
míng yù
  • simile
明喻 [míng yù]
  • [simile] 以两件基本上不相同的事物作比喻的修辞手段。比喻的一种,明显地用另外的事物来比拟某事物,表示两者之间的相似关系。常用如、像、似、好像、像似的、如同、好比等比喻词。如:鲁迅的杂文像匕首、投枪一样,刺向敌人的心脏

明喻[míng yù]
  1. “孩子像天使一般可爱”是句明喻。

    ' The baby is as cute as an angel ' is a simile .

  2. 在英语中,明喻(Simile)和暗喻(Metaphor)作为修辞格一直为作家广泛运用。

    Simile and metaphor are widely used in English as a kind of rhetorics by authors .

  3. 明喻通常以like或as开头。

    Similes usually start with " like " or " as " .

  4. 明喻和暗喻作为一种修辞格,在英语中的表现形式和翻译方面都有很大的差别。

    Simile and metaphor differ greatly both in form and translation .

  5. 思想也不能被明喻和寓言阐明。

    Neither can the mind be explained by similes and parables .

  6. 洁白如雪是明喻。

    " As white as snow " is a simile .

  7. 语常见的比喻形式有明喻和隐喻。

    Common language of metaphor and simile form of metaphor .

  8. 译自源语明喻是他主要的翻译策略。

    Simile translated from simile is his dominating translation strategy . 3 .

  9. 所以明喻翻译的过程就是顺应关联和关联顺应的过程。

    Therefore , the process of translation involves both Adaptation-Relevance and Relevance-Adaptation .

  10. 小议明喻和隐喻的差别与联系

    A Tentative Analysis on the Differences and Similarities of Simile and Metaphor

  11. 不过这是我已经给予你们的明喻。

    This is the simile of what I have just given to you .

  12. 论隐喻与明喻的结构及认知特点

    The structural and cognitive differences between metaphor and simile

  13. 英语中明喻和暗喻的形式及翻译

    The Form and Translation of English Simile and Metaphor

  14. 明喻与隐喻的比较及其文化差异

    Comparison of Simile & Metaphor and Cultural Differences

  15. 修辞手段主要有双关,明喻,夸张,仿拟和言语误用。

    The rhetorical devices include pun , simile , hyperbole , parody and malapropism .

  16. 同明喻相比,暗喻不那么书面化而且更加形象化。

    Compared with a simile , a metaphor is less literal and more figurative .

  17. 尤今近期作品明喻分析

    Simile Analysis of You Jin 's Recent Works

  18. 用明喻隐喻讽喻表示的内心的比较。

    The kind of mental comparison that is expressed in similes or metaphors or allegories .

  19. 她的文体中用很多明喻。

    Her style is rich in simile .

  20. 此项调查结果与对小说中明喻和隐喻句子的分析相一致。

    The result of the questionnaire and the analysis on similes and metaphors are identical .

  21. 明喻是反映一个民族文化的一种重要方式,同时也反映了一种语言文化的认知方式。

    Simile is a reflection of the culture and the cognitive style in the language .

  22. 浅谈广告英语中双关语、杜撰词、仿拟、明喻和暗喻的翻译

    Translation of Puns , Nonce Words , Parodies , Similes and Metaphors in English Advertisements

  23. 但是在具体语言环境中分析研究明喻和隐喻差别的比较少。

    It is usual to study similes and metaphors with little reference to discourse context .

  24. 英汉明喻比较研究

    Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Simile

  25. 明喻、隐喻、转喻和提喻,其共同点就是喻。

    Simile , metaphor , metonymy and synecdoche have the same characteristic that is metaphoric use .

  26. 浅议暗喻与明喻

    Metaphor and simile in my eye

  27. 明喻常见句型及其翻译

    Common Simile Patterns And Their Translation

  28. 第一,论文比较了汉英比喻的两种基本类型&明喻和暗喻。

    Firstly , the essay compares the two basic types of it , simile and metaphor .

  29. 回想战争,我能给予你们一个明喻的说法。

    Back to thinking about the battlefield , there is a simile I can give you .

  30. 虽然明喻和隐喻都是将本体和喻体进行比较,但是二者间存在着本质区别。

    Similes and metaphors are both figures of comparison , however , they are different in essence .