
huái gǔ
  • ankle;anklebone
踝骨 [huái gǔ]
  • (1) [ankle]∶同踝

  • (2) [pricess of radius]∶指桡骨茎突。《医宗金鉴.刺灸心法要诀》:腕者,当外侧之骨,名曰高骨,一名锐骨,亦名踝骨。

踝骨[huái gǔ]
  1. 脚踝骨骨折了,医生把踝骨拿掉了!

    Ankle bone fracture , the doctor took off anklebone !

  2. 骨折部位以胫腓骨为最多,占16.0%,其余依次为股骨颈、髌骨、踝骨。

    Tibia and fibula fracture were the most ( 16.0 % ), and the others were thighbone neck , kneecap and anklebone .

  3. 摩K表3,然后吕3:请将您的右脚后跟跟腱之间的左内踝骨和。

    Rub K3 and then Lv3 : Place your right heel between your left inner anklebone and the Achilles tendon .

  4. 我的脚部以及踝骨那儿越来越疼,而我全然不顾。

    I ignored the rising pain in my foot and ankle .

  5. 右踝骨骨折,盆骨开裂。

    His right malleolus , and his pelvis is fractured .

  6. (解剖学)踝骨,或与踝骨有关。

    ( anatomy ) of or relating to the anklebone .

  7. 只到了踝骨或者膝盖。

    Coming only to the ankle or knee .

  8. 与踝骨或脚后跟有关。

    Relating to the heel bone or heel .

  9. 尽管踝骨受伤,他仍然打入了与德国队的决赛。

    Despite his injured ankle , Maradona nevertheless succeeded in gaining the final against Germany .

  10. 我当时正在欣赏乡村的宁静,突然摔倒扭伤了踝骨。

    I was enjoying the peace of the countryside when I fell and twisted my ankle .

  11. 照了X光,发现我的一条腿骨折,而一只脚完全与踝骨脱离。

    X-rays revealed a broken leg and a foot that was totally twisted from the ankle .

  12. 医生用钉子把我的脚和踝骨固定在了一起,又用螺丝加固了我的断腿。

    A pin was put in place to hold my foot to my ankle and screws were inserted in the broken leg .

  13. 帮助沃顿击败马刺队的右脚踝骨,本赛季已经扭伤了两次并且开始妨碍他的移动。

    Walton 's right ankle-the one which carries bone spurs and has been sprained twice this season-has hampered his movement at times .

  14. 我祖母在橡树街滑倒,伤了踝骨,我得送她去看病。

    My grandmother has slipped down in the Oak street and hurt her ankle , so I have to take her to the doctor .

  15. 锁定检查:足部骨连接到脚踝骨,脚踝是一个完美的地方,锁定检查。

    Locking Checks : The foot bone is connected to the ankle bone , and the ankle is a perfect place for a locking check .

  16. 有时候我们在打腿时太注重于将脚使劲并在一起了,就像把膝盖和踝骨锁在一起似的。

    Sometimes we focus too much on pressing the feet together real hard in the kick if you lock the knees together and the angle bones together .

  17. 让同伴站到你的侧面检查你的耳孔、肩关节中心、臀外侧中心和外侧踝骨中心是否在一条线上并与地面垂直。

    Have your partner stand beside you and check that your ear hole , the center of your shoulder joint , the center of your outer hip , and your outer ankle bone are in one line , perpendicular to the floor .

  18. 在临床上应用微创外固定法配合中药内服治疗右创伤性踝骨关节炎伴马蹄内翻足畸形证实了其在减轻关节肿痛、改善关节活动、矫正畸形、提高行走能力方面疗效确切。

    In the clinical application of minimally invasive external fixation method with traditional Chinese medicine internal and treatment of Traumatic ankle osteoarthritis with equinovarus proved its in reducing the joint swelling and pain , improve joint activities , correction deformity , improve the ability to walk on exactly curative effect .

  19. “无缘无故赶上那么三英里路、五英里路,谁晓得多少英里呢,泥土盖没了踝骨,而且是孤孤单单的一个人!她这究竟是什么意思?我看她十足表现了没有家教的野态,完全是乡下人不懂礼貌的轻狂。”

    To walk three miles , or four miles , or five miles , or whatever it is , above her ancles in dirt , and alone , quite alone ! what could she mean by it ? It seems to me to shew an abominable sort of conceited independence , a most country town indifference to decorum .