will look more vivid .